Week 8 Session Outline Feedback on Assessment 1 Introduction to Assessment 2 Planning a Unit of Work Practical
Assessment 2 Date of submission: Wednesday 5 th June Weighting: 35% Design a 4 week unit of work for a Stage 4 class, demonstrating your understanding of a learning-centred classroom accompanied by a 1,000 word explanation with a Bibliography
Criteria for Assessment You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate: professional knowledge of pedagogy that supports student learning in the English classroom theoretical understanding of the Quality Teaching Framework and current NSW syllabus how this theory assists a teacher to practically design a learning-centred unit that allows individual students to demonstrate their learning Professional standards of presentation for unit and essay a thoughtful, intelligent approach to engaging students practically in their learning
Learner-centred Classrooms The student is in the centre of the learning process: Determine the pace of their own learning Use strategies appropriate to their learning styles Learning is individualised Motivation is intrinsic Learning ‘how to learn’ skills are developed NB: See Darcy’s blog for resources
Approaching the Task Getting started: Who will you be teaching? - Stage 4 - Class context What will you be teaching? -Topic / Texts/ Theme of your interest -Content suitable to class When will you be teaching? -Stage in course/programme
Where will you be teaching? -In the ideal classroom! Why will you be teaching? -What is the educational value of this unit? How does it reflect quality teaching? How will you be teaching? - Using strategies that create a learner-centred classroom - Using the QTF to make decisions about suitable strategies
Designing the Unit Use the Template provided for Assessment 1 (See below)
Concept: (The overarching idea of the unit based on the skills, knowledge and understanding that you want children to know – it must be drawn from the syllabus outcomes you are addressing) Ask these questions to determine the concept: Is the concept grounded in the syllabus and the selected outcomes? Does the concept capture the deep learning that you want students to have by the end of the unit of work? Is the concept appropriate and relevant for the specified students at that moment in time? Have you considered the concept in terms of the continuum of learning? Does the concept have significance and endurance? Key Question: (What is the big picture question that you would want students to be able to answer at the end of the unit?) OR Essential Learning Goal: (A statement of what you want students to know by the end of the unit) Key Learning Ideas: (Two – Three key learning ideas that students should understand by the end of the unit. They are based on the outcomes and reflect the Concept) Main Text/s to be Explored in Unit: Assessment Task/s: (List outcomes and give an overview of the tasks for and of learning) Assessment for Learning: Assessment of Learning: Cross curricular content: (In syllabus) Literacy: (What are the literacy strategies being employed?) Numeracy: (What are the numeracy strategies being employed?) Language Modes: (Speaking/Listening/Reading/Viewing & Representing) Outcomes: (In full – no more than four per 5 week unit. You are aiming for depth! ) ENGLISH STAGE 4 UNIT OVERVIEW YEAR …..FOCUS/TOPIC…….
Rationale (include reference to Quality Teaching) What do you want the students to learn? Why is it important? How will you know that students are learning?(Assessment: summative and formative) How will the students get there? (Teaching strategies and resources) SYLLABUS CONTENT TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIESEVIDENCE OF LEARNING Learn to: (Use nos only here) Learn about: Week 1 (lessons 1-5)(Each of these sections could run to a page or more)(A brief statement that outlines how you know that the students can do this or are learning this) Resources Learn to: Learn about: Week 2 (lessons 6-10) Resources Learn to: Learn about: Week 3 (lessons 11-15)
Learn to: Learn about: Week 3 (lessons 11-15) Resources A B C D E Assessment Task Outcomes to be assessed: (In full) Language Modes to be Assessed: (reading/writing/speaking/listening/viewing&representing) Key Learning Ideas: Nature of Task: (Clear description of what the requirements of the task.) You will be assessed on how well you: (These statements must reflect the demands of the outcomes and will be used to form the marking guidelines) Marking Guidelines
Selecting Strategies By asking yourself a series of questions throughout the planning phase you can ensure that the unit includes quality learning experiences for your students
Key QuestionsQTF Have I focussed on a small number of key concepts within the topic and establishing the connections between them? DK How do I draw the learner into the lesson, relate to their interests or pose compelling questions? E How do I determine what prior knowledge and experiences students have and how can I tap into and encourage this throughout the unit? BK Have I included opportunities for students to explore the language of the topic by including vocabulary and spelling activities and key word internet searches? M Do I allow students to select activities and have control over the direction of their learning such as portfolios, journals and models? SD Do I use narratives both as content and process to enrich student understanding? N
Key QuestionsQTF Which Thinking Tools will I use explicitly in the unit in order to encourage students to organise, re-organise, synthesise and evaluate? HOT Do the tasks I assign require the students to have deep or superficial understanding? DU Am I providing opportunities for sustained communication (small groups, debating, cooperation, web quests on line, etc) SC Are students required to provide alternative solutions for problems such as open-ended activities and role playing, multicultural texts? PK Are my tasks challenging and do I reward originality and creativity?HE Are students encouraged to support one another through cooperative learning activities? SS
Key QuestionsQTF How do I ensure that all students are actively involved and participating in class? I How do I incorporate and value the cultural knowledge of different social groups? CK Are my activities connected to real life contexts through connected classrooms, guest speakers, etc? C Is there any scope for connecting to or integrating study with other KLAs? KI Do my tasks allow students to show initiative and provide self- assessment criteria? SR Have I provided clear rubrics, modelled quality performance criteria for student work? EQC
The Explanation Essay Explaining how the unit PRACTICALLY reflects learning-centred pedagogy Marking High Distinction cleverly designed unit high quality professional standards (unit and essay) Exemplary understanding of learning centred approach Original and intelligent Distinction detailed understanding of the QTF and leaning-centred theory quality, well-designed unit Quality professional standards Professional standard
Credit Successful learning- centred unit with appropriate understanding of theories Well-designed unit Professional standard of presentation Mostly of a professional standard Pass Effective learning centred unit with some understanding of theories Allows individual students to demonstrate learning Satisfactory standard of presentation Varying professional quality Fail Poor attempt at learning centred-unit with limited understanding of theories Limited unit NOT supporting individual students Essay and unit either/both NOT of professional standard
Frequently Asked Questions Q. How do I submit Task 2? A.I should receive a hard copy sent through your respective campuses on June 5 th, An electronic copy should also be forwarded to by that Q. Do I submit a draft? A. Yes, no later than Wednesday, 29 th May
Q. Does every lesson have to set out in the unit of work? A. No, but I would like to see sequence within the unit. Q. How long is a 4 week unit? A. Plan to have 14 x 1 hour long lessons in the month. Q. How should the assignment be presented? A.The unit of work should be typed and submitted on the template used for task 1. The Explanation should be professionally presented (Times New Roman Size 12 font and double-spaced) and include a cover sheet.
Q. How do I choose the syllabus outcomes? A. It depends on the focus of the unit and the nature of the text/s but you need to choose those outcomes that can be taught well in 4 weeks. No more than 4 outcomes. Q. Do I have to explicitly include the Quality Teaching Framework within the unit? A.The decisions made (as to timing, sequencing, selection of strategies and resources) when planning the unit should be supported by educational theory, in particular, the Quality Teaching Framework
Q. What is included in the Bibliography? A. You should include Syllabus Documents, the QTF, the textbook, any research you have conducted and resources you have used in the unit. Q. Do I include hard copies of resources? A.Yes – especially any you have developed yourself. Remember: quality is better than quantity. Student Questions