Assessment Reports Due: 4/4/2011 (Monday) 150 Points
You will be working on three career assessments The two assessments are: 1.The KUDER Career Search Assessment 2.The KUDER Skills Assessment 3.The KUDER Work Values Inventory
Grade Requirements Grade Requirements: (150 points) Print out the results (one page results summary) for the three KUDER Assessments (50 points per report) We will spend two class periods using the school’s computer labs (3/25 and 3/31).
KUDER Registration Information Many of you have used the KUDER site in the past. If you have, you will need to check and see if your username and password still works. If it does, that’s great. If not, you will need to either retrieve this information by answering the security questions and have the username/password ed to you or you will need to re-register. If you have not used the site before, you will need to register.
KUDER N Activation Code N Code: N RZD