DATA 2013
Responsible National Curriculum National Assessment Program (NAPLAN) National data collection and reporting program
In May – All Australian students participate in testing under the National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy
NAPLAN assesses skills of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in: Reading, Writing Language conventions spelling grammar and punctuation Numeracy numeracy data, measurement, space and geometry number, patterns and algebra
Parent report School Report - SMART DATA National Report - gender, Indigenous status, language background other than English status, parental occupation, parental education, and geolocation (metropolitan, provincial, remote and very remote) at each year level and for each domain of the test.
Column Graphs on reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy Individual result School average / National average Questions answered correctly Questions answered incorrectly or not attempted Criteria achieved / not achieved in writing
State averages / grouped school averages Boys' averages Individual results: Each question attempted Achievement scores = numbers e.g. 521 Bands e.g. 5 – 10 Growth
1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 10 Bands National benchmarks replaced by national minimum standard The bottom band includes the exempted children Expected Growth Bands 78 Points Expected Growth 5-71 Band52 Points Expected Growth Band39 points Test Aspects Same questions in various years Questions negotiated
Cut scores separating bands Cut score Band 9 and Band Band 8 and Band 9634 Band 7 and Band 8582 Band 6 and Band 7530 Band 5 and Band 6 (*Year 9)478 Band 4 and Band 5 (*Year 7)426 Band 3 and Band 4 (*Year 5)374 Band 2 and Band 3322 Band 1 and Band 2 (*Year 3)270 * Cut off score for national minimum standard
Below the national minimum standard
Assesses only some aspects of what schools value NAPLAN over-emphasis leads to narrowing/ distortion of the school curriculum Provides only point-in-time snapshots of student performance Provides limited diagnostic information about individual students especially very high and very low achieving students
Teach curriculum Specific teaching / preparation e.g. English Persuasive Writing Skills period / Tuesday Period 2 Years 7 and 8 Reading 20 minutes Skills Booklet Literacy and Numeracy (all year) Apps - Schools A to Z; Vocab /Spelling; Numeracy
Term 1 and part of Term 2 up to NAPLAN Tests: reading 20 minutes Naplan Skills Booklet Online Naplan Activities
Term 2 Years 7 and 9 - Naplan Practice under test conditions - marked, returned and reviewed Practice tests for Years 7 and 9 placed on Moodle - Easter holidays
Analysis of data e.g. explanation of negative or no growth Remediation - whole school e.g. Maths Online Writing skills Learning Support – groups and individuals e.g. Multilit
Investigate specific programs such as Grammatikus Skills Classes – Tuesday (Period 2) Parental Support e.g. programs such as Maths online, IXL Maths, Vocab apps