Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Military Personnel Section Career Development (FSMPD) Please send all requests to:
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Career Development Counselors A, M-R: TSgt Best B-C, S-Z: SSgt Crumley D-L: SSgt Lewis
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Do you have your orders? CONUS Requirements: Initial Assignment briefing (vMPF Confirmation page) Immunizations Letter Virtual Record of Emergency Data (vRed) SGLI Current Fitness Assessment (AF Portal) PCS orders to Lajes DD Form 1172 (DEERS verification) AF Form 1466 (“Q” Coded Dependents) AF Form 4380 (Special Needs Screener) Any documents pertaining to Personnel Processing Code(s) requirements You should receive orders within 10 duty days via vMPF from the date the last document is turned into Career Development.
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Do you have your orders? Overseas Requirements: Initial Assignment briefing (vMPF Confirmation page) Immunizations Letter Virtual Record of Emergency Data (vRed) SGLI Current Fitness Assessment (AF Portal) PCS orders to Lajes DD Form 1172 (DEERS verification) AF Form 1466 (Members with Dependents) AF Form 965 (Members with Dependents) DoD Foreign Clearance Guide Specific Requirements (e.g. AT Level 1, SERE & ISOPREP) Dependents No Fee Passports/Visa Any documents pertaining to Personnel Processing Code(s) requirements
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Do You have a port call date? Have you turned in your port call request worksheet to TMO? If not, refer to Initial Notification of Selection or call Receive port call via from TMO. *Please contact TMO for all portcall questions, concerns, scheduling, etc.
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Final Out-Processing When: Scheduled 2 duty days prior to your departure date. How: CD Will send you an Outlook calendar invite after receipt of flight information from TMO Time: 1000 Where: Bldg T-112, MPS *MUST BE IN UNIFORM* PT GEAR IS NOT ACCEPTABLE
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Final Out-Processing Mandatory Items: Completed vOP Checklist (Note: Verify vOP checklist 2 days prior to final out) Relocations Processing Memorandum with unit CC/CCF signature Mobility Records OJT Records (E-6 and below only & none electronic records) Dependent(s) Passport/Visa (if applicable) Current Fitness Assessment *Failure to complete mandatory items could result din a delay of your departure.
Today’s Fight—Airmen & Families—Host Nation Relationships—Future Challenges Any Questions? Please send all requests to: