DAY 5 Using Scratch to Develop Numeracy © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Participants will be enabled to o Use lists in Scratch o Explore resources aimed at Scratch educators o Explore other ICT Resources from PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE) © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Participants will be enabled to o Complete Course Evaluation o Develop an e-Learning plan for their class. o Create and present a Scratch project © PDST Technology in Education 2012
PDST Techonlogy in Education 2013
Participants will be enabled to o Complete Course Evaluation o Develop an e-Learning plan for their class. o Create and present a Scratch project © PDST Technology in Education 2012
Go to Complete the Evaluation Thank you!
Scratch – a Principal’s Perspective (play good practice video) © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
In this course, you have explored many different aspects of Scratch that can be used to support learning. You have also created a number of resources to help teaching and learning. How do you intend to share this information and the resources with the other teachers in your school? How does your school plan for ICT integration? © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Key e-Learning Plan Resources: ◦e-Learning Handbook ◦e-Learning Roadmap ◦e-Learning Plan Template ◦e-Learning Case Studies ◦e-Learning Audit © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
The e-Learning Roadmap Statements in 5 areas:
Teacher Understanding Planning Teacher Use Student Experience Special Educational Needs ICT in the Curriculum © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Sample Action Plan - Primary Section 1 - e-Learning Plan Introduction Section 2 – Action Plans Section 3 - Conclusion Section 2 - e-Learning Plan Overview Name of School: Click to enter school name here Date of completion: Click to enter date Timeframe for e-Learning Plan: Click to enter timeframe (eg, ) Contents Section 1Introduction (background information) Section 2Overview (priorities, targets, tasks) Action plans (detailed target and task breakdown) Section 3Conclusion -E-Learning budget -ICT policy checklist -Sign off and date Overall vision and mission statement of school (from whole school plan) Enter text here e-Learning vision statement Enter text here Overview of existing school resources Completed e-Learning audit Completed e-Learning Roadmap Enter text here Overview of planning process Who is involved (e-Learning team)? Enter text here Timeframe within which e-Learning Plan was drawn up Enter text here PRIORITIESTARGETSTASKSTIMEFRAME Leadership and Planning Target 1:Task 1: Task 2: Target 2:Task 1: Task 2: ICT in the curriculum Target 1: Task 1: Task 2: Target 2: Task 1: Task 2: Professional Development Target 1: Task 1: Task 2: Target 2: Task 1: Task 2: Note: There is no set number of required priorities, targets and tasks. Provide a detailed breakdown of targets and tasks. ICT in the curriculum PRIORITIES: Students experience e- Learning Activities regularly Target (What do we want to achieve?): A range of e- Learning activities will be developed for use in classrooms TASK (What needs to be done?) TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?) REMITS (Who is to do it?) RESOURCES (What resources are needed?) SUCCESS CRITERIA (What are the desired outcomes?) Agreed Monitoring Procedures:Agreed Evaluation Procedures: e-Learning culture PRIORITIES: Enter priorities here Target (What do we want to achieve?): Enter text here TASK (What needs to be done?) TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?) REMITS (Who is to do it?) RESOURCES (What resources are needed?) SUCCESS CRITERIA (What are the desired outcomes?) Enter text here Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Enter text hereAgreed Evaluation Procedures: Enter text here ICT infrastructure PRIORITIES: Enter priorities here Target (What do we want to achieve?): Enter text here TASK (What needs to be done?) TIMEFRAME (When is it to be done by?) REMITS (Who is to do it?) RESOURCES (What resources are needed?) SUCCESS CRITERIA (What are the desired outcomes?) Enter text here Agreed Monitoring Procedures: Enter text hereAgreed Evaluation Procedures: Enter text here e-Learning Budget List the digital technologies to be procured with costings - to assist you the NCTE has provided a list of ICT equipment suitable for schools and with associated indicative pricing. This is available from Click here to enter text ICT Policy Checklist Internet Safety Acceptable Use Policy Health and Safety Other ICT related policies and procedures including: homework policy behaviour policy anti-bullying policy This e-Learning Plan has been written for and has been presented to and approved by the Board of Management. Signed:Date: Chairperson of Board of Management Signed:Date: Principal Digital Cameras will be used as part of the learning process in language development Sept – Dec 2013 Each teacher Digital cameras, laptop, pc, presentation software, Photostory, ImageBank; CPD Creation of digital object by children Language resources created for use in class Staff meetings; Individual teachers; e- learning team Peer Evaluation among teachers and children; © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Taking the e-Learning Action plan shown previously as an example, create an e-Learning Action plan for your class based on Scratch. Please use the e-Learning Action Plan template available with this course’s participant materials to complete this activity. Note there is a more comprehensive template available for later school use Please save your e-Learning Action plan. © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Resources for e-Learning Development © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
There are several options to teachers who wish to further develop their use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning. These include: ◦ PDST Technology in Education/NCTE courses online and face to face courses ◦ Whole school training (consisting of both regular courses or customised/tailored courses adapted to a school’s particular needs) ◦ Short courses and support groups, (which may be suitable as ‘Croke Park hours’). ◦, the home of PDST Technology in Education online courses: © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
All PDST Technology in Education (formerly NCTE) courses are fully funded for teachers. More information: © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
Available at © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
ICT Advice and Support: ICT Purchasing Frameworks Technical Support Schools Broadband Free --Scoilnet Webhosting –Blogging © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013
How do you think the e-Learning Action plan ◦ will help your school to plan to integrate ICT more effectively into the classroom? evaluate the effectiveness of e-Learning? improve learning and teaching of numeracy in your school? © PDST Technology in Education/Lero 2013