What is the Focus? Round 2 Analysis observed trends in student perception after first survey. Allows us to recognize improvements of lower measures and stability of prior higher measurements
Demographics Response Rate: 643/3720 = 17.28% Gender: 66% female/34% male Ethnicity: 70% White/Caucasian Age: Uniformity Status: 72% Full Time Program: About even split: Trans./Occ. Class: >1 year: 42%, 1-2Years: 34%
What we’re talking about… Strengths: Top ½ of Importance AND Top ¼ of satisfaction Challenges: Top ½ of Importance AND Bottom ¼ of satisfaction. or Top ½ Importance AND Top ¼ of gap between Importance and Satisfaction
Top Strengths of KC 1. The campus is safe and secure for all students. 2. I am currently meeting my enrollment objective. 3. Registration processes and procedures are convenient. 4. Faculty are usually available to students outside of class during office hours, by phone, or by There are convenient ways of paying my school bill. 6. This campus provides online access to services I need. 7. Students are made to feel welcome here. 8. The College demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs older, returning students. 9. On the whole, the campus is well-maintained.
Top Challenges of KC 1. The quality of instruction I receive in most of my classes is excellent. 2. I am able to register for the classes I need with few conflicts. 3. Classes are scheduled at times that are convenient for me. 4. There are sufficient courses within my program of study available each term. 5. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about my program requirements. 6. Faculty provide timely feedback about my academic progress. 7. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about transfer requirements of other schools. 8. This institution helps me identify resources to finance my education. 9. I receive ongoing feedback about progress toward my academic goals.
National Benchmarks Higher Satisfaction vs. National Community Colleges 1. Registration processes and procedures are convenient. 2. There are convenient ways of paying my school bill. 3. On the whole, the campus is well-maintained. 4. Financial aid awards are announced in time to be helpful in college planning. Lower Satisfaction vs. National Community Colleges 1. Computer labs are adequate and accessible. (Cohort specific) Higher Importance vs. National Community Colleges 1. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about transfer requirements of other schools. 2. This institution helps me identify resources to finance my education. 3. The assessment and course placement procedures are reasonable.
2011 vs Comparison Higher Satisfaction 1. The amount of student parking space on campus is adequate. 2. Parking lots are well-lighted and secure. 3. I am currently meeting my enrollment objective. 4. The College demonstrates a commitment to the education/support of all sexual orientations.
2011 vs Comparison Lower Satisfaction 1. Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment. 2. Security staff respond quickly to calls for assistance. 3. My placement tests placed me in appropriate levels of reading, math and English so I could be successful. 4. The equipment in the lab facilities is kept up to date. 5. Faculty are fair and unbiased in their treatment of individual students. 6. This campus provides online access to services I need. 7. The assessment and course placement procedures are reasonable. 8. I am able to take care of college-related business at times that are convenient. 9. There are adequate services to help me decide upon a career.
What now??? Planning includes assessment of activities already in the works. Recommendation of future plans. Any specialty requests? Questions?