Foreign Affairs 1. Vietnam Starts removing U.S. troops from Vietnam (Vietnamization) Begins bombings in North Vietnam & Vietcong supply lines through Cambodia New York Times v. U.S. – Supreme Court rules that the New York Times newspaper is allowed to print the Pentagon Papers, revealing secret military operations in Vietnam in 1973 Nixon withdraws all troops from Vietnam
War Powers Act in reaction to Nixon bombing Cambodia, Congress passed the War Powers Act to repeal the Tonkin Gulf Resolution; president only allowed to send troops into an area for days with-out Congress approval. Détente – a relaxation of tensions with communist nations (China, USSR)
U.S. signs SALT – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Realpolitik – treating a country based on it’s power not it’s ideology(attempt to end Red Scare) China Nixon visits mainland China – first US President to do so Recognizes communist China and China is admitted to United Nations in 1979
26th amendment passed – lowers voting age to 18 New Federalism – Nixon’s social policy OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration DEA – Drug Enforcement Agency EPA- Environmental Protection Agency created in 1970 Clean Air Act(1970) –law that regulated industry and toxins disposed of illegally.
President Nixon orders a break-in into Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate Hotel His people get caught and attempted cover-up fails Nixon forced to resign or face impeachment United States v. Nixon – President Nixon refuses to give up Oval Office tapes as evidence of his knowledge of the Watergate break-in – claims executive privilege Supreme Court orders Nixon to give up tapes Significance – president is NOT above the law Nixon forced to resign in August 1974 or face impeachment
Pardoned Nixon for his crimes – cost him election)
Foreign Affairs Signs SALT II with Soviet Union – limits short range missile production Camp David Accords – peace treaty between Israel & Egypt; ended 30 years of war between the two nations 1979 – Iranian Revolutionaries storm the U.S. embassy, led by Ayatollah Khomeini; taking 53 hostages (released after 444 days) Détente ends when Soviets invade Afghanistan Carter puts embargo act on grain sales to the Soviets U.S. boycotts 1980 Moscow Olympic 5. Panama canal treaty- U. S. Promises to return the canal to Panama in 1999 after having leased it for almost a hundred years.
Domestic Affairs Energy crisis – organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC) increases oil prices. Three Mile Island- Nuclear power plant overheats and radiation is released 100,000 residents evacuated(Pennsylvania and surrounding communities)
3. Love Canal-late 1970’s- Niagara Falls residents become sick due to buried to toxic wastes discovered from Hooker chemical plant and other surrounding industries. Still an issue today! Houses are NOT selling. 4. Pardoned ALL draft evaders.
Foreign Affairs Considers the Soviet Union to be the “Evil empire” Increased terrorism – airplanes hijacked (Pan-Am Flight 101) Gave aid to Latin American nations fighting communism in Nicaragua Contras – received money from Reagan to fight communism (Reagan bypassed Congress’s approval) Sandinistas – communist regime in Nicaragua Reagan changes hard-line attitude towards Soviets when Mikail Gorbachev takes power – Soviet Union collapses in 1991.
Foreign Affairs Considers the Soviet Union to be the “ Evil Empire” Increased terrorism – airplanes hijacked(Pan-Am Flight 101) Gave aid to Latin American nations fighting communism in Nicaragua Contras – received money from Reagan to fight communism (Reagan bypassed Congress’s approval) Sandinistas – communist regime in Nicaragua Reagan changes hard-line attitude towards Soviets when Mikail Gorbachev takes power – Soviet Union collapses in 1991
Domestic Affairs Supply-Side Economics a.k.a. “Reaganomics” Giving money and tax breaks to businesses in hopes that business would pass along that money to workers Known as “ Trickle – Down Economy” Cutting back of Federal Regulation of Industry Lowers federal spending on social programs but increases defense spending(called Strategic Defense Initiative-SDI-media nicknamed it “Star Wars”)
A. HIV/AIDS emerges among gay men and IV drug users in 1982 B. Lack of knowledge of how AIDS is spread caused fear, panic and social stigma across America C. Reagan largely ignores the crisis at first; little federal funding for research from federal government until mid to late 1980’s
Foreign Affairs End of Soviet Communism Fall of Eastern Europe Soviet satellites Fall of the Soviet Union (now called Russia) Berlin Wall comes down End of the Cold War Persian Gulf War Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invades Kuwait With approval from Congress, Bush leads military operation to free Kuwait 1. Operation Desert Shield 2. Operation Desert Storm Iraq withdraws from Kuwait, but Saddam Hussein remains in power
Domestic Affairs Increased taxes to pay for the Persian Gulf War His campaign promise was “Read my lips. No new taxes.” Economy goes into a short recession(causes Bush to lose re-election in 1992)
Foreign Affairs 1. sends peace keeping forces into Bosnia-Milosevic genocide, ignores Rewanda 2. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) No tariffs on imports from Canada and Mexico Some U. S. businesses move to Mexico because operating costs are lower. 3. Palestianian/Israeli ; Conflict continues
Domestic Affairs Failure to pass National Health Care Reform bill (headed by Hillary Clinton) Family Leave Act – person can takes leave from job for family reasons without risk of losing job Monica & Impeachment Brought up on impeachment charges for committing perjury (lying under oath) U.S. economy stable during his presidency Instituted the “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” policy in the military-- prevents gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the armed services.
Foreign Affairs 9/11 – surprise attack on World Trade Center and Pentagon War in Afghanistan – against Taliban War in Iraq – Why did U.S. go in? Looking for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) – not found allegedly transferred to Syria and other networks involved in terrorism Claimed Iraq supplied funding to Al Qaeda Domestic Issues Economy not good (turbulent, unstable) Why? Loss of manufacturing jobs Outsourcing - sending jobs to other countries