The U.S. and Terrorism: The Path to 9/11 Mr. Bach United States History
The Persian Gulf War of 1991 Cause: Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait Problem: Threatens the control of the Middle East’s Oil Supply
Operation Desert Storm President George H.W. Bush leads a UN coalition to expel Saddam for Kuwait The war lasts about 5 days and is a complete US victory
Postwar Plans Bush makes the decision not to remove Saddam Hussein from power U.S. troops remain based in Saudi Arabia to patrol “No-Fly Zones” over Iraq
World Trade Center Bombing Truck bomb in parking garage kills 6 and wounds over a thousand U.S. troops remain based in Saudi Arabia to patrol “No-Fly Zones” over Iraq Ramzi Yousef
U.S. Intervention in Somalia In 1992, the U.S. sends troops into Somalia to protect ethnic minorities and alleviate the suffering due to a famine U.S. troops get caught in a Somali Civil War involving Islamic warlords
Black Hawk Down 18 U.S. troops are killed in street fighting by soldiers loyal to Islamic warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid President Clinton decides to withdraw all U.S. troops from Somalia
Oklahoma City Bombing Americans are killed in a truck bomb blast Target is a federal government building Worst act of domestic terrorism in American history
Timothy McVeigh Persian Gulf War Veteran Revenge for government action at Waco, Texas and against militia groups
Embassy Bombings Hundreds of people are killed in twin bombings at the American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya Credit claimed by Egyptian Islamic Jihad Osama bin Laden put on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List
Columbine Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 13 people at Columbine High School in Colorado and then commit suicide
USS Cole Al-Qaeda launches a suicide attack on the U.S.S. Cole in a port off Yemen. 17 sailors killed; 39 injured
September 11, ,995 people are killed including 19 hijackers Worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor
American Resilience – “Let’s Roll”
The Patriot Act Gives the NSA and FBI greater ability to conduct searches of phone, computer and other communications (to name a few provisions) to fight terrorism Department of Homeland Security established.
Invasion of Afghanistan Target: Break-up the Taliban government that has been harboring Al-Qaeda training camps Osama bin Laden escapes (most likely to Pakistan)
Invasion of Iraq Target: Remove Saddam Hussein from power because he is holding WMDs Bush Doctrine: Pre- emptive war against states sponsoring terrorism
The Iraq War Controversy
The War on Terror Continues “The Underwear Bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab “The Times Square Bomber” Faisal Shahzad