A Decade of Implementing Research- Based Dispositions Instruments: Student Admissions Processes DISPOSITIONS: A DECADE OF PROGRESS? Seventh Symposium on Educator Dispositions November 19, 2010 A Decade of Implementing Research- Based Dispositions Instruments: Student Admissions Processes DISPOSITIONS: A DECADE OF PROGRESS? Seventh Symposium on Educator Dispositions November 19, 2010 Mark Wasicsko, Ph.D. Dean and Bank of Kentucky Endowed Chair of Educational Leadership College of Education and Human Services Northern Kentucky University 1
Today’s Objectives Demonstrate how DISPOSITIONS can be used in admissions processes Demonstrate how DISPOSITIONS can be used in admissions processes Understand the steps for implementing a dispositions admissions model Understand the steps for implementing a dispositions admissions model Show examples of processes and tools Show examples of processes and tools Explore ethical & legal implications Explore ethical & legal implications 2
3 Why Focus on Dispositions? Necessary Conditions for Effectiveness Programs have an ethical responsibility to ensure that completers can be effective helping professionals. Programs have an ethical responsibility to ensure that completers can be effective helping professionals. 95% of the problems are generated by 5% of the candidates who are “dispositional misfits.” 95% of the problems are generated by 5% of the candidates who are “dispositional misfits.” Most students who “fail” student teaching have “dispositional” issues THAT WERE IDENTIFIED AT OR NEAR THE BEGINNING OF THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS Most students who “fail” student teaching have “dispositional” issues THAT WERE IDENTIFIED AT OR NEAR THE BEGINNING OF THE ADMISSIONS PROCESS
How Important Are Dispositions? Ranking Ranking 1.Dispositions 2.Teaching Skills 3.Knowledge Preliminary findings from “Great Teachers, Great Memories” National Survey on Favorite Teachers. 4
What We Can Teach knowledge, punctuality, appearance people skills, assessment strategies, technology infusion caring, enthusiastic, responsible, committed, energetic, positive, enjoyable, humorous, accepting relatively easy to change relatively difficult to change Select for These 5
What We Can Teach knowledge, punctuality, appearance people skills, assessment strategies, technology infusion caring, enthusiastic, responsible, committed, energetic, positive, enjoyable, humorous, accepting relatively easy to change relatively difficult to change Train for These 6
Philosophy Ideally, people considering a career in education should be provided with an opportunity to make self-assessments about their “dispositional fit” followed by mentoring and guided reflections culminating with the requirement that the students provide evidence of required dispositions prior to formal admission to the program. Ideally, people considering a career in education should be provided with an opportunity to make self-assessments about their “dispositional fit” followed by mentoring and guided reflections culminating with the requirement that the students provide evidence of required dispositions prior to formal admission to the program. 7
A Dispositions Model Step I – Self-Assessment and Self-Selection Step I – Self-Assessment and Self-Selection Step II – Mentoring and Counseling Step II – Mentoring and Counseling Step III – Admitted/Deferred Step III – Admitted/Deferred Step IV – Curricular experiences and personal growth Step IV – Curricular experiences and personal growth Step V – Program Completion Step V – Program Completion 9
Step I – Self-Assessment and Self- Selection EDU Introduction to Careers in Education Assignments EDU Introduction to Careers in Education Assignments –Dispositions Assignments –School observations and reflections –Major Goal – Dispositional Self-assessment or “fit” in education 10
Step I – Self-Assessment and Self- Selection – Sample Assignments Assignment #1 - Human Relations Incident Assignment #1 - Human Relations Incident Assignment #1 Assignment #1 Assignment #2 - My Favorite Teacher Letter Assignment #2 - My Favorite Teacher Letter Assignment #2 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 - Effective Educators’ Dispositions Assignment #3 - Effective Educators’ Dispositions Assignment #3 Assignment #3 Assignment #4 - Reflecting on Personal Dispositions Assignment #4 - Reflecting on Personal Dispositions Assignment #4 Assignment #4 11
Step II – Mentoring and Counseling Provided by Advisor/Instructor Provided by Advisor/Instructor –Personal Knowledge of Students –Dispositions Reflections Assignments –Opportunities to Observe Dispositions –Rubrics for Necessary Dispositions –Recommendation to Admit or Defer 13
Step III – Admitted/Deferred Admitted – candidate demonstrated the dispositions necessary (recommendations from faculty trained on dispositions rubrics and/or through an interview with admissions panel) Admitted – candidate demonstrated the dispositions necessary (recommendations from faculty trained on dispositions rubrics and/or through an interview with admissions panel) Deferred – candidate has not demonstrated the necessary dispositions Deferred – candidate has not demonstrated the necessary dispositions 15
Discussion Preliminary data indicate: Preliminary data indicate: –self-selection is not be sufficient for admission decisions –students who do not have the necessary dispositions may not self-select out and can become the legal and ethical dilemmas at program completion 17
Passing the Legal Test: Deferring Admissions Clearly articulated Conceptual Framework Clearly articulated Conceptual Framework A valid and reliable measurement strategy A valid and reliable measurement strategy Training in use of dispositions rubrics Training in use of dispositions rubrics Clearly delineated procedures Clearly delineated procedures A reasonable implementation schedule with adequate notice A reasonable implementation schedule with adequate notice 18
Gaining Proficiency on Dispositional Rubrics Self-Instructional Materials Self-Instructional Materials Training Workshop Training Workshop Colleague Workgroups Colleague Workgroups Post-Test Assessment Post-Test Assessment Professional Rater Certification Professional Rater Certification 19
Using the Rubrics in Post Bachelors Programs Interview candidates for alternative certification, MAT, Principal Preparation, Counseling Interview candidates for alternative certification, MAT, Principal Preparation, Counseling Admission to Ed.D Program and graduate programs Admission to Ed.D Program and graduate programs 20
Admissions Interview - EdD Group interview for candidates with panel of faculty Group interview for candidates with panel of faculty Dispositions questions form Dispositions questions form On-demand writing sample On-demand writing sample 22
Conclusion Integrating dispositions into the admissions process is a challenging but unifying activity for a program and its faculty. Integrating dispositions into the admissions process is a challenging but unifying activity for a program and its faculty. The intentional, thoughtful and research-based implementation of a dispositions in admissions can significantly enhance the quality of educators and, most importantly, the potential for learning and growth of students. The intentional, thoughtful and research-based implementation of a dispositions in admissions can significantly enhance the quality of educators and, most importantly, the potential for learning and growth of students. 24
Good Resources JOIN NNSED – IT’S FREE! (information about Dispositions, training materials, Symposium information and more) JOIN NNSED – IT’S FREE! (information about Dispositions, training materials, Symposium information and more) Information about Dr. Arthur Combs, The Florida Studies and small grants for graduate student research Information about Dr. Arthur Combs, The Florida Studies and small grants for graduate student research 25