University of Arkansas at Little Rock


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Presentation transcript:

University of Arkansas at Little Rock Associate of Arts in General Studies Degree Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation Strategies: A Poster Presentation Educational & Student Services Retreat November 13-14, 2007 Dr. Thea Zidonowitz Hoeft University College Division Chief & Director of Academic Advising Ms. Margaret McClain, M.S. Assistant Director of Academic Advising Technical Assistance: Anna Bay TerAvest, G.A.

An Overview 1 UALR’s mission is to “develop the intellect of students” and “to instill in students a lifelong desire to learn.” The Associate of Arts in General Studies supports this mission by providing students with the same competencies through the core curriculum, which is required by all UALR undergraduate students. The Associate of Arts in General Studies mission is aligned with the UALR mission.

Methods 2 .01 All students to whom the Associate of Arts in General Studies (AAGS) was conferred to for the years 2000-2004 were obtained from University College Data Central after the eleventh day of the official enrollment report for the fall 2007 semester. The data is based upon an Access program utilizing the BANNER information system. The number of AAGS graduates, their sex, average age and age range were identified for 2000-2004. The data was analyzed for the number of AAGS graduates and the number of those individuals who were conferred a UALR bachelor’s degree. The number of native and transfer students were identified from the AAGS to bachelor’s graduates as well as the number and range of transfer credits. All AAGS to UALR bachelor’s degree graduates were analyzed for sex, average age, age range, and average number of semesters and years to the bachelor’s degree.

Demographics & Data 3 .02 Associate of Arts in General Studies (AAGS) to Bachelor’s Degree at UALR Year1 AAGS Graduates Conferred Bachelors After AAGS degree 2000 44 22 (50%) 2001 58 27 (47%) 2002 54 21 (39%) 2003 72 35 (49%) 2004 60 23 (38%) Total 288 128 1. Each year is defined as Spring, Summer and Fall semesters

Average Time from AAGS-in Semesters Five Year Demographics for Associate of Arts in General Studies to UALR Bachelor’s Graduates 4 Year Number Sex Male Female Average Age Age Range Average Time from AAGS-in Semesters Average Time in years 2000 22 18 36 28-59 8 2.5 2001 27 20 27-66 7 2.4 2002 21 16 34 25-48 6.75 2.25 2003 35 23 33 24-53 5 1.5 2004 8 15 31 26-47 4.4

Associate of Art in General Studies to Bachelor’s Degree UALR Native & Transfer Students 5 Year Native Students1 Transfer Students2 Average # of Transfer Hours Range of Hours 2000 n=22 13 (59%) 9 (41%) 32 3-104 2001 n=27 14 (52%) 13 (48%) 40 3-81 2002 n=21 10 (48%) 11 (52%) 43 2003 n=35 16 (46%) 19 (54%) 37 3-85 2004 n=23 12 (52%) 11 (48%) 29 3-73 Native students are defined as <11 transfer hours Transfer students are defined as > 12 transfer hours

Five Year Demographics for Associate of Arts in General Studies Graduates 6 Year Number Sex 1 Male Female Average Age 2 Age Range 2000 44 35 (20%) (80%) 39 28-62 2001 58 43 (26%) (74%) 27-66 2002 54 42 (22%) (78%) 36 25-57 2003 72 (25%) (75%) 34 24-56 2004 60 47 (22%) (78%) 24-69 1. UALR Undergraduate Student Body Defined Spring 2004: Female= 62%, Male= 38% 2. UALR Undergraduate Student Body Defines Spring 2004: Average Age=27

7 The average age for UALR’s undergraduate population for 2001-2004 was 27 and for 2000 was 26. The average age for the Associate of Arts in General Studies graduates ranged from 31-36 from 2000-2004, and for graduates finishing a bachelor’s degree for the same years, the average age ranged from 34-39. Students who finish the Associate of Arts and then a bachelor’s degree are typically older than the average general population of UALR undergraduate students. This is one indicator that non-traditional students seek the AAGS for a sense of accomplishment. Having reached that milestone, many are encouraged enough to continue on for completion of a bachelor’s degree. These students have to balance family responsibilities; financial commitments, full-time or part-time employment, commuting, and education.

.03 Evidence of Impact Retention & Graduation 8 .03 Retention & Graduation For the five years studied in this research sample, 288 students were retained to graduate with the AAGS degree. 128 of the AAGS graduates were retained at UALR to graduate with a bachelor’s degree Recruitment While it seems unlikely that a 4 year institution like UALR would recruit students into a “short cycle” AAGS degree or that potential students would enroll with this educational goal in mind, a collateral effect seems to occur. Assessment data reveals that individuals seeking the Associate of Science in Nursing or Law Enforcement as a terminal degree from which professional licensure or certification result also seek a second associate degree in the AAGS. Over the year’s, UALR has suspended both the Administrative Science Associate Degree and the Associate of Landscape Architecture and Design. Students in these two majors were recruited into the AAGS degree and graduated. Faculty and staff frequently recruit students to the AAGS degree.

AAGS demonstrates strategic commitment to UALR’s Fast Forward 9 .04 GOAL 1: UALR will provide programs of study that will educate students to live, work, and lead in the complex, technological, diverse world of the 21st century. OBJECTIVE 7: The University will increase the number of baccalaureate degree graduates by 20 percent in five years. GOAL 2: UALR will provide a student-centered educational environment. OBJECTIVE 3: The university will implement research-based strategies for increasing persistence (Retention) and graduation rates of UALR undergraduate students by 20 percent in five years. GOAL 8: UALR will develop a strategy to enhance resources to accomplish its mission OBJECTIVE 2: The university will vigorously communicate who it is and what it does for the people of Arkansas in order to increase understanding and support at local, state, and federal levels.

Implications for Future Research 10 .05 Compare data with other UALR associate degrees excluding the Associate of Science in Nursing GAP analysis (what are the characteristics of those AAGS graduates native and transfer, who persist to the conferred bachelor’s degree?) Investigate tracking AAGS graduates who transfer to other Arkansas institutions through the Arkansas Department of Higher Education data base Review and revise AAGS assessment survey to include descriptive questions about how AAGS students identify themselves Review and revise AAGS assessment plan to include more specific information about AAGS graduates

In the students’ own words… 11 “My job is dependent upon my BS degree, so I would like my AAGS to show that I’m getting closer to my BS.” “I wanted a degree until I could finish a BA.” “It is going to help me get a better job that I have been offered, [one] that I couldn’t get until I have at least a two year degree.” “It will possibly help me in the company but will help me in the future.” “The AA degree is a personal accomplishment and will definitely help with my career in the future.” “This is mainly for personal satisfaction.” “The AA degree will help me move into a better job as I further my education to receive a BS.” “I will receive a raise and will be able to apply for a better job with that qualification.” “It will help me get a better job as a student in college, while continuing for my bachelor’s.” Associate of Arts in General Studies Source: UALR student survey results 2006-2007 Associate of Arts in General Studies: An incremental success point that supports retention to graduation

AAGS Students are non-traditional trying to balance Family Responsibilities Financial Commitments Full-time or part-time employment off campus Commuting Education