21 st Century School Mission! ALL students lifelong learners Narrow achievement gap among students Universal graduation for students All students ready for colleges or workplace training Raise achievement levels among ranks of all students excerpted Rick Stiggins MDE- DAS 2013 Fall Conference presentation
Assessment in all of this… Public accountability for test scores supposed to improve schools (local, state, national, international) Linking federal funding to test scores supposed to improve schools Writing tougher standards & tests—raising the bar supposed to improve schools Competing for federal $ -- RtT, NCLB, -- supposed to improve schools… Evaluating teachers based on annual test scores is supposed to improve schools Adapted from Rick Stiggins MDE- DAS 2013 Fall Conference presentation
WHAT DOES ASSESSMENT INVOLVE ? Making expectations explicit and public Setting appropriate criteria and high expectations for learning quality Systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards Using the resulting information to document, explain, modify, and improve performance
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS REGARDING BALANCING ASSESSMENTS IN YOUR SYSTEM What is the purpose of the assessment? Who will use the information? How will it be used? Is the use formative or summative?
A FORMATIVE VIEW As you develop quality assessments, keep the following questions in mind… What is the purpose of the assessment? To provide teachers immediate information on student learning Who will use the information? Teachers and students in the classroom How will it be used? To inform next steps in the learning process Is the use formative or summative? Formative
A SUMMATIVE VIEW As you develop quality assessments, keep the following questions in mind… What is the purpose of the assessment? Educator Evaluation / Accountability Who will use the information? Teachers and Administrators How will it be used? To certify the learning process Is the use formative or summative? Summative
Michigan Department Of Education
WHAT CAN AN ASSESSMENT SNAPSHOT PROVIDE ? Ineffective/unnecessary assessment to eliminate Equitable distribution Grade level Content Area Assessment Type Purposes and uses that support student growth
THREE REASONS FOR ALS To inform in-service and pre-service teachers about sound assessment practices To provide professional learning and support that could lead to credentialing To inform public policy
ALS DEVELOPMENT After internal review and revision, several external reviewers and national experts were asked to comment on the standards. These included: Susan Brookhart Carol Commodore Margaret Heritage Ken O’ Connor Jim Popham Rick Stiggins * MAASP, MEMSPA, and Michigan ASCD
ASSESSMENT LITERACY STANDARDS Layout Individual Groups Glossary
FIRST LOOK Skim through the ALS With an elbow partner, discuss what your initial responses are as to how you would use them now
Reflection on the Standards Look at the ________________ Standards Using 1 – 3 make a note next to each statement – in a self- survey manner. Marking 1, 2, or you could teach to others, it’s a part of your current professional practice, 2 – you are working on deepening your understanding and practice 1 – you know the words, but little if any confidence related to your current understanding, not integrated into your current practice. Share Your Observations
NEXT STEPS Conduct an Assessment Snapshot of your district Determine what knowledge you need to develop related to What District-Level Administrators Should Know Begin formulating a plan to involve other stakeholders in the conversations around ALS
Michigan Department Of Education SBOE approved Michigan Standards specify K12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready
MICHIGAN ASCD ASSESSMENT PL Balanced Assessment Systems in our Curriculum Leader’s Institute Visible Learning- John Hattie –August 15/October 1 The Role of Assessment in Unit Design and Delivery - Carol Commodore in partnership with Michigan Assessment Consortium ( May 15- Nov 11) Using a Formative Assessment Action Plan to Impact More Successful Teaching and Learning – Doug Fisher (October 29)
CONTACT INFORMATION Kathy Dewsbury-White - Nancy M. Fahner -