Curriculum KS3 Information Evening 2014/2015
At Wrotham School we aim to offer a balanced and focussed curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of our students. In year 7 and 8 all student follow a standard curriculum of subjects before choosing their GCSE options for year 9, 10 and 11.
Subjects – Year 7 and 8 Core – All students study the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. Humanities – All students study History, Geography and RE. The Arts – All students study Music, Drama and Art and Design. Technology – All students study ICT, Food Technology and Design. Sport – All students receive PE and Sport lessons.
Languages Languages are an important part of our curriculum and we offer a tailor made provision that caters to the needs of our individual students. Most students will study 1 language, those who are highly able study 2 languages and some will not study language and will receive extra English and Maths lessons to ensure they are making the expected progress they are capable of.
Ability Setting From September students have been placed in sets based on ability. This is to ensure that each child receives the right level of support and challenge in their classes. The sets are based on CAT tests and Primary school assessment. Later in the year decision will also be decided by teacher assessment. Sets are reviewed 3 times per year at the end of each full term. Students may move up or down.
Sets SET A and B 2 Languages SET C and D 1 Language SET E Extra English and Maths
Appropriate challenge No matter which set a child is placed in they will receive teaching that is appropriate for their needs. A higher ability set will not mean more progress will be made. Each individual student will be challenged to improve. The school’s decision on setting is final and will only be reviewed at the 3 designated times of each year.
Mixed Ability Teaching When considered appropriate, in some subjects such as art, drama and P.E; students are taught in mixed ability sets.
GCSE options We now have a 2 year KS3 (7+8) and a 2 year KS4 ( ) This allows us to prepare students for the tougher requirements of GCSE study. This means options events take place in the spring and summer term of year 8.
Assessment Assessment is a vital way of tracking, monitoring, supporting and inspiring students to make progress. In September the national curriculum levels were removed from all primary and secondary schools.
Assessment We have developed and introduced our own system for assessment and reporting that will give each student and parent a detailed guide of how they are progressing. We will use bands from 1-9 that will reflect a students progress through years 7 and 8. These have replaced the NC levels at Wrotham School and are closely linked to the new GCSE grades from 2017.
Targets Students will be given a target band when they arrive in year 7. This target band will be generated based on primary school levels and performance in our CAT tests. This target will give students a challenging goal to work towards throughout year 7 and 8. We will review this target on a semester by semester basis.
Band Descriptions Band 3 – If maintained this student is working towards an F grade standard at GCSE Band 4 – If maintained this student is working towards a D grade standard at GCSE Band 5 – If maintained, this student is working towards a C grade standard at GCSE Band 6 – If maintained, this student is working towards a C grade standard at GCSE Band 7 – If maintained, this student is working towards a B grade standard at GCSE Band 8 – If maintained, this student is working towards an A grade standard at GCSE Band 9 – If maintained this student is working towards an A* grade standard at GCSE
Subject Progress
Progress Paths- It is expected that every student will make 3 Bands of progress in 2 years.
Homework Timetable Year GroupSubjectFrequencyWEEK 7 English1 x per weekALL Maths1 x per weekALL Science1 x per weekALL Geography1 x per 2 weeksODD History1 x per 2 weeksEVEN MFL1 x per 2 weeksODD ART1 x per 2 weeksEVEN TECH/ ICT/ FOOD1 x per 2 weeksODD DRAMA/ MUSIC1 x per 2 weeksEVEN RE1 x per 2 weeksODD 8 English1 x per weekALL Maths1 x per weekALL Science1 x per weekALL Geography1 x per 2 weeksEVEN History1 x per 2 weeksODD MFL1 x per 2 weeksEVEN ART1 x per 2 weeksODD TECH/ ICT/ FOOD1 x per 2 weeksEVEN DRAMA/ MUSIC1 x per 2 weeksODD RE1 x per 2 weeksEVEN
The New School Website
New Website- features Parent Section All policies All News and newsletters. Head teachers Blog Twitter feeds for school, departments and SEN department. Student learning blogs Full Calendars in digital and printable formats. Parent Pay Parent Portal
Parent Portal Support
Literacy and Numeracy Literacy and Numeracy are one of our most important areas of focus at all stages of our provision. We provide catch up and intervention sessions with those who need it to ensure all of our students are prepared to succeed at GCSE.
Literacy and Numeracy Changes to GCSE’s and the curriculum have sent a clear message. Expectations of literacy and ability in Maths and English have been significantly raised. High levels of reading, writing and maths skills will be required and assessed in ALL subjects.
Literacy and Numeracy We have increased curriculum time in Maths and English substantially. We put these skills at the front of everything we do. But… We also need your help and support.
Parent Views My Child Is happy at school 98.6% My child feels safe at school 99.1% My child makes good progress at this school 98.1% My child is well taught at this school 99.1% My child receives appropriate homework 91.6% The schools makes sure its pupils are well behaved 95.2% The school effectively deals with bullying 97.1% The school is well led and managed 98.6% The school responds well to the concerns I raise 96.2% I receive valuable information from the school about my child progress 94.3% Would you recommend Wrotham School to another parent? 99.5% From over 220 survey returns last academic year; the data tells us that over 90% of parents surveyed agree with the statements provided in all categories. We are very proud of this. Thank you for your continued support.
Parent Voice Parent voice meets once every term. This session is run by our behaviour support officer Mrs S James. Each session has focusses on a key theme requested by parents or involves consultation on key issues. If you are interested in joining, keep an eye on our parent mail letters or contact Mrs James at
Parent Evening and Reports We are now reporting on student progress once every 8 weeks. This means there will be 6 assessment points in each academic year – all of equal length. Full reports will remain 1 x per academic year and will be followed, as before by a parents evening. Following parent concerns raised last year. Year 7 will now receive a parents evening earlier in the year. Year 8 parents evening will line up with options evening and will be accompanied by an open night to meet teachers and choose options.
Pastoral Support and Behaviour Mrs K Ward
Passport to Success at Wrotham School
Academic Achievement + Professional Skills
Contributions to Discussions WROTHAM PASSPORT Independent Study Problem SolvingPerformance and Presentation Teamwork LeadershipGrowth Mind-SetCitizenship Well-BeingSelf-PresentationCultural Experiences
Contributions to Discussions Problem Solving Performance and Presentation
Teamwork Leadership Independent Study
Self-presentation Well-being Growth Mind-set
Cultural Experiences Citizenship
NameHouse Contributions to Discussions Performance & Presentation Independent Study Problem Solving Growth Mindset Teamwork Leadership Self Presentation Citizenship Well-Being Cultural Experiences Grand Total Student 1Puma Student 2Puma Student 3Tiger Student 4Puma Student 5Tiger Student 6Jaguar Student 7Tiger Student 8Cheetah
REWAR DS House Citizenship Contributions to Discussions Cultural Experiences Growth Mind-set Independent Study Leadership Performance & Presentation Problem Solving Self Presentation Teamwork Well-Being Grand Total Cheetah Jaguar Lion Puma Tiger
Graduation 2015