GRCSE History GRCSE team established at BKCASE II at Daytona Beach, March 2010 – Team has remained fairly stable since A couple of additions to the team About 15 members, most are academic staff/faculty – Regular WebEx audio meetings Fortnightly most of the time from March to mid November
GRCSE History GRCSE team face to face meetings: – Chicago, July 2010, BKCASE III – Toulouse, October 2010, BKCASE IV
GRCSE Material Development March 2010 – Start with GSWE2009 as an example of something like what we are producing Explicit decision – to be very critical of GSWE2009 to ensure GRCSE reflects our considered opinion about what is needed in GRCSE
GRCSE Material Development April 2010 – Conducted a survey of existing programs To get an understanding of the current state of SE education at Masters level – globally About 32 responses from 5 continents Approx 50% response rate, and 50% US/50% non- US Results reported in Appendix A Deliberately only at a statistical summary level to avoid potential problems related to identity of education providers
GRCSE Material Development April 2010 – Drafting of Chapter 2 Guiding principles Similar to GSWE2009, but with a few additional items This work assisted the authors to come into agreement about our position
GRCSE Material Development May-July 2010 – Drafting of initial form of some appendices and chapters This work was important in shaping the direction of GRCSE
GRCSE Material Development May-July 2010 – Major concepts introduced Use of Bloom’s taxonomy to describe outcomes and kinds of achievement – and addition of Affective Domain Decision to include Objectives (achievement 3-5 years after graduation) as a separate chapter Concept of Core Knowledge needed in all SE programs + Extended Core for particular emphases – expressed in Architecture and CorBOK chapter Include chapter concerning assessment methods
GRCSE Material Development July-October 2010 – Developed initial forms of more chapters – Prepared first draft release to share with whole BKCASE team (before BKCASE IV) Discussion at BKCASE IV – to identify changes needed prior to v0.25 release
GRCSE Material Development October-November 2010 – Developed initial forms of remaining chapters – Responded to comments at BKCASE IV Changes to the architecture chapter First attempt to populate the CorBOK table to guide the placement of topics in relation to the target purpose of the program (only at level of topics – no levels of expected attainment)
GRCSE Material Development 19 November - 15 December 2010 – Handover to BKCASE core team GRCSE team could rest a bit – BKCASE core team revised to prepare the v0.25 release version Change of order of chapters Shift of some material from a chapter to an appendix (assessment discussion) General tidying up – When I saw it I was pleased with the changes
GRCSE BKCASE IV ToC Introduction Guidance for Construction & Maintenance Expected Objectives Expected Outcomes at Graduation Expected Background at Entry Curriculum Architecture Core Body of Knowledge (CorBOK) Assessment Anticipated GRCSE Evolution
GRCSE BKCASE IV ToC Appendix A: Summary of Graduate Systems- Engineering-Centric Systems Engineering Programs in 2010 Appendix B: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Outcomes Appendix C: GRCSE Outcomes to CorBOK Mapping Appendix D: Assessment and Achievement of Learning Outcomes Appendix E. Discussion of Program Emphases
GRCSE v0.25 ToC Introduction Context & Guidance Construction & Maintenance Expected Student Background at Entry Expected Objectives Expected Outcomes When a Student Graduates Curriculum Architecture Core Body of Knowledge (CorBoK)) Assessment Anticipated GRCSE Evolution
GRCSE v0.25 ToC App A: Summary of Graduate Systems- Engineering-Centric Systems Engineering Programs in 2010 App B: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Outcomes App C: GRCSE Outcomes to CorBoK Mapping App D: Assessment and Achievement of Learning Outcomes App E: Competency-Based Curriculum Development Approach App F: Discussion of Program Emphasis
GRCSE v0.25 content Introduction – Definition and description of SE – Challenges of SE – Need for GRCSE
GRCSE v0.25 content Context and principles for guidance and construction of GRCSE – This section describes the academic context of programs and constraints on them High level overview as basis for guiding principles – List of 20 guiding principles Essentially saying we were trying to produce something that is generalisable to any institution anywhere, and can accommodate the local constraints
GRCSE v0.25 content Expected student background at entry – Education programs accept students who satisfy entry criteria – And transform them to achieve outcomes (and later objectives) Logically fits at beginning – Refer to survey entry requirement findings Identifies the range of things which are typical – not limited to what one institution has stated
GRCSE v0.25 content Expected student background at entry – GRCSE entry Suitable u/g degree – engineering, science, maths, computing 2 years relevant experience Effective communication in the language of instruction – Levels of attainment of particular knowledge are suggested
GRCSE v0.25 content Expected objectives – Description of intended objectives Refers to early career achievement/progress of graduates Links to ABET expectation that a program explicitly identify objectives Some examples are provided, but not stated as necessarily appropriate for all Generic set provided to indicate our general views
GRCSE v0.25 content Expected objectives – This and the background section provide book ends for a program
GRCSE v0.25 content Expected outcomes – Outcomes refer to the achievement of graduates as at graduation Bloom level attainment for all topics in the Core Foundation Bloom level attainment in one extension focus area Bloom synthesis level in one topic area in Core Demonstrate ability to perform SE activities in one domain Apply SE methods to one specialty Comprehend SE challenges in multidiscipline teams Be effective member multidiscipline teams Be able to evaluate solution strategies Able to reconcile conflicting requirements Able to learn new methods etc Understand relationship of SE to other fields Demonstrate enough mastery of SwE for development of new systems Demonstrate knowledge of professional ethics
GRCSE v0.25 content Curriculum architecture
GRCSE v0.25 content Core body of knowledge (CorBOK) – Proposed form of the table SEBoK Chapter SwEBoK Chapter TopicCore Foundation Core Extension: System Design and Development (SDD) Core Extension: Technical Management (TM) This is used for cross- references to SEBoK Name of topic Bloom level to be attained Bloom level to be attained in SDD focus area Bloom level to be attained in the TM focus area
GRCSE v0.25 content CorBOK SEBoK Chapter TopicCoreSDDTM 2.4Systems ThinkingXXX 3.2Fundamentals of Systems EngineeringX 6.2Fundamentals of Enterprise SEX 7.2Fundamentals of Enabling SE in the OrganizationX 8.1Systems Engineering Management FundamentalsXX 9.3Stakeholders Requirements and Mission AnalysisXX 9.4System RequirementsXX 9.5Architectural DesignXX 9.6System AnalysisXX 10.3System ImplementationXX 10.4System IntegrationXX 10.5System VerificationXX 10.6System ValidationXX 11.3System DeploymentXXX 11.4Operation of the SystemXXX 11.5System MaintenanceXXX 11.6LogisticsXXX 12.3Service Life ExtensionX 12.4Capability Updates, Upgrades, and ModernizationXXX 12.5System Disposal and RetirementXXX 13.3Acquisition ProcessX 13.4Supplier ProcessesX 14.3Integration of Specialty EngineeringX 14.4Affordability/Design to CostXXX 14.5Human System IntegrationX 14.6SafetyXXX 14.7SecurityXXX 14.11Reliability and MaintainabilityXX 14.12Manufacturing and ProductionXX 14.13QualityXXX 14.14Logistics/SupportabilityXXX 14.15Occupational Health/ Work EnvironmentXXX 14.16DisposalX 14.17ResilienceX
GRCSE v0.25 content Assessment – Discussions of: Outcomes assessment Objectives assessment Program update action based on assessment – programs should be updated based on findings made through assessment
GRCSE v0.25 content Anticipated GRCSE evolution – This chapter provides a brief statement of current intentions related to INCOSE + IEEE long term support
GRCSE v0.25 content App A – Summary of graduate programs (survey) – Description of who was invited to respond – Description of the survey instrument – Summary of findings – care to ensure anonymity and judgement free presentation
GRCSE v0.25 content App B – Bloom’s taxonomy of educational outcomes – Outline of Bloom’s taxonomy Cognitive domain Affective domain – Includes examples to assist making explicit plans – Includes a level of attainment code to link to CorBOK
GRCSE v0.25 content App C – GRCSE outcomes mapping to CorBOK – Not populated at present
GRCSE v0.25 content App D – Assessment and achievement of learning outcomes – Extended discussion of the nature and function of assessment
GRCSE v0.25 content App E – Competency-based curriculum development approach – Discussion of concept of competency-based curriculum design – This material was originally in Curriculum Architecture chapter but was judged to be ‘not core material’ for GRCSE – shifted to appendix
GRCSE v0.25 content App F: Discussion of program emphasis – This section discusses three views of SE Product or system design view of SE Enterprise view of SE Customer service view of SE – This material was originally in Curriculum Architecture chapter but was judged to be ‘not core material’ for GRCSE – shifted to appendix
GRCSE Near-term Action Review comments due 7 March – Reasonable to not try to author or amend sections before review comments are available for response
GRCSE Near-term Action Review comments due 7 March – After 7 March and before BKCASE VI Core team and TF organisation of comments similar to arrangement for SEBOK Division related to current chapters and appendices of GRCSE – to assign to author groups Develop plan for responding to the comments
GRCSE Near-term Action Anticipated outcomes of review process – Probable surprise/resistance to including objectives – Questions around architecture Is it right? Is it communicated effectively? – CorBOK What should be included? What level of attainment should be required?
GRCSE Near-term Action Anticipated outcomes of review process – Assessment Should assessment be included? – Bloom’s taxonomy Should Affective Domain be included? – Issues arising from the balance of ‘education’ and ‘training’ To what extent is education program ‘training’ – ready to go on specific techniques at graduation?
GRCSE and Wiki Should GRCSE be distributed as document only or wiki? – GRCSE is planned as a focused whole Not a ‘dip in’ type reference – GRCSE is designed to provide a whole guide to curriculum development – Wiki form may fragment GRCSE resulting in loss of clarity re the vision of the whole