Parent’s Information Meeting Wednesday 11th June 2014 Welcome everyone to Big Maths Day. Have been using programme for coming up on 3 years. We have now fully embedded it into the school and are seeing the improvements it is making to children’s numeracy skills. Parent’s Information Meeting Wednesday 11th June 2014
What is Big maths? A systematic, progressive programme that focuses on developing core numeracy skills. Core numeracy skills are developed through daily CLIC sessions. Big Maths is our numeracy programme, with a strong focus on mental calculation. We still use TeeJay as our main maths scheme to further develop these skills and to teach outer maths….shape, measure etc. TeeJay takes up the main part of our Maths lesson and is our main maths resource.
Benefits of big maths Children receive a personalised, daily numeracy programme to develop their skills. Whole school approach. Children can see their next steps and what they need to do next to make further progress. Increased confidence levels. It’s great fun!
The 4 core skills According to Ben Harding, CLIC is fundamental to mathematical development because this is the learning sequence through which we all develop numeracy. CLIC is a sequential programme of daily basic skills for numeracy. Implementation of this programme ensures that all children have a constant, daily drive to up-level their numeracy. What makes this more successful than original daily mental sessions is that it’s structured, progressive and personalised for each child. Show Pupil Books and explain progress drives.
Big maths weekly timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Counting 5 min Test Learn-Its It’s Nothing New Calculation
A PERSONAL PROGRAMME-ADDITION 3.2 + 2.5= 3.22 + 2.98= 6.2 + 8.9= 6.77 + 8.73= 6.8 + 3.3= 6.72 + 2.33= 3.9 + 6.8= 3.52 + 3.67= CLIC is delivered differently as you progress through the school and you will see that as you go around the classes. In the infant department learning in general is very active – youtube songs for counting, Jingles for learning ‘learn its section. This is an example of how a teacher would deliver calculations section. Red and purple colour shows how she differentiates within a class. 8.6 + 1.7= 8.55 + 1.45= 2.5 + 4.8= 2.58 + 4.99=
Weekly CLIC test – P2 upwards On a Friday the children get 2 tests. This one concentrates on the CIC part of CLIC. The type of questions are repeated each week. Once a child has scored full marks 3 times in a row, they can move onto the next test.
Weekly BMBT test This test focuses on the Learn-its section only. A child stays on the same test for a full academic year. When they score full marks continuously, hey have to start beating the time they complete the test in.
The characters Pim is an alien from the planet CLIC. He can be used to support children
Big maths strategies
Big maths at home Each teacher will give out different homework to develop what they are teaching in class. Encourage and support your child with these tasks. Ask your child to talk through the examples and relate this to work they have been doing in class – encourage them to teach you! Praise! Celebrate the successes.
Question and answer session Thank you for coming along! Any questions? For more information regarding Big Maths visit the official website -