Increase the proportion of lessons that are good and outstanding by providing more opportunities for teachers to work together and observe the outstanding practice that exists. Increase the rate of progress that all students make in English by: increasing the focus on literacy in all subjects and embedding the new marking strategy designed to improve students’ spelling and punctuation. Ensure that all leaders use the information the academy gathers on students’ progress to: set challenging targets for the academy and the students, monitor carefully the progress individuals and groups of students are making and to ensure that teachers devise learning activities with a suitable level of challenge for all abilities, especially the more able.
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Reg/Tut/Ass 8:25 – 8:30 8:25 – 8:30 8:25 -8:30 8:25 – 9:30 8:25 – 9:30 Lesson 18:30 Lesson 29:30 Lesson 19:30 Break10:30 Break10:30 Lesson 310:50 Lesson 210:50 Lesson 411:50 Lesson 311:50 Lunch12:50 Lunch12:50 Registration1:30 Registration1:30 Lesson 51:35 Lesson 41:35 Lesson 62:352:30 Lesson 52:35 End of day3:35 End of day3:35
The Ofsted Development Target Action Plan The Self-Evaluation Form (SEF)
February 2014 “The visit was the first monitoring inspection since the academy was judged to require improvement following the section 5 inspection in November It was carried out under section 8 of the Education Act Senior leaders are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement identified at the recent section 5 inspection. The academy should take further action to: ensure all students respond to feedback on their work, so that the accuracy of their spelling and punctuation improves.”
Visit by Rosemary Prince, the lead adviser from the new DFE Regional Commissioner’s Office responsible for the East of England, November 2014: Noted the strategies we have put in place to ensure a “better deal for our pupils”, our focus on “ensuring that pupils make better progress in English, maths and science” and the “engaging atmosphere and sense of purpose in lessons”.
Recovery Development
There has been continued loss of funding due to reduction in pupil numbers. The consequence of the drop in birth rate in the area is that the intake for Year 7 over the last two years has been well below the admission number of 120 students (the PAN). Each individual pupil brings funding of £4.9K and therefore this significant shortfall in pupil numbers has had a major impact on income. The situation in respect of the birth rate has been further compounded by the school’s placement in special measures in 2012 which had the effect of a number of students leaving the school or deciding not to attend the school between 2012 and From 2015 it is expected that Suffolk schools will receive an uplift of the School Budget Share of around £68 per pupil. However, this will be wiped out by a 2.5% increase in the employer’s pension contribution in the same year. It has been confirmed that the Education Support Grant to academies will be falling from £140 to £87 per pupil. The Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State commits the Academy to operate within a balanced budget on the funding provided.
Holbrook Teaching Model Holbrook Lesson Model Personalisation of Learning Peninsula Partnership of Schools Marketing Transport
An Academy at the heart of the local community? (O) Young people make a positive contribution to their community? (O) Overall quality of the education provided? (I) Standards of literacy, numeracy and independent learning? (I) The overall achievement of pupils (attainment + progress)? (I) Providing personalised learning, challenge and support? (I) Quality of teaching at the school? (I) Extending the range of subject choice and co-curricular opportunities? (I) Behaviour and safety of pupils at the school? (I) Promoting personal development and employability skills? (O) Quality of leadership and management? (I) Developing learning through new technologies? (O) Quality of relationships with parents and carers? (O) Quality of communication with parents and carers? (O) Learning for life? (O)