Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy {SEC(2005) 333} EU Forestry sector in figures  160 Mio. ha forests in Europe  35% of EU’s land area  60%


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Presentation transcript:

Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy {SEC(2005) 333} EU Forestry sector in figures  160 Mio. ha forests in Europe  35% of EU’s land area  60% under private ownership  12% designated as protected forests  Employment for 3.4 Mio. People  356 bil. Annual production value (2001)  400 Mio. m³ cutting (just 60%)  20% enlargement after new members joined (lot of privatization

 A great diversity of appearance  Increasing area  Home to the largest number of species  Conserve biodiversity  Protect water and soil  Contribute to scenic and cultural values  Support recreation, hunting and tourism  Economic and social importance for rural areas underestimated  Forests under threat by air pollution, storms and forest fires

 Council resolution from Dec 15th 1998 on a forest strategy for the EU framework for forest-related actions in support of sustainable forest management (SFM), coordination the member states forest policies, multifunctional role of forests, importance of SFM for society, competence of the member states, common policy on the basis of subsidiarity, implementation int. commitment, improvement of co- ordination, communication and co-operation  Ministerial conferences on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE) 1990 Strasbourg, 1993 Helsinki, 1998 Lisbon, 2003 Vienna – common concepts and def. coherent actions for protection and SFM  World summit on sustainable development (WSSD) 2002 Jo’burg SFM can play a key role to sustainable development and reducing poverty

 UB Forum on Forests (UNFF) established in 2000  Despite Conventions on Climate change, biological diversity, combat desertification deforestation continues  6th Community Environment Action programme in 2002  Reform of the CAP in 2003 rural development policiy  Lisbon (Sustainable economic growth and competitiveness), Gothenburg (safeguarding the quantity and quality of the natural resource base), Constitutional treaty  Action Plan on Forest law enforcement, Governance and Trade (2003)

 Substantial progress in preparation and implementation of National Forest Programmes (NFPs)  Social and political framework for SFM based on participatory and transparent governance  Productive function, economic viability of SFM, contribution to rural develop- ment, protection and enhancement of biodiversity, climate change mitigation, protective functions, social, recreational cultural aspects, improve cross-sectoral co-operation

 Community action to support SFM: Rural development (4.8 bil = 10%), forest protection and monitoring, biodiversity, climate change, forest based products, certification, research, forest information, reproductive material  Fuller integration of forestry in the period (enhancing consistency between rural development and national forestry programmes, exchanging information and best practices, improving the monitoring (Forest Focus Regulation, 2003 add socio-economic aspects?) and evaluation of forestry measures)

 Community measures to support the protection against forest fires (expert group) and atmospheric pollution  Natura 2000 network (guidelines for the management of forests to favour biodiversity conservation, promotion of environmental services through FM, biodiversity goals could be reached by a representative forest conservation network and simultaneous promotion of biodiversity enhancement in commercial forest stands)  Development of dedicated measures for carbon sequestration (inc. afforestation and reforestaion has been slower than expected.  Chance of wood as energy carrier

 Emerging need to study the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems, adaptation measures become important  Communication on the state of Competitiveness of the EU Forest-based and Related Industry (1999) European consumers should be better informed about the advantages of wood from sustainably managed forests  Certification has developed as a private sector, market-based tool with limited regulatory intervention by public authorities.  Support of SFM and competitiveness by FP and COST

 Sector-wide strategic thinking is necessary, underpinned by broad and long-term vision determining the scope and priorities for forest research  Internet-based forest information and communication platform (2004) – user requirements?  EU legislation on more harmonized implementation of a number of key aspects on forest reproductive material  Coordination and consultation on the basis of the Standing forestry committee (SFC)

 Regular information exchange with forestry stakeholders through the advisory group on Forestry and Cork and sector-wide Advisory Committee on Community Policy Regarding Forestry and Forest-based industries  Interservice group on Forestry to strengthen the coordination between various services  Council working party on Forestry

Challenges (1) SFM under threat by open and global market, economies of scale fail, changes to maintain multipurpose forestry are necessary (2) Strengthen coherence between EU-policies and EU and Member States to establish adequate monitoring mechanisms (3) Good governance is a prerequisite. It is established by participatory and collaborative policy formulation. Review and strengthen the consultation structures in forestry (4) Firmly continue to support int. commitments for SFM at global level A more coherent and proactive approach is needed

 Shared vision of the forest sector  Shared understanding what forests can contribute to modern society  Clear objectives for regular monitoring and stocktaking  Bring together thematic, horizontal and cross-sectoral policy initiatives

Providing an EU Action Plan for SFM 2006  Socio-economic issues (competitiveness, valuation of social and environmental goods and services)  Environmental issues (climate change, forest fires, water, biodiversity conservation)  Use of wood as an energy source  Information on wood as a renewable and environmentally friendly resource  Governance issues  Horizontal activities (research, training, forest statistics, monitoring)

Forests for society Long-term multifunctional forestry Fulfilling societal needs Various types of stakeholders with different values and preferences towards forests Maintain the potential to fulfill future generation’s needs Stewardship and management Directly expressed by the stakeholders, market behavior of the consumers, participatory governance, political processes

RWs Strengths  Different stakeholders (forest administration, regional planning, environmental protection) from different regions (Wales, Brandenburg, Slovakia, Liguria, Murcia) with different forests (wet, dry, flat, steep…)  Searching for integration of economic, environmental and social aspects in the development of their forests  Having experience in participatory procedures, initiatives for sustainable development, tailored support schemes  Working with 41 partners

From forest owners, public authorities, associations, promoters, universities, institutes, consultants  On fire prevention, climate resistance, biodiversity, flood prevention, Natura 2000 practices  Education, private forest owner integration, promotion  Sustainable forest management, forest certification, agro-forestry, statistics  Product development, public procurement, wood fuel  Evaluation and implementation of RES applications

Some impulses for the conference  What are the benefits of our forests for our society?  Who pays for the benefits, who bears the costs?  What is the relation between the society (common responsibility) and the owner (personal responsibility)?  How do we balance economy, environ- ment and social aspects?  How does forestry gain competitiveness