FDOT’s Path to e-Construction Amy Tootle, P.E. - State Construction Engineer Doug Martin, P.E. - Construction Systems Engineer
Leaping into the 21st Century – Why Now? Antiquated way of doing business Keep up with our partners Work $marter not harder Transformational leadership Generational change Successful organizations continually improve Design is already electronic Came to Construction over a year ago with a challenge from the Secretary “Let’s reform this process and bring it into 21st Century ..” In my quest to reform the process and bring Construction into the 21st Century, I started talking with my peers in the SCO. It was in these discussions that we came up with these seven reasons to go down a paperless path.
Antiquated Way of Doing Business Documents and forms are printed, signed, scanned and emailed or mailed Multiple copies are made for multiple recipients Turnaround for approvals and contract change execution is sometimes very slow Special runners are sometimes employed to hand deliver contractual documents Time to start streamlining our processes to become more efficient
Keeping Up With Our Partners Consultants/contractors are utilizing advanced technology Mobile Devices Electronic As-Builts/Review of Plans (Blue Beam, Adobe, etc) 3D Models > Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) Improved collaboration and data sharing amongst stakeholders Consultant CEIs are already using mobile devices for data collection and reviews. They access specifications, manuals, contract documents remotely. Both are using pdf software to review and mark up plans. Contractors are taking 2D plans and paying to convert them to 3D models so they may use for AMG and help with data collection and more accurate construction. There is a need, especially now with alternative contracting, to become more collaborative with stakeholders. The “them” versus “us” mentality has to be dissolved so that the overall objective can be achieved.
Generational Change Boomers Question Authority Idealistic Individuality Work Ethic Generation X Comfortable with Technology Self Reliant Accept Diversity Generation Y Tech Savvy Highly Educated Team Players Embrace Diversity We realized @ FDOT we have a multi generational workforce where we have Boomers on one end of the spectrum. Who are retiring and are content with how we do business. Then we have Generation Y who embrace change and live for technology on the other end. In our quest to groom the up and comers we have to transform the way we do business and embrace new technology. Boomers: Very entrenched in their ways X : Are the middle ground between antiquated and 21st century Y: Technology driven, job satisfaction vs job security, self confident
Work $marter, Not Harder Florida’s Work Program is one of the largest in the country Total Funding & Budget for 2014/15 – 2018/19 = $41.8B 47% for Construction 535 Active Construction Contracts $11.5B State Highway System = 43,424 Lane miles 287,977,300 Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (DVMT) As of October 13, 2014, Current Construction Contacts = 535 for a total of $11.5B, in various stages of construction. 87% ($17.1B) of total construction budget is for capacity improvements and resurfacing. 47% ($19.7 B) of total work program is adopted for construction. There is a need to be more efficient in how we deliver projects so we can be prudent with our spending. Essentially work smarter not harder.
Transformational Leadership Step Up Bold, Innovative, and Inspirational Bold: Ideas to make the department better, faster, smarter Innovative: Ideas to fruition by defining specific objectives to accomplish Inspirational: Get others excited about ideas At FDOT we have a very transformational leadership team in place. In October 2011, Secretary Prasad introduced the idea of “Stepping Up” as a new initiative to FDOT employees. He challenged employees to step up to the plate and swing the bat in order for FDOT to be successful. Sitting on the bench just won't do. The first concept of Step Up was to be 1) Be Bold Innovative and Inspirational With this challenge in mind, the concept of going paperless within construction came to light.
Transformational Leadership Step Up CPR Consistent: Decisions are made which are consistent with department policy Predictable: Decisions are predictable, given the circumstances Repeatable: Decisions are repeatable by others in similar situations The second concept of Step Up was to be 2) CPR We need to make decisions that are CPR throughout the Agency. So that if someone does business with us in the panhandle, they can expect the same policy decisions in South Florida. With this concept in mind, the SCO tried to make sure the decisions we were making to go paperless, would apply across our 7 Districts and the Turnpike.
Continuous Improvement If it Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It (Not acceptable!) Actively listen to industry and staff in the “trenches” Their needs Technology being used FDOT is in the tops in the nation for piloting new ways of doing business The old adage of If It Aint Broke Don’t Fix isn’t acceptable to our leadership team. Thus successful organizations continuously look for ways they can improve their processes. One such avenue to do so, is by actively listening to industry and staff in the trenches Utilizing technology – FDOT is behind. mobile devices Electronic As Built/plans review 3D modeling for AMG Digital signatures to sign forms etc
Design is Already Electronic Projects Let Electronically Since 2005 3D Design Models Few Design Projects Revising Specifications for Construction Implementation undetermined First Let job in 2001 Full let in 2005 3D Model Capabilities and software there, now need to train, get consultant buy in Construction is working with Design to revise specifications to allow 3D models for use in Construction with AMG Implementation undetermined but recent FHWA 3D workshops in Florida, likely a catalyst to set a deadline
e-Construction Implementation Vision Systems Thinking Overall picture Interconnected relationships There are no final answers Every solution creates new problems Educate the Districts & Stakeholders Vision – simply the Office of Construction wants to become paperless. The how to required a little more thought. Systems Thinking - The system is not the sum of it’s parts but the product of it’s interactions. In SCO we looked at the overall picture and what we were trying to accomplish. Overall picture is CIM and e-Construction is just a part of CIM. Relationships - CADD/Survey/Roadway/OIS/maintenance. Operate outside our silos and come together as one FDOT for the betterment of the agency. There are no final answers as we continue to evolve. Educate the Districts – get buy in. Since inception SCO has been letting the Districts know where we are headed and keeping them apprised of developments and getting feedback Eventually webinars, how to videos and guides will be in place for full implementation. Continue to talk with industry and give them updates -
e-Construction Implementation – The Parts Collaborative Sharing Site Phased Implementation – March 2014 Mobile Devices Phased Implementation - Fall 2015 Digital Signatures Ongoing Implementation Form Automation Electronic As-Built Plans July 2015 After we understood what our overall system was and how e-Construction fit into it, it was then time to get into the parts of e-Construction and how they work together and fit into the system. Currently we have 5 different parts of e-Construction we are implementing.
Collaborative Sharing Site October 2013 – Management approval July 2014 – Procured consultant (Project Solve) August 2014 – First Project Activated (I-4 Ultimate) September 2014 – Team devising standard workflows March 2015 – Phased Implementation The SCO recognized our firewall was hindering us from collaborating with our stakeholders and the need to do something different. Task team established amongst SCO and Districts and idea for the collaborative site came to the fore front. Went to mgmt to see if they would allow us to Procure a consultant, who would host collaboration services, to support sharing and document exchange for Construction projects which promotes a Paperless Environment. Procurement Requirements: Off the shelf and dynamically configurable I-4 Ultimate – Just starting up, in the beginning stages of use. In test mode but plan to go live as soon at there is a NTP at the end of September.
Collaborative Sharing Site Collaboration Process EDMS FDOT FDOT Firewall Project Share Site Stakeholders Project is activated in SiteManager, the District admin will set up a new project directory in Project Solve (hosted site outside FDOT firewall) Project Solve will populate forms with project information. Document is submitted that needs approval, work flow will alert person. All forms, RFIs, QA, Contract changes & approvals can be run through this Share Site. As documents are finalized on a project they will be imported back to FDOT through our firewall and into The Electronic Data Management System (EDMS)
Project Solve SP This is what the test phase initially is shaping up to be. The Project Solve site is initially being set up to include 10 workflows and as time advances more will be added.
Collaborative Sharing Site Expense Budgeting into Work Program $125 per month/contract $800K/year Budgeted into the Work Program for as long as needed Approximately 535 active contracts
Mobile Devices pilot November 2014 – End Windows based May 2014 – Begin E&O Windows based pilot November 2014 – End Windows based Summer 2015 – Construction pilot Fall 2015 – Phased implementation for construction Through a special Innovators team, E&O initiated a Windows based tablet project which is very specification based. (Design/Construction/Survey/Materials/Maintenance etc) . 3 Devices: Lenovo i5 & Lenovo i7 Surface Pro II Fujitsu
Mobile Devices Construction Specific Pilot Project Interface with project specific SharePoint site Access to eBooks (specifications, standards, manuals) Video/meeting capability As-Built Plans Email/calendar access Currently our need is to have an additional tool for data collection and problem solving. We are not looking to replace laptops at this time but not opposed to it in the future, as technology advances. Working with OIS and the some of our District Construction folks to come up with scope. Going to try to get management to buy off on Ipads.
Mobile Devices Over 20,000 pieces of paper replaced, on 4 projects, by the use of a mobile device 1 Manual 3 Design standards 3 Specifications 1 Utility Accommodation Manual
Mobile Devices Legislative Budget Request 2015/2016 $630K First Year 300 devices/accessories/data plans Training Custom software $180K annually for data plans $150K / 3 years for device replacement
Digital Signatures July 2, 2013 – Initial purchase of 390 digital certificate vouchers July 29,2013 - Issued Memo of Understanding July 2014 – Awaiting approval for use of digital signatures on monthly estimates One of the first big steps the SCO took with e-Construction was to buy digital certificates. A task team researched different companies and chose a company called IdenTrust due to their ability to authenticate certificate holders identity. Issued Memo of Understanding Between FDOT, Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers (FICE) and Florida Transportation Builders Association (FTBA) In process of getting Department of Financial Services approve use of digital signatures for monthly estimates Developing some training on how to use Digital signatures.
Digital Signatures Agreement between three parties to institute e-Commerce in effort to minimize or eliminate use of paper..
Digital Signatures Florida Statue 668 – Electronic Commerce Laws Florida Statute 668 – Electronic Commerce Florida Statute 471.025 – Regulation of Professions and Occupations (Engineering) Rules Florida Administrative Code 61G15-23.003 – Procedures for Signing and Sealing Electronically Transmitted Plans, Specifications, Reports or Other Documents. Florida Statue 668 – Electronic Commerce Florida Statue 471.025 – Regulation of Professions and Occupations (Engineering) Seals
Digital Signatures Under today’s circumstances to submit a monthly estimate on a project Generate the estimate in SiteManger Print it out Resident Engineer Hand Signs, prints, scans and emails District Construction Engineer print, signs, scans and emails to Comptroller Comptroller processes and sends to DFS
Digital Signatures With Digital Certificates Generate the estimate in SiteManger Resident Engineer digitally signs and emails to DCE District Construction Engineer Digitally Signs and emails to Comptroller Comptroller processes and emails to DFS
Digital Signatures FDOTs Design group worked with the FBPE and rewrote language with the FAC to correspond to the FS. This would allow for Professionals to attach a digital certificate to plans without signing and sealing each sheet.
Digital Signatures Expense 390 Certificates $100 per certificate / 2 years $19,500/year Paid by OIS
Form Automation Forms to be pre-populated with project specific data Adding digital signature blocks Forms to be pre-populated with project specific data Transmittal forms revised to require electronic file #’s In construction we have over 100 forms. Digital signature blocks being added so that need to print and sign forms is no longer necessary When a project is activated in ProjectSolve, all the forms will be pre-populated with the job specific project data. Uniform throughout, all projects have same template. Submittal packages will no longer need to be hard copies. Revised transmittal forms to include EDMS document #’s
Electronic As-Built Plans Fall 2013 – Decision to go electronic with As-Built Plans Spring 2014 – Decision to use pdf software for As-Built Plans July 2014 – Evaluation of pdf software July 2015 – Implement electronic As-Built Plans For many years the way we have done business was to have a separate computation book to record planned and final quantities. Last year it was decided that this would be incorporated into the Plan set with Summary of Quantity Boxes. At this time it was also decided that Construction would go to electronic as-builts. The idea was debated on whether we should go the microstation route and update the design set or just do as-builts via PDF software Being that our objective is to go paperless and that there was an undetermined implementation of 3D design, we chose the pdf route.
Electronic As-Built Plans A team evaluated multiple pdf products and determined for Engineering and Construction, that the Blue Beam software would best suit our needs. This is a snap shot of a plan sheet. Features we like is that we can embed pictures, documentation and easily make markups.
Electronic As-Built Plans
Electronic As-Built Plans This is a Summary of Quantity sheet where final quantities are addressed and adjustment notes can be made.
Electronic As-Built Plans Expense 401 Licenses statewide $120 per license $48,000
Summary Initial Investment: $1.5M Annual Recurring Expense: $834K - Reduction in Scanning Costs: $125K Savings each year: ~ $22M FDOT Projections based on MDOT projects of approximately $44,000/project
Contact Information Amy C. Tootle, P.E. – FDOT Amy.tootle@dot.state.fl.us Doug Martin, P.E. – FDOT Douglas.Martin2@dot.state.fl.us