Performance and Career Management Process OCFO Monthly Managers Meeting May 21, 2012; June 4, 2012 Neli Lopez
AGENDA 2011 PMP Survey Results Discussion Action Plans 2012 PMP Process Annual Review Form & Self-Assessment Competencies Schedule Training Resources 8/24/20152
2011 PMP Survey: Who Participated 8/24/20153 Lab-wideOCFO Number of respondents Number of written comments OCFO Distribution of respondents was very diverse: - Years of Service - Supervisor vs. non-supervisor
PMP Process Communication 8/24/20154 Top Narrative Themes Need for clearer instructions on PMP process within Division Need for timeliness and a clear schedule QuestionLab-WideOCFO Received good to excellent communication on Lab and/or Division strategic goals 50%60%
PMP Process Communication Action Plan Publish and adhere to PMP Calendar Rollout PMP process at Department Management Team Meetings and/or Department Staff Meetings Department Heads invite HR to meetings in month of June 8/24/20155
Employee/Supervisor Conversations 8/24/20156 Top Themes Employees heard from their managers that they did not value the PMP process Improvement needed in regular performance feedback Improvement needed in development feedback QuestionLab-WideOCFO Good to excellent annual conversations57%69% Regular performance feedback57%29% Regular development feedback47%11%
Employee/Supervisor Conversations 8/24/20157 Action Plan OCFO Supervisors and Managers will initiate performance conversations during regular one-on-one meetings OCFO supervisors and managers will initiate career development conversations, at least annually BLI Annual Conversation Workshop for Supervisors required – to be held in Emeryville BLI Annual Conversation Workshop for Employees optional – to be held in Emeryville OCFO to develop Career Development training for supervisors
Additional Conversation Resources 8/24/20158 BLI Discussion Tool Performance Conversation Resource Guide BLI Workshops Performance Review Discussion Workshops for Supervisors & Employees Leading for Results Workshop Supervisor Scenario Workshop Understanding Differences Workshops Career Development Workshops for Employees
Additional Conversation Resources 8/24/20159 On BLI Website: Online Learning Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback, by Peter R. Garber Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines, by Michael Armstrong Coaching for Peak Employee Performance, by Bill Foster and Karen Seeker Assessment Tools Team Role Assessment Creative Problem Solving Assessment Organization Skills Assessment
2012 OCFO PMP Calendar 8/24/ DateAction 5/18Kickoff Announcement from CFO 6/4Rollout Details from HR Center 6/5 – 6/15Rollout by HR during staff meetings 6/22Self Assessments (combined form) Due 7/31Annual Reviews (combined form) Due in eRoom First week of AugustHigh/Low Performer Comparator Discussion 8/10 – 8/31Reviews and Employee Discussions Finalized 9/1Signed Reviews Returned to HR Center New this year Department Heads responsible for quality of performance reviews HR will only review low performers PMP – Needs Improvement PRD – Acceptable rating or below NOTE: This calendar subject to change
2012 OCFO PMP Training Calendar 8/24/ DateAction 5/21, 6/4HR Rollout to Managers & Supervisors 6/7, 6/11, 6/13, 6/14 Self-Assessment Workshops - Emeryville 6/12Self-Assessment Workshop - Berkeley 6/27, 6/28Annual Review Summary Workshops – new supervisors/refresher - Emeryville 6/29Annual Review Summary Workshops – new supervisors/refresher - Berkeley 7/19BLI Performance Review Discussion Workshops for Supv’s and Employees - Emeryville 7/17, 8/2, 8/14BLI Performance Review Discussion Workshop for Supervisors - Berkeley 7/18, 7/31, 8/16BLI Performance Review Discussion Workshop for Employees - Berkeley New this year BLI Performance Review Discussion Workshop – required for all supervisors
Required Elements Performance expectations and goals that align with Lab/Division/group goals Employee Self Assessment Annual Performance Review – written and conversation 100% completion rate of Annual Performance Reviews (DOE/UC requirement) Discretionary Elements 8/24/ PMP Process Division Two versions of Annual Review Form to choose from: –5-level performance rating scale or –No rating with Needs Improvement box – OCFO will use Division and/or position competencies – OCFO will use Supervisor Employee peer and/or subordinate feedback Career development conversation – OCFO will do Employee Career development conversation
2012 PMP Process PMP Annual Review Summary & Self-Assessment Forms New Combined PMP Form – see handout Guidance Sheet - separate document Competencies Rating scale Imbed into Combined PMP Form 8/24/201513
2012 PMP Process Where to find Forms, Guidance, and Calendar OCFO Website, Human Resources in the OCFO, Performance Management Forms and Calendar will also be attached to rollout from HR 8/24/201514
2012 PMP Process Combined Self-Assessment and Annual Summary Form Replaces need for three separate forms: Employee Self- Assessment, Performance Review Summary, and Competencies Employee fills out green section Supervisor fills out tan section 8/24/201515
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Copy from last year and add any updates
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Use only when performance needs improvement in order to meet job requirements/expectations -- serves as formal notification Be specific about performance goals not met, what the employee needs to do to improve, and by when Use consistent language to corrective action documentation
2010 PMP Process - Tips 8/24/ There should be no surprises in the review Do not put a performance problem or issue in the appraisal that has never been mentioned to the employee Focus on behaviors Does the overall summary reflect the detail & vice versa? Hey, what’s this all about? I thought I was doing great?
2012 PMP Process - Tips What to watch out for when writing and reviewing performance reviews: Avoid colorful and subjective language Do not provide too much information regarding medical leaves Do not use personal names – use job titles Bias – when arbitrary factors may influence the rater to distort appraisal information Horn Affect – focusing accomplishment on only negative things, (such as a missed deadline) Halo Affect – focusing accomplishments on only positive things Leniency –all employees get high or low scores Recency - when more weight is given to recent occurrences and discounts the employees earlier performance 8/24/201519
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Performance management is not an annual appraisal… The performance management process is designed to be an interactive exchange between employee and supervisor that occurs throughout the performance year. The employee and supervisor should additionally have ongoing conversations throughout the year about progress. Goals and expectations can be revised as needed to meet the organizational business needs and goals.
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Appraisal is aimed a building confidence and competence Build respect and responsibility Provide constructive feedback Identify ways for employee to succeed Aligning strategic goals with employee development Assist in salary management decisions
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Specific – goals should be specific and tangible, they should be detailed enough to provide clear direction 2. Measurable – goals should be measurable, quantity, quality and cost 3. Achievable - goals are attainable given skill level, timeframe and resources 4. Responsible & Relevant – responsible party? who is accountable for achieving result - is the goal in line with needs 5. Timely – goals have a specific time for completion
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Peer Review Form Optional form you can use to gather peer feedback Resource you can draw from when completing the Annual Review Summary
2012 PMP Process 8/24/ Career Development Plan Form Optional form employee can submit along with Self Assessment Opportunity to create a plan for long- term learning and growth
2012 PMP Process Questions? 8/24/201525