Student Development Services assist students with various aspects of their education from recruitment through graduation and job placement. Specifically, we handle: *Admissions*Records*Career counseling *Testing*Financial Aid*Disability services *Counseling*Veterans’ benefits* Athletics *Registration*Graduation *Transfer Assistance *Job Placement*Student Activities
Where we have been…. Year in Review Many new web sites were developed for CFCC student use providing scholarship information, applications, distance education, athletics, and on-line orientation. Re-instated a policy allowing CFCC to accept developmental course credits from other accredited institutions of higher learning and we now accept additional Placement Tests for admissions purposes. Developed a process for selecting students for acceptance into the new CFCC Sonography program and increased the ADN enrollment to ninety students. An advising check system was developed and implemented by Financial Aid to evaluate and verify VA students are enrolled in the proper courses to complete program requirements.
Where we are going …
To provide students with information regarding careers, career searches, decision making and job employment preparedness. MISSION
Objective #1 Establish interactive website within Career and Testing Services web pages for students to post resumes and for potential employers to locate/find employees best suited for their openings. Why the Need? To create the opportunity for New Hanover and Pender county businesses and CFCC students to communicate for potential employment. Procedure: * Create time-line with Computer Services to establish web site of job board on * Work closely with Phi Theta Kappa to promote and advertise web site to students and potential employers. College Goal: #3,6,7,12 and 13
Objective #2 Improve communications for current and future students, along with the general public when viewing the college web site regarding Career and Testing Services. Why the need? Better inform the general public of the broad range of Career and Testing Services. Procedure: * Provide more detail on career services, career exploration and employment opportunities. * Establish “links” to information on exploring career opportunities, assisting in creating resumes, interviewing and obtaining employment. College Goal: #3,5,7 and 12
Objective #3 Explore alternative placement test, namely ACCUPLACER, in lieu of, or in addition to ASSET. Why the need? To adopt an adaptive placement test which would be more accurate and valid in placement of students in appropriate classes. Procedures: * Continue to gather data and information on alternative placement tests approved by NCCCS. * Establish a campus-wide committee to discuss the option of an additional test or in place of our current placement test and present findings to Student Development Committee. * Do cost Comparative analysis of ASSET vs. ACCUPLACER College Goal: 5 and 7
To offer services to students regarding academic programs and requirements; to intervene and make referrals in an effort to retain students; and to assist in removing barriers that prevent student success. MISSION
Objective #1 To utilize existing technologies to provide more timely and accurate assessment for all selective admission Allied Health programs. Why the need? Due to large number of applicants in the Allied Health Programs there is a need to streamline the Admissions process. Procedures: *Counselors will work with the Data Retrieval Technician to create a data base processing for Nursing/New Allied Health applicants. *Counselors will be trained to properly use Microsoft Excel and Access. *A feasibility study will be done to determine if a database for point calculations and reporting will be useful to meet our needs. *Visit other schools with high enrollments in selective admissions programs to evaluate medical program admissions. College Goal: #7 and 3
Objective #2 To provide at risk students with early proactive intervention activities. Why the need? To assist and decrease the current 1400 students now on academic probation. Procedures: *Develop a retention model similar to the “Intrusive Advising” model. *Visit with the Learning Communities at CFCC in order to provide information- school policies, procedures, attendance etc… *Training mentors who will work with “high risk students. *Implement a “Counselor Referral Form.” Faculty will use this form to identify and refer students who have non- attendance issues. College Goal: #7
Objective #3 Promote the college to high school students in our service area and maintain an ongoing relationship with potential students, parents, and counselors. Why the need? To accept the invitation to conduct workshops on college and career planning. Procedures: *Plan regularly scheduled semester visits to their assigned high schools. *Continue to host both Middle School and High School Counselor Days for our service area. *Implement “Career Cluster Days” focusing on programs with similarities in job skills and/or job responsibilities. *Research through the Office of Non-Public Instruction names of approved home-schools in our service area. *Host a Fall workshop for parents and students to provide information about Dual Enrollment, Huskins, and general CFCC’s admissions requirements. College Goal: #7 and 12
To assist students and families in obtaining financial assistance to meet their educational goals by providing a diverse array of aid opportunities. MISSION
Objective #1 Complete a Policy/Procedures Manual for all financial aid functions. Why the need? The expansion of the college to the North Campus will increase the need for a Financial Aid Manual. Procedures: * Develop clear guidelines for the manual. * Outline each subject and procedure in Financial Aid. * Distribute to staff and file. College Goal: #13
Objective #2 Increase financial aid information on Cape Fear’s web site. Why the need? To provide prospective students easy access to additional financial aid information. Procedures: * Determine additional information to be placed on CFCC’s website. * Provide information regarding deadlines to insure funds are available for students at registration. College Goal: #7
Objective #3 Determine Cost of Attendance thru student survey. Why the need? To use results as the basis for the Cost of Attendance (Budget) for students and create a reasonable estimate of the expenses a student encounters while attending CFCC. Procedures: * Develop the survey requesting information regarding room, board, transportation, and other related expenses. * Select random student population to be surveyed. * Evaluate and format information gathered from the survey and use the information to develop the budget. College Goal: #7
To recruit, enroll and retain a diverse student body. Registrar’s MISSION To provide an effective registration process and insure the accuracy and integrity of student records. Enrollment Management MISSION
Objective #1 Develop and implement a Customer Satisfaction Survey to students (our primary customer) on services provided by Student Development. Why the Need? To provide the students with an active voice to improve the services we offer. Procedures: * Meet with Student Development Directors and support staff to compile survey questions. * Distribute survey to students who visit Student Development for service during the Spring 2003 semester. * Review results with Student Development Staff and take needed steps to improve service. College Goal: 7 & 12
Objective #2 Re-organize recruiting responsibilities for year. Why the need? To accommodate the loss of the Director of Enrollment position for the school year. Procedures: * Meet with Student Development Directors and Program lead Instructors to determine recruiting needs and events. * Establish calendar of events and determine who will attend. * Establish a High School visitation schedule. College Goal: #6 and 7
Objective #3 To provide a concise overview of the legal requirements and restrictions mandated by the Federal Right to Privacy Act (FERPA). Why the need? To insure compliance with the provisions of the FERPA Act. Procedures: * Develop a workshop to be presented at Fall In-Service. * Provide Personnel with a brochure on FERPA to be distributed and discussed during orientation for new employees. * Provide training during new faculty orientation each semester hosted by the academic deans. College Goal: #7 and 13
To provide extra-curricular activities to enhance the educational experience and quality of a diverse student body at Cape Fear Community College. MISSION
Objective #1- Student Activities Our goal is to provide an additional intramural sport at Cape Fear Community College. Why the Need? To increase the diversity of our student activities program. Procedures: * Conduct student survey to determine preference for a new intramural sport. * Determine cost of implementing a new sport. * Write proposal and secure necessary required approval. College Goal: #7
Objective #2-Student Activities Develop an annual calendar of Student Activities, and an advertising schedule including purpose and release dates. Why the need? To provide the students with current up-to-date information and effective advertising. Procedures: * Establish a benchmark of student participation at each event, and conduct end of year survey to determine effectiveness. * Present the information using different tools including: - Sea Devil Newsletter - Athletic Website - media - local newspapers - contact with the community College Goal: #7, 11, and 12
Objective #3- Student Activities Develop student activities and social events calendar for students at the North Campus. Why the need? To provide students comparable social events as those offered on the downtown campus. Procedures: * Re-evaluate student activities schedule and responsibilities for downtown and North Campus to accommodate the students. College Goal: #7
Objective #1- Athletics Evaluate the need for an additional women’s sport to be implemented in Why the need? To create a balance in CFCC’s Athletic Program, and meet Title IX and gender equality regulations. Procedures: * Consult students to find out which women’s sport they would like offered at CFCC. * Determine the cost of implementing a new sport. * Write a proposal and secure necessary required approval. College Goal: #7
Objective #2- Athletics Develop an academic monitoring system for student athletes to prevent ineligibility. Why the need? Many student athletes need help balancing academics and athletics. Procedures: * Identify the standards which constitute academic jeopardy. * Develop a method to identify student athletes that are in academic jeopardy. * Generate an early warning report for the Athletic Director and coach to determine individual course of action. College Goal # 1 and 7
Objective #3- Athletics Research and evaluate an academic support program for CFCC student athletes. Why the need? To improve retention and a higher success rate of student athletics maintaining their eligibility. Procedures: * Meet with the Director of the Learning Lab to discuss implementing a support program for these students. * Stress the importance of academics to all athletes. College Goal: #1 and 7
The overall purpose of Student Development is to provide services to the students from recruitment through graduation. We are successful when students leave Cape Fear Community College with the tools they need to succeed in life.