Tuesday 3 December 2013 FABS meeting Information
WELCOME Jacques Bounin – Director Alliance Française
ABOUT FABS Julie Miehe – Chairperson
Agenda About FABS About DETE FABS Action Plan New Family Survey Sponsorship Social media & Contacts
Since the last meeting… FABS is fully registered as a non-for-profit legal entity 30 volunteers are working on the project, some of them in a full-time capacity The Executive Committee meets on a fortnightly basis to make decisions on the project Subcommittees have been created to workshop specific activities such as pedagogy, operations, communication, events and sponsorship Support from DETE, French Embassy, Alliance Française and many Francophone organisations
Executive Board Julie Miehe Chairperson Muriel de Greslan Vice-chairperson Vincent Vidal Sponsorship Director + 6 volunteers Aurelien Coursodon Operations Director + 5 volunteers Nicole Girod Finance & Budget Béatrice Marilhet Communications Director + 3 volunteers Charlotte Pineau-Johnson Fabrice Jeannin Pedagogy Co-Directors + 10 volunteers Gen Wilcox Secretary & Events Director Clotilde Belanger Data Analysis
ABOUT DETE Ms Sharon Mullins, Executive Director, Education Queensland
DETE is the Department of Education, Training & Employment The Department is committed to ensuring Queenslanders have the education and skills they need to contribute to the economic and social development of Queensland DETE has established a dedicated FABS project Workgroup DETE
Vision Education, Training, Employment – Brighter Futures Purpose Every young Queenslander will be prepared with the educational foundations for successful transitions to further education, training and work.
DETE World-class education and training Strong educational foundations Skills for the economy
DETE Service Delivery Portfolios Establishing & funding kindergarten & integrated early years services Parent & family support programs Regulating, approving and quality assessing education & care services Early Childhood Education & Care Delivering Prep to Year 12 in Qld state schools to prepare young people for successful transitions into further education, training and/or work School Education Supporting the skilling needs of Qld trough funding, delivery and quality assurance of VET Providing information, advice and support to higher education providers, employers, apprentices and trainees to improve workforce participation. Training, tertiary education & employment
DETE Range of Services Public education at state schools Vocational education and training (VET) Administration of the apprenticeship and traineeship system Financial assistance, state-wide accreditation and regulatory systems for Catholic and Independent schools Regulatory services and assistance to Queensland universities Industry liaison
DETE Pathways
DETE Core Learning Priorities: Reading Writing, including spelling, grammar and punctuation Numeracy Science United in our Pursuit of Excellence Agenda for Improvement
DETE Core Learning Priorities (cont’d) Attendance, retention, attainment and transition of students at key junctures of schooling Closing the Gap between the attendance and outcomes of indigenous and non-indigenous students. United in our Pursuit of Excellence Agenda for Improvement
DETE Key Strategies: School and community partnerships School Curriculum Teaching practice Principal leadership and school capability United in our Pursuit of Excellence Agenda for Improvement
DETE School Structure
DETE Education & Training Reforms for the Future Early Phase of Learning Middle Phase of Learning Senior Phase of Learning
DETE P-12 Curriculum Framework Curriculum requirements from Prep to Year 12
DETE Action plan Liaise with FABS on establishing the project (including drafting a MoU) Identify suitable school sites Promote the project to create a wider network for French language teachers throughout QLD Investigate the curriculum priorities Research the HR requirements to ensure teachers accreditation
FABS ACTION PLAN Julie Miehe – Chairperson
START PREPARE LAUNCH Liaise and engage organisations to help FABS to go live Review existing data & analyse needs Approach a budget & seek sponsors Coordinate a cooperative and collaborative work program with all parties Sign a MoU with DETE Communicate to FABS stakeholders Enrol pupils Finalise deployment Handover & School opening FABS Action plan
NEW FAMILY SURVEY Fabrice Jeannin – Pedagogy Co-Director
New Family Survey The FABS project is a partnership between the Department of Education, Training & Employment (DETE), the French Embassy, families and the FABS Board We are launching a second survey which will allow us to: –confirm your interest; –identify families; –ascertain the number of pupils; –find new participants & partners; –prepare a budget for the School. Your feed-back is essential to start the journey.
SPONSORSHIP Vincent Vidal – Sponsorship Director
Help us to fund FABS Our goal is to get as much support as we can from the business community Please contact FABS if you have contacts who might be interested in supporting the project and send us their details – Sponsors will receive immediate recognition, including the benefits of a positive profile of the project in Australia and overseas The project aligns very well within the education, youth and community engagement sponsorship frameworks
FABS Sponsors & partners FABS wishes to thank our current sponsors which have helped us to date. Supporting PartnersCorporate Sponsors
SOCIAL MEDIA & CONTACTS Julie Miehe – Chairperson
Facebook Over 500 visits & 140
Contacts Coming soon: a Website and a Quarterly Newsletter
Q&A session Thank you