Cumberland County College
Give you ideas, new tools, and the motivation ◦ To reinvigorate your search for new employment opportunities. Learn about One-Stop Career Center services ◦ What your county college can offer to help you retool for a new job ◦ About how can help you with more than just online job leads. You should have a clearer plan to focus your job search efforts that will hopefully lead to employment.
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Career Exploration Assistance Career Search and Advisement ◦ Resume Writing ◦ Interview Skills Employability Check up ◦ Labor Market Information ◦ Input Requested Wages and Area ◦ Input Requested Job title ◦ Provides More Concentrated Data than NJDOL website
Many higher paying careers are demanding for at least a 2 year degree!!!! ◦ Transitioned into a knowledge-based economy ◦ Many employers are updating job requirements ◦ The workplace is expanding in ◦ Technology, Globalization, and Diversity ◦ Decision Making Requirement Even front line workers have to participate in such process ◦ Critical Thinking Skills
Cumberland County College
Provides the list of college courses Projected cost of programs A total number of credits ◦ May increase or decrease Determines WIA eligibility The CCC offers most “in demand courses” ◦ Compare to the Cumberland LMI Access on Career One Stop Employability Check up NJDOL LMI
Application Process to the college ◦ No Application fee required ◦ Accuplacer/Placement (if needed) Placement of math, English, and reading High School Equivalency completion ◦ – Do a financial aid application. Get help financial help to pay for your training.
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Revising your resume to emphasize certain aspects of your qualifications (e.g. a specific job or skill) ◦ Changes how you look to employers ◦ Helps Jobs4Jersey TM provide you with job leads that more closely match your skills and interests. Value of applying for all 4 and 5 star job matches ◦ The greatest chance for opportunities ◦ The best match for qualifications Searching online is essential for finding work. If you need computer skills to do this, that is the training you probably need first.
Understand the job description and requirement ◦ Represents employers’ expectations Create a job training plan ◦ Attend workshops ◦ Attend postsecondary institutions Network with organizations in your field ◦ Information on certifications ◦ Information on skills requirement