Michelin Man Academy Event during school/work…
Communications & Brand Image Michelin Africa, India & Middle East Rebecca Lee Director Communications & Brand Image Michelin Africa, India & Middle East Event during school/work…
Primary School Deputy Principal Deira International School Nigel Ludlam Primary School Deputy Principal Deira International School Event during school/work…
Delivery Ambassadors helped to reinforce the philosophy of ‘policing’ to facilitate the learning for Years’ 3, 4 & 5 (children aged 7 to 10 years) A campaign that’s interactive and child-centered with the use of ‘Welcome to Safety’ packs to engage children in road safety matters Children are able to evaluate their learning and understanding of road safety by completing a number of set tasks Giving the children the information, detail and tools to communicate road safety making them future ambassadors
Examples of Delivery Self Reflection (Journey into school) Role play (Family day out) Creative Learning (Chatter Box)
Self Reflection Children have the ability to learn from experience Develop an understanding of good practices Encourages discussion, “thinking over things” Children learn not only by exposure to ideas and experiences, but also within their current social environment
Self Reflection Results Straight from Children Aged between 5 and 11 yrs 11% of the students claimed that the driver broke the speed limit 33% of students traveling in passenger cars do not wear seatbelts 26% of the students told us that the driver of the car used their mobile phone while driving
Role Play Role play has the ability to raise issues and help problem solving One of the key purpose of role play is to get children to look at road safety in a new and different way Role play can provide simple answers to current or existing poor road safety practices Role play exercises can be used to develop real-world skills and promote good citizenship
“The family are about to go out on a family trip using the family car “The family are about to go out on a family trip using the family car. Our family consists of a mom, dad and two children, the teachers can help select the children”
Now, where should we go? I think we will let the class decide” Burj Al Arab Burj Khalifa Global Village Wild Wadi
This family car is a typical car This family car is a typical car . It has front driver seat, a front passenger seat and two or three seats at the back of the car”
“Where are my keys?”
“The tyres look a little flat”
“The driver’s mobile phone is ringing !”
“The beach looks lovely today, very busy”
“Come on, get out of the way”
“The driver’s mobile phone rings for a second time !”
‘I think the signal light is about to change”
“The light is changing to yellow !”
The family has reached their destination, although there were several issues with this family. Did you identify any? Answers: - Tailgating - Aggressive driving - On Mobile phone - Tyres not checked - Child hanging from window - Speeding through signals - Seat belt ?
“Ok, the family is ready to travel home “Ok, the family is ready to travel home. Shall we help them travel safely by giving them the right safety information?” “Who should sit where?”
“What is the TYRE safety message?”
“Everyone please put on and fasten their seatbelt”
“The driver’s mobile phone is ringing ! Should the driver answer?”
“Great answer. It may cause a distraction ”
“The signal is on yellow. What must the driver do?”
“The family has arrived home safely and with the help of you and your classmates”
Role Play Role play has the ability to raise issues and help problem solving One of the key purpose of role play is to get children to look at road safety in a new and different way Role play can provide simple answers to current or existing poor road safety practices Role play exercises can be used to develop real-world skills and promote good citizenship
Creative Learning Children, through the use of creative play encourages communication between themselves Children become involved in their own learning Children absorb key road safety messages through experiential creative play Creative learning has the ability to transform children’s thinking
Rebecca Lee | Thomas Edelmann | Nigel Ludlam Q&A Rebecca Lee | Thomas Edelmann | Nigel Ludlam Event during school/work…
Train the Teacher Program DELIVERY OPTIONS Register your interest at our exhibition stand for direct delivery or for: Train the Teacher Program Event during school/work… Contact: Shaun Selby, Media Interactive Agency Email: shaun@mia-agency.com