Her husband was the president of the United States for two terms Only first lady elected to be a senator Worked hard to fund 21.4 billion dollars to aid clean up and recovery of the 9/11 tragedy Visited American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq this last thanksgiving Graduated from Yale School of Law in 1973 She has two major qualities Intelligence in dealing with political issues Leadership
“Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated” George W. Bush 09/ html George W. Bush’s plan of terrorism is to not only stop the terrorist that have caused harm to the United States but also to go after all terrorists In this way we agree with President Bush’s foreign policy
Senator Clinton’s foreign policy would go after all terrorist around the world and the countries that harbor terrorist One way that Senator Clinton and President Bush differ is that Senator Clinton would not declare war on a country that does not threaten America directly
“I strongly support diversity of all kinds, including racial diversity in higher education. But the method used by the University of Michigan to achieve this important goal is fundamentally flawed. President George W. Bush 1/ html 1/ html President Bush believes that colleges that have quotas for their students is wrong and that giving students extra points, on their application, solely by their race is unconstitutional
We agree with President Bush’s view on affirmative action because it says in the constitution that all men are created equal Senator Clinton’s policy on civil rights would be similar only she would pass laws to enforce the rights set forth in the constitution and make employers and colleges obey them
New tax-free Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to help more Americans gain affordable coverage. President Bush’s New Policy The President wants to create HSAs, which will help individuals and businesses save a substantial amount on health insurance premiums ands gain more control over their health care spending. Americans who set up HSAs along with the purchase of a low-cost, high-deductible health care plan can use tax-free money to pay for routine medical expenses, while gaining protection against major medical expenses.
We agree with President Bush’s new policy on creating HSAs because it allows Americans to save money, which will help the economic growth and Americans will also gain more control of their healthcare. Senator Clinton’s policy follows along with the same lines as President Bush’s plan. Healthcare is a basic need for everyone and with the new use of HSAs Americans will be able to save money on their health insurance and other medical expenses. Americans who set up HSAs with the purchase of a low-cost, high-deductible health care plan will be able to use tax-free money to pay for their routine medical expenses.
George W. Bush’s six-point policy on creating jobs for those who want them: oAllows families to plan for the future by making tax relief permanent. oEncourages investment and expansion by restraining Federal spending and reducing regulation. oMakes our country less dependent on foreign sources of energy through a comprehensive national energy policy. oExpands trade and levels the playing field to sell American goods and services across the globe. oProtects small business owners and workers from the explosion of frivolous lawsuits that threaten jobs across America. Lowers the cost of health care for small businesses and working families through Association Health Plans, tax-free Health Savings Accounts, tax credits for employer contributions to Health Savings Accounts, and Medical Liability Reform.
Under Senator Clinton Economic policies there will be the continuous tax help for all Americans. She also wants to protect small American business owners and workers from the lawsuits which have threaten jobs across America. American goods will be sold around the world and trade sales will grow. The one policy President Bush has which Senator Clinton does not follow is his national energy policy which makes our country less dependent on foreign sources of energy. Senator Clinton feels that we need other countries just as much as they need us and that trade would not follow through as well without our foreign sources. Senator Clinton agrees with President Bush on the lines of his economic policies and she feels they will help the economy grow except his national energy policy.
Senator Clinton would be a good president for many reasons: She is intelligent and has leadership skills She would go after terrorist where ever they hid She would uphold the United States Constitution that ever man is created equal. Back to Original PPT Back to Original PPT