KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY School of Education KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY School of Education Out of the Box Thinking: Resources for IHE Faculty and Students in an Online Environment Presenters: Dr. Beverly Downing, Kentucky State University Mrs. Saundra Birch, Kentucky State University Mrs. Renee Scott, Kentucky Department of Education 1
KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY Comprehensive Land-Grant Located in Frankfort, KY Celebrating it 125 Anniversary this Year Only HBCU in Commonwealth of Kentucky Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Accredited – Reaffirmed in 2010 Diverse Enrollment of 2,600 Students Students: 63% African American 30% White 7% Other Faculty: 28% African American 51% White 41% Other 2
KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY School of Education Offers degrees in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Health and Physical Education Biology Education English Education Mathematics Education Social Studies Education Art Education Music Education Master of Arts in Special Education (On-line ) Largest Producer of Minority Teachers in the Commonwealth of Kentucky at fifty-four Percent Over 75% Percent of Special Education Teachers One of the most Diverse Teacher Education Programs in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) 3
Service Area Districts Anderson County Schools Frankfort Independent Schools Franklin County Schools Scott County Schools Shelby County Schools Owenton County Schools Woodford County Schools 4
Background Information The Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) awarded for “Is a collaborative effort to increase student achievement and post-school success for students with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Includes a five-year initiative linked in partnership with numerous agencies throughout the state.” 5
SPDG Five Targeted Outcomes : I. Improve the instructional climate of Kentucky’s schools through a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model. II. Improve postsecondary outcomes for Kentucky’s students with disabilities. III. Build the capacity of Kentucky’s schools to increase academic achievement for students with low incidence disabilities. IV. Increase and retain the number of special education teachers (KSU partnership). V. Improve early childhood transition and over representation in early childhood programs. 6
SPDG Targeted Outcome IV Teacher Recruitment & Retention Promote instructional equity so experienced teachers, as well as, pre- service teachers can have a customized program to meet their individual needs and address instructional issues unique to his/her region or teaching assignment. Objective 1: Increase the number of students in the distance learning Special Education Program at Kentucky State University Objective 2: Develop an in-depth professional development program to provide highly trained educators competent in both special education and culturally responsive instruction to close achievement gaps. Objective 3: To develop an in-depth continuing professional development program for current special education teachers and parent training by using distance learning technologies to deliver these training materials available at all times in an effort to close the achievement gap in special education. 7
Graduate Program Master of Arts in Special Education (K-12) Learning Behavior Disorders hours. (33 hrs plus Practicum 3, 6 or 12) TOTALLY ON-LINE Alternative Certification Program (Option 6) 8
Significant Findings No Teaching Experience 49% Two or more Years of Teaching Experience 51% Referrals from Website 41% Word of Mouth 55% Online/Distant Learning Program Factor 76% Plan to Continue Teaching in Same School 42% 9
Professional Development Center 10
Kentucky State University School of Education Needs Assessment Survey Kentucky State University School of Education Special Education Professional Development (SPDG) Needs Assessment Survey On-Line Professional Development Center 11
Next Steps 12 Ensure effective communication of professional development offerings & activities. Work with district teams to ensure that available professional development are utilized Ensure that the professional development learning impact student learning Monitor involvement, progress, and success of its professional development offerings & activities Online Professional Development Center Our Pledge
Out of the Box Thinking: Resources for IHE Faculty and Students in an Online Environment
As an on-line learning provider….. How do you ensure that students in the virtual environment get the same level and quality of resources as those that are provided for on- campus students. As an on-line learning provider….. How do you ensure that students in the virtual environment get the same level and quality of resources as those that are provided for on- campus students. The Obligation
Benefits Free Professional Development (for life of grant) Certification Development provided by Authorities in the Field Portfolio/Credit for Prior Learning Option Graduate Level Academic Credit Degree Credit (Cluster/Strands) Career Networking and Blogging Demonstration Mini Grant Opportunities 16
Admissions & Registration On-line Easy Access Centralized one-on-one Guidance A Listening Ear Assurance Communication Availability
Orientation Webinars On-line Module Readiness for On-line Learning
Advisement The Advisor The Power of Webinar Wizardry
Technical Assistance Technology Specialist Blackboard Technical Assistant 24-7 Tech Support
Meetings Webinar Wizardry Blackboard Tools Face-to-Face Walk-in & By Appt. Other Ed Major Meetings
Books & Resources The Virtual Bookstore On-line Book Resources Tutoring Services Turnitin
Library & Research Resources Yesterday’s Library Today’s Library Tomorrow’s Library
Clinical and Field Experiences Observation of Supervision of Clinical and Field Experiences
Other Campus Resources Awards & Honors Campus Events Scholarship Opportunities International Studies & More…
On-line Professional Development Center Free – Free – Free- Free High Quality Validated Reliable Best Practices Experts Facilitators
Professional Development Resources Used The IRIS Center NCLB: Doing What Works Knowledge Development System Authentic Professional Development 29
What to Expect Facilitated Professional Development Quality and Relevant Professional Development Targeted Usage Training Discussion Boards/Forums Responsive Technical Support 30
Test Preparation Examination Support & Preparation (ESP) Study Plan Coursework PRAXIS II Workshops Test Taking Workshops PLATO Learning PD Sites & Training Smartphone & iPad Apps
Financial Aid Communications Webinars
Q & A
Ms. Renee Scott Mrs. Saundra Birch Kentucky Department of Education SOE Technology Specialist Division of Next Generation Professionals Kentucky State University 500 Mero Street School of Education Frankfort, KY Frankfort, KY (502) Phone (502) Phone (502) Fax (502) Fax Dr. Beverly L. Downing Dr. Beverly L. Downing Kentucky State University Kentucky State University School of Education School of Education 400 E. Main Street 400 E. Main Street Frankfort, KY Frankfort, KY (502) Phone (502) Phone (502) Fax (502) Fax