FLLLEX – WP 2, 3, 4 Stefan Humpl Sigrid Nindl Iva Voldanova 3s research laboratory Eurashe 3s research laboratory, www.3s.co.at.


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Presentation transcript:

FLLLEX – WP 2, 3, 4 Stefan Humpl Sigrid Nindl Iva Voldanova 3s research laboratory Eurashe 3s research laboratory,

Work package 2: Survey of expectations of Lifelong Learners __Survey & outline of expectations of potential and existing learners in view of Life Long Learning __Development of a typology of LifeLong Learners __Target groups of LifeLong Learners __Listing and comparison of expectations of target groups towards LLL __Typology of LifeLong Learners & Expectations  basis for choice of indicators of the self-assessment tool in WP 5

3s research laboratory, Deliverables of Work package 2 __Questionnaire in a web based format; gathering and processing of results by WP leader __Questionnaire: to address specific target groups of LifeLong Learners in the concerned countries, underrepresented in existing surveys __Questionnaire will be hosted on the website of Eurashe and the networks of all partners of the consortium __Internal report about results

3s research laboratory, Support to fulfill WP 2 from HE institutions __Send questionnaire (web-based, link to questionnaire will be provided) to as many LLL students as possible: Within your own institutions, within partner institutions in your countries, within institutions you will have interviews with (WP 4) __Questionnaire will be in English

3s research laboratory, Typology of Lifelong Learners I: Who participates in Adult Education? __Formal vs. non-formal adult education __Admission Criteria / Admission Fees __Mode of Attendance (classroom teaching, web-based teaching …) __Target Award (undergraduate/graduate programs ….) __Student Profile (gender, age, level of education, nationality) __Duration (ECTS) __Purpose/Motivation (status, prestige, career, social contact …) __Learning Location (campus, work based, distance …) __Funding Source (government, employer, individual …) __Pedagogic Style (dependent traditional, interdependent, independent)

3s research laboratory, Typology of Lifelong Learners II: patterns of participation with focus on education Completing: __Finishing: working while completing formal education (without particular connection of work and education) __Entering: being hired in late phases by an employer in need of graduates Returning: returning to education and revising a temporary transition from learning to work (desire to “return to school” from full-time job and to take up studies again) Transforming: transformation of the existing career pathway and/or individual development (formal AE as basis for a significant break with existing career pathway)

3s research laboratory, Typology of Lifelong Learners III: patterns of participation with focus on work Reinforcing: reinforcing an existing career pathway (use offers of formal AE to solve developmental issues or to support progress within the chosen line of occupational/professional development) __progressing in the current field (one step ahead) __adapting to the current field (in relation to qualifications) __specialising: completing a program as specialization __peaking: completing a program for professionals (often ISCED 6) Compensating: compensation for shortcomings of an existing career pathway (less important than other four strategies)

3s research laboratory, FocusMain TypeSub-typesDescriptionRelation Contents / Tasks Start of programme before / after joining career Education Completing Finishing Working while studying without particular connection of work and education InsignificantBefore Entering Being hired in late phases by an employer in need of graduates Strong, clearly visible relation Before Returning Returning to education and overruling a temporary transition to work InsignificantAfter Transforming General transformation using education as a basis No relationAfter Work Reinforcing Progressing Progressing in the current field by at least one step on the educational ladder Strong, clearly visible relation After (exceptional: before) Adapting Making one step in the current field, in parallel to an existing one not relevant in the field Strong, clearly visible relatioin After Specialising Completing one programme as a specialisation Strong, clearly visible relation After Peaking Completing a formal programme designed for experienced professionals in the field Strong, clearly visible relation After Compensating Compensating the restriction of an existing pathway InsignificantAfter

3s research laboratory, Different aspects of education for Lifelong Learners Further education: __interest in general education __pleasure in learning __motives for explorations (interest in new fields of knowledge) __interest in a special field of knowledge Private demands: __budget management __child education __preservation of health

3s research laboratory, Why do adults participate in LLL? Status & prestige: __climb up the career ladder __keep the social status __creation of a social status __protection and improvement of the economic situation Career choice: __correction of a mistaken career choice __other causes for a career change Social contact: __general desire for social contact __contact people with equal interests

3s research laboratory, Barriers for Adult Education Situational factors: __financial needs __lack of time __family responsibilities __lack of childcare __lack of supports Social factors: __“forgot” how to study __thought of being to old __afraid of technology __discouragement __self doubts __fear of competition with younger students

3s research laboratory, Work package 3: Survey of expectations of businesses __Survey of expectations of a selected number of businesses and enterprises __Development of a questionnaire, as basis for national interviews __Interviews conducted by phone, Skype or personal within the country __process and deliver statistical data based on the interviews __Outcome: report identifying main obstacles, major driving forces and main expectations for businesses to engage in the LLL programme

3s research laboratory, Deliverables of Work package 3 __Questionnaire in a web based format; gathering and processing of results by WP leader __Conducting interviews, gathering information based on the questionnaire by project partners __Internal report about results

3s research laboratory, Support to fulfill WP 3 from HE institutions __Get in contact with labour market stakeholders (employers, professional bodies etc.) for survey __Deliver the questionnaire to as many labour market stakeholders as possible (please try to define in advance min. 20); part of the questionnaires should be delivered to business and finance sector for possible sectoral analysis __Contacts for additional 16 interviews in the 8 countries of institutional partners (interviews will be made by 3s) __Questionnaire will be in English

3s research laboratory, Expectations of enterprises to engage in LLL of their employees __Improvement of skills & competences of their employees __Familiarity with company-specific processes __Knowledge of legal/technical/functional developments __Motivation/reward for employees __Application of new technologies __Development of new business segments __Innovations/development of new products __Career perspectives for employees __Internal further education program for employees __Upkeeping/improving the competitiveness of the company

3s research laboratory, Barriers for enterprises to engage in LLL of their employees __Shortage of time: “off time” of employees __Problem of substituting employees during their absence __Costs/financial problems __Lack of adequate courses __Risk of skilled workers being headhunted by other companies __Effort of organizing education measures __Scepticism against benefits of further education activities __Problems with the identification of competence deficits __Lack of information about available further education measures

__Collection of interview testimonials __Collection of good practices __Collection of existing materials EACH PARTNER  3 testimonies of HEIs in his respective country (on-site visit/ telephone interview)  3 testimonies of BTPs in his respective country (on-site visit/ telephone interview) Alternative: What about involving the private HEIs? Selection of the respondents: based on their relevance, excellence and importance WP 4 - Methodology

__Examples of good practice __Marketing __Course Design __Delivery of LLL __Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) __Approaches to learners __Staff policy __Quality Assurance, Performance Indicators __Links to qualifications __Differences in provision of LLL between BTP and HEI WP 4 – Key Topics

3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Timeline WP 2WP 3WP 4 Survey of existing material (3s and Eurashe will ask all partners) Infopack for the project (3s and Eurashe) Internal Research on potential respondents (institutional partners) Draft Survey Material (3s and Eurashe) Guidelines for Surveys (3s and Eurashe) Feedback to Draft Surveys and Guidelines (inst. Partners) Survey Material and Guidelines (3s and Eurashe) "Field Phase“ until (institutional partners) Sending Testimonies to Eurashe (institutional partners) Analysing the data (3s and Eurashe) Draft Report on WP 2, 3, 4 (3s and Eurashe) Final Reports WP 2, 3, 4 (3s and Eurashe)31.07.

WP 2, 3, 4: Questions of Interest 1 Formulation / Development of the Programme: Market research, employer requests, policy pressure, definition of specific groups of students, target groups for institutions… Before studying: How to address future LLL students? How to address their employers? Marketing in HE institutions? Admission and Recognition of PL: School diploma or equivalent, 1st cycle award, 2nd cycle award, professional qualification, RPL Mode of attendance: Evening / Weekend / Blocs, „e“-learning, blended Pedagogical style: Dependent traditional (lectures / seminars face to face), interdependent (group work, work based, interactive), independent (project work, research dissertation, distance learning)

WP 2, 3, 4: Questions of Interest 2 Targetted Awards: Pre-degree / diploma, Bachelor / Master, professional qualification, undergraduate credit points, postgraduate credit points, no award. Are the programmes relevant to official structures (job titles…) Duration of course / programme: No. of semesters, no. of ECTS Funding Sources: Central / local government, individual, company / employer Barriers to HE: What are key factors to neglect the supply of HE institutions in LLL? Partnerships: Between HE institutions and students (social life…), between HE and labour market (agreements…), between HE and other institutions (LLL partnerships…)

3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH, 3s and Eurashe – Contact Stefan Humpl Sigrid Nindl Iva Voldanova >>>