1 Focus on Quality and the Academic Quality Improvement Program At Cuyahoga Community College
2 Overview of Session History AQIP CQI AQIP Processes Criteria Resources
3 National Perspective NCA Accreditation Federal reporting requirements Baldrige in Education
4 State Perspective OBOR reporting requirements Managing Improvement Program Securing the Future Service Expectations OBOR Performance Report Ohio Award for Excellence (OAE)
5 College Perspective College planning Accountability Budgeting Special studies Knowledge Management Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Ohio Award for Excellence (OAE)
6 AQIP Academic Quality Improvement Program
7 Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Higher Learning Commission accreditation alternative Baldrige-based (Continuous Quality Improvement)
8 CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
9 Concepts Focus on process, not individuals Collaborative decision-making Environment that empowers employees Trained employees serve as change agents Measurable performance
10 Cultural Changes Anticipating student needs Preventing rather than correcting problems Data-based decision-making Process re-engineering Long and short term plans/goals
11 Challenges of Quality Initiatives Data integrity User friendly data and information access Coordination Communication Benchmarking, trend analysis Accountability Closing the Loop
12 AQIP’s Processes Initial Interest Exploration and Self- Assessment Four-year cycle, consisting of Strategy Forum and Systems Appraisal Annual Update on Action Projects Formal Reaffirmation of Accreditation every seven years, based on pattern of participation
Systems AppraisalStrategyForum Systems Portfolio Annual Update Action Projects Re-affirm Accreditation
14 Each AQIP Criterion asks: How stable, well-designed, and robust are your systems and processes? How consistently do you employ and deploy your systems and processes? How satisfying and good are the results your systems and processes achieve? How do you use your performance data to drive improvement?
Measuring Effectiveness Understanding Students’ and other Stakeholders’ Needs Building Collaborative Relationships Planning Continuous Improvement Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Leading and Communicating Valuing People Helping Students Learn Supporting Institutional Operations
16 Overall, the AQIP Criteria ask: Are you doing the right things — the things that are most important in order to achieve your institution’s goals? Are you doing things right — effectively, efficiently, in ways that truly satisfy the needs of those you serve?
17 Criterion: Understanding Students’ and other Stakeholders’ Needs Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory Community Assessment Employer Needs Advisory Committees
18 Criterion: Leading and Communicating College Goals Succession Planning Leadership Development Decision-making Communication Internally Externally
19 Criterion: Valuing People Hiring Processes Training and development Performance Management Health and Well-being Recognition and rewards
20 Criterion: Building Collaborative Relationships Internally Across campuses Campuses and District Faculty and administration Full-time and Part-time faculty Externally K-12 Universities Businesses Vendors Economic and social development
21 Criterion: Planning for Continuous Improvement Resource allocation Alignment of initiatives Action plans Mission/Vision
22 Criterion: Supporting Institutional Operations Finance and Business Services Administrative offices/functions Student services Admissions and records Financial aid Bookstores Food service
23 Criterion: Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives Corporate College WEDD Cultural arts
24 Criterion: Measuring Effectiveness Within each criterion Balanced Scorecard
25 What is a Balanced Scorecard? A “scorecard” is any set of key performance indicators or measures (KPI’s) A Balanced Scorecard is a set of KPI’s that are aligned with, and prioritized by, strategic goals and objectives, as viewed from multiple perspectives
26 Tri-C Perspectives 1.How effectively are our students learning? 2.How effectively are we serving our customers? 3.How effectively are we managing our resources?
27 Advantages of Balanced Scorecard Alignment of Initiatives College Goals Noel-Levitz, CCSSE OBOR Performance Reporting National Benchmarking Initiatives Setting Targets Tracking Progress
28 Criterion: Helping Students Learn Student outcomes assessment Community College Survey of Student Engagement Curriculum development Remedial/developmental education Counseling Tutoring
29 Alliance for Teaching and Learning Student Outcomes Assessment
30 Student Outcomes Definition (Nichols) Student outcomes are what academic departments expect students to know (cognitive), do (behavioral), or feel (attitudinal) when they have completed a program or degree
31 A Guiding Principle The basic purpose for student outcomes assessment is providing feedback for enhancing the teaching-learning process (educational program improvement) and improving institutional effectiveness.
32 Components of Assessment Program Review Student Outcomes Assessment General Education By Program or Discipline Group Classroom Assessment (Enhancing the Teaching/Learning Process)
33 Aligning Initiatives
34 Program Review
35 Process—Year 1 Career programs Program productivity Program need Student Characteristics Student Outcomes Program Quality
36 Process—Year 2 Arts and Sciences Program productivity Student Characteristics Student Outcomes Program Quality
37 Results Action plans for improvement Marketing/Recruitment Persistence/Retention Building Career Ladders
38 Summary AQIP is not an event or series of activities It is a way of doing our business to make us better in all arenas of the organization: Classroom (both teaching and learning) Administration Internal and external relationships It is a way of keeping ourselves accountable to ourselves and to others
39 Resources Institutional Planning and Evaluation folder on K:drive Data and Special Studies Reports Guidelines
40 Challenge What is your role in the journey?