Schooling Pathways Schooling Pathways Excellence in Pathways Nightcliff Education Precinct
Early Learning Centre and Preschool Explicit focus on family partnerships and relationships. Play-based learning. Curriculum based on the Early Years framework. Early Years & Primary Schooling Explicit focus on Literacy and Numeracy as the foundations for schooling Highly integrated curriculum and assessment, providing learning contexts for the development of language and literacy, as well as numeracy Highly structured and cohesive nurturing culture to support students to develop the self confidence, interpersonal skills and work habits essential for success at school Middle Schooling Explicit focus on the foundation disciplines of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities, providing learning contexts for the application of digital literacy, English literacy and numeracy Increasingly specialised curriculum and assessment building the student’s knowledge, skills and behaviours beyond the concrete symbolic into the abstract, using community based learning and project based teaching as authentic contexts Structured programs that facilitate strong teacher-student relationships with focus on increasing levels of self regulated and self directed learning SeniorSchooling Discipline based curriculum and assessment aligned with the pathways for employment or higher education Flexible programs supported by industry and higher education partnerships to deliver early career development and job placement opportunities Mentorships and coaching partnerships to support students to be accountable for the management of schooling and personal responsibilities Nightcliff education Precinct Schooling Pathways
Curriculum Pathways E NGAGING, S TIMULATING AND INNOVATIVE 21 ST C ENTURY PERSONALISED L EARNING ENVIRONMENTS FOR STUDENTS. F OUNDATION P ROGRAMS Knowledge about English, Mathematics, Humanities, Sciences and Digital Literacies to enable learners to make sense of and actively participate in the world around them. “How can I develop and communicate my understandings of the world?” L IFE W ORK S KILLS Practical programs combining knowledge and experiences leading to equipping learners to design, produce and critique “How can I access information and tools to optimise my learning?” T HE A RTS Programs combining the knowledge about design, performing, visual and creative arts leading to participation in whole school programs. “What is possible when we work creatively and cooperatively?” R ECREATION & W ELLBEING Knowledge about individual physical, social and emotional health and well being, leading to skills and behaviours that prepare students for healthy, current and future lives “Who am I, and where am I going?” “How can I connect and work with others.”
Curriculum Contexts – Learning Areas F OUNDATION P ROGRAMS P ROGRAMS Mathematics Sciences English Humanities Digital Literacy L IFE W ORK S KILLSS KILLS Physical Education Arts Trade Skills Home Economics Digital Technologies Languages and Culture T HE A RTS Music Drama Visual Arts & Design Media Dance R ECREATION & W ELLBEING Work Habits Physical Activity (fitness, games and movement) Health (physical, emotional and social) Cyber safety E NGAGING, S TIMULATING AND INNOVATIVE 21 ST C ENTURY PERSONALISED L EARNING ENVIRONMENTS FOR STUDENTS.