Regents Review Live U.S. History Susan E. Hamilton & Mr. Joyce 2009 Susan E. Hamilton & Mr. Joyce
Test Structure (30% geography) 50 multiple choice questions on ninth and tenth grade material One thematic essay on a broad topic Several short answer document- based questions One essay based on the documents 50 multiple choice questions on ninth and tenth grade material One thematic essay on a broad topic Several short answer document- based questions One essay based on the documents 2
How to Study for the US History Regents Identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus your studying on your weaknesses Know how you learn Break up study sessions in small chunks of time Identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus your studying on your weaknesses Know how you learn Break up study sessions in small chunks of time 3
How to Study for the U.S. History Regents Make yourself accountable - have someone quiz you Use review resources including online practice exams and worksheets on the RRL website Make yourself accountable - have someone quiz you Use review resources including online practice exams and worksheets on the RRL website 4
Multiple Choice Strategies Positive/Negative (see website for review sheet) Go with what you know: look for key vocabulary words or people (see website for review sheet) Word Association (see website for review sheet) Positive/Negative (see website for review sheet) Go with what you know: look for key vocabulary words or people (see website for review sheet) Word Association (see website for review sheet) 5
Multiple Choice Strategies Speaker or Quotation questions Process of Elimination Fact/Opinion Questions Map/Graphs/Charts/Political Cartoons Speaker or Quotation questions Process of Elimination Fact/Opinion Questions Map/Graphs/Charts/Political Cartoons 6
Document Strategies Always read the question first Read the source of the document Read the document with a purpose Underline the answer within the document Always read the question first Read the source of the document Read the document with a purpose Underline the answer within the document 7
Document Strategies Answer the question being asked using information from the document Brainstorm outside information related to the subject of the document (use: Who? What? When? where? Why? How?) Be sure to answer ALL the documents (even if you don’t use all of them in your essay) Answer the question being asked using information from the document Brainstorm outside information related to the subject of the document (use: Who? What? When? where? Why? How?) Be sure to answer ALL the documents (even if you don’t use all of them in your essay) 8
Brainstorming Outside Information for Documents Examples IMPERIALISM: definition, “Remember the Maine” … Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Open Door Policy, Mexican American War, Spanish-American War, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, mercantilism 9
Brainstorming Outside Information for Documents Examples Gilded Age: Big business, monopolies, cartels, Robber Barons, Captains of Industry, Rockefeller, Wal-Mart, laissez-faire, white collar, $100,000 salaries, big profits Gilded Age: Workers, blue collar, immigrants, low pay, bad working conditions (hot in summer, cold in winter), $5 a week, child labor, female labor, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Gilded Age: Big business, monopolies, cartels, Robber Barons, Captains of Industry, Rockefeller, Wal-Mart, laissez-faire, white collar, $100,000 salaries, big profits Gilded Age: Workers, blue collar, immigrants, low pay, bad working conditions (hot in summer, cold in winter), $5 a week, child labor, female labor, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory 10
Writing Essay Strategies: Thematic Essay Read the task carefully & be sure what is being asked Make a chart or a graphic organizer based on the task Brainstorm using question words (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?) Read the task carefully & be sure what is being asked Make a chart or a graphic organizer based on the task Brainstorm using question words (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?) 11
Writing Essay Strategies: Thematic Essay Write your essay based on your chart (check off chart) Reread your work. Be sure you have answered all aspects of the task. Look to add additional information. Proofread your work. Write your essay based on your chart (check off chart) Reread your work. Be sure you have answered all aspects of the task. Look to add additional information. Proofread your work. 12
Thematic Essay Political, economic and social conditions have often let to turning points that have changed the course of history for nations and peoples. 13
Thematic Essay Identify three turning points from your study of global history and for each –Describe the causes and key events that led to the turning point –Explain how each turning point changed the course of history for nations and peoples. Identify three turning points from your study of global history and for each –Describe the causes and key events that led to the turning point –Explain how each turning point changed the course of history for nations and peoples. 14
President Barack Obama, 1 st African-American President, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. : spokesperson, March on Washington, Rosa Parks: had the guts not to give up her seat Middle Passage, slavery, genocide, Jim Crow Laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, southern plantations, cruel treatment American Civil Rights Movement Representative democracy, people elect government officials, can recall them, President only serves 4 – 8 years, universal suffrage No taxation without representation, King George = absolute monarch, no universal suffrage, British mercantilism, the end of salutary neglect American Revolutionary War Explain/change Causes/Events Turning Point Theme: Turning Points 15
Essay Writing Strategies: DBQ Essay Read the task carefully and be sure what is being asked. Make a chart or graphic organizer based on the task and what you know about it. Be sure to brainstorm here. Identify which documents you intend to use to support your ideas. Read the task carefully and be sure what is being asked. Make a chart or graphic organizer based on the task and what you know about it. Be sure to brainstorm here. Identify which documents you intend to use to support your ideas. 16
Essay Writing Strategies: DBQ Essay Write your essay based on your chart. BE SURE TO INCLUDE OUTSIDE INFORMATION RELATING TO THE TOPIC (I suggest underlining this information) as well as information from the documents. Don’t forget to cite your documents using enclosures [i.e.,(doc. 3)] Reread your work. Be sure you have answered all aspects of the task and have used the required number of documents. Look to add any additional relevant information. Proofread your essay. Write your essay based on your chart. BE SURE TO INCLUDE OUTSIDE INFORMATION RELATING TO THE TOPIC (I suggest underlining this information) as well as information from the documents. Don’t forget to cite your documents using enclosures [i.e.,(doc. 3)] Reread your work. Be sure you have answered all aspects of the task and have used the required number of documents. Look to add any additional relevant information. Proofread your essay. 17
There are seven required units that all questions will be derived from. 1-Geography 2-Constitutional Foundations for the United States Democratic Republic 3-Industrialization of the United States 4-The Progressive Movement: Responses to the Challenges Brought About by Industrialization and Urbanization 18
5- At Home and Abroad: Prosperity and Depression, The United States in an Age of Global Crisis: Responsibility and Cooperation 7- World in Uncertain Times: Present 19
Specifications Grid Number of multiple-choice items by unit Unit # … # of questions 1 / / / / / / / 4-8 (2-6 questions from 1980-present) 20
The 2 required essays are chosen from themes in U.S. History At least one essay must have a government theme. Some possible topics are: 1. Laws and social change 2. Roles of the Supreme Court 3. Checks and Balances 4. Citizenship 5. Equal Rights 21
6. Presidential Decisions Throughout United States history, presidents have made decisions which have had significant impacts on American society. Choose 3 of these decisions and: 1. Describe the problem which led him to the decision. 2. Discuss an impact of the decision on American society. 22
Other themes to consider as possible essay topics. 1. Geographic Factors 2. Intellectual Life and Reform 3. Technology 4. Twentieth Century Problems 5. Tradition Versus Change 6. Economic Policies and Systems 7. Environmental Issues 23
Other themes to consider as possible essay topics. 8. Factors of Production and Growth 9. Foreign Policies 10. Human Rights 11. Migration and Immigration 12. Individuals and Groups 13. Minorities 14. Diversity and Intolerance 15. Territorial Expansion 24
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 25
Sample Document Multiple Choice Questions Judicial review, as practiced by the federal courts, resulted directly from 1. the decisions of colonial governors 2. the Articles of Confederation 3. the Bill of Rights 4. a Supreme Court decision 27
Sample Document Multiple Choice Questions During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Great Compromise resolved a conflict over 1. presidential power 2. the issue of nullification 3. representation in Congress 4. taxes on imports 28
Here is/are the answer(s). 29
Sample Document Multiple Choice Questions Judicial review, as practiced by the federal courts, resulted directly from 1. the decisions of colonial governors 2. the Articles of Confederation 3. the Bill of Rights 4. a Supreme Court decision 31
Sample Document Multiple Choice Questions During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Great Compromise resolved a conflict over 1. presidential power 2. the issue of nullification 3. representation in Congress 4. taxes on imports 32
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 33
John Locke’s theory of natural rights, as reflected in the Declaration of Independence, states that 1. government is the source of all individual rights 2. power should be concentrated in the monarchy 3. power to govern belongs to the people 4. individual liberties are best protected by a strong government Sample Document Multiple Choice Questions 35
Here is/are the answer(s). 37
John Locke’s theory of natural rights, as reflected in the Declaration of Independence, states that 1. government is the source of all individual rights 2. power should be concentrated in the monarchy 3. power to govern belongs to the people 4. individual liberties are best protected by a strong government Sample Document Multiple Choice Questions 39
Geography-Unit One Topics A. The Physical / Cultural Setting in the Americas B. Role/ Influence of Geography on Historical/ Cultural Development C. Geographic Issues Today D. Demographics 40
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 41
Geography Multiple Choice Questions Prior to 1850, what was the main reason the North developed an economy increasingly based on manufacturing while the South continued to rely on an economy based on agriculture? 1. Protective tariffs applied only to northern seaports. 2. Geographic conditions supported different types of economic activity. 3. Slavery in the North promoted rapid economic growth. 4. Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South. 43
Acquiring New Orleans as part of the Louisiana Purchase was considered important to the development of the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys because the city 1. provided protection from attacks by the Spanish 2. provided migrant workers for river valley farms 3. served as a port for American agricultural goods 4. served as the cultural center for the nation Geography Multiple Choice Questions 44
Here is/are the answer(s). 45
Geography Multiple Choice Questions Prior to 1850, what was the main reason the North developed an economy increasingly based on manufacturing while the South continued to rely on an economy based on agriculture? 1. Protective tariffs applied only to northern seaports. 2. Geographic conditions supported different types of economic activity. 3. Slavery in the North promoted rapid economic growth. 4. Manufacturers failed to make a profit in the South. 47
Acquiring New Orleans as part of the Louisiana Purchase was considered important to the development of the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys because the city 1. provided protection from attacks by the Spanish 2. provided migrant workers for river valley farms 3. served as a port for American agricultural goods 4. served as the cultural center for the nation Geography Multiple Choice Questions 48
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 49
Which geographic factor had the greatest influence on early patterns of industrialization in the United States? 1. scarcity of flat land on which to build factories 2. shortages of timber and coal 3. desire of workers to live in mild climates 4. availability of waterpower to operate machines Geography Multiple Choice Questions 51
Here is/are the answer(s). 53
Which geographic factor had the greatest influence on early patterns of industrialization in the United States? 1. scarcity of flat land on which to build factories 2. shortages of timber and coal 3. desire of workers to live in mild climates 4. availability of waterpower to operate machines Geography Multiple Choice Questions 55
Industrialization-Unit Three Topics A. The Reconstructed Nation B. The Rise of American Business, Industry, and Labor C. Adjusting Society to Industrialism: American People and Places 56
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 57
The growth of big business in the late 1800’s resulted in 1. a reduction in child labor 2. the elimination of the middle class 3. the widening of the economic gap between rich and poor 4. a shift in transportation investment from railroads to canals Industrialization Multiple Choice Questions 59
Constitutional amendments adopted during Reconstruction were intended to 1. provide legal and political rights for African Americans 2. end property and religious qualifications for voting 3. correct problems with the electoral college system 4. limit the number of terms of the president Industrialization Multiple Choice Questions 60
Here is/are the answer(s). 61
The growth of big business in the late 1800’s resulted in 1. a reduction in child labor 2. the elimination of the middle class 3. the widening of the economic gap between rich and poor 4. a shift in transportation investment from railroads to canals Industrialization Multiple Choice Questions 63
Constitutional amendments adopted during Reconstruction were intended to 1. provide legal and political rights for African Americans 2. end property and religious qualifications for voting 3. correct problems with the electoral college system 4. limit the number of terms of the president Industrialization Multiple Choice Questions 64
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 65
After 1880, a major new source of labor for American factories was 1. western farmers who moved back to eastern cities 2. young women who worked until they married 3. formerly enslaved persons fleeing from the South 4. immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Industrialization Multiple Choice Questions 66
Reform-Unit 4 Topics A. Reform in America B. America Reaching Out 67
Reform Multiple Choice Questions The photographs of Jacob Riis are most closely associated with the 1. battlefields of the Civil War 2. living conditions of the urban poor 3. plight of sharecroppers in the South 4. victims of the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains 68
Here is/are the answer(s). 69
After 1880, a major new source of labor for American factories was 1. western farmers who moved back to eastern cities 2. young women who worked until they married 3. formerly enslaved persons fleeing from the South 4. immigrants from southern and eastern Europe Industrialization Multiple Choice Questions 70
Reform Multiple Choice Questions The photographs of Jacob Riis are most closely associated with the 1. battlefields of the Civil War 2. living conditions of the urban poor 3. plight of sharecroppers in the South 4. victims of the Dust Bowl on the Great Plains 72
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 73
Progressive Era reforms such as the initiative, referendum, and recall attempted to 1. increase the power of citizens in state and local government 2. reestablish the system of checks and balances 3. provide low-interest loans to farmers 4. expand voting rights to Native Americans Reform Multiple Choice Questions 74
The Federal Reserve System helps to regulate 1. the annual federal budget 2. state sales tax rates 3. Social Security payments 4. the nation’s money supply Reform Multiple Choice Questions 75
Here is/are the answer(s). 77
Progressive Era reforms such as the initiative, referendum, and recall attempted to 1. increase the power of citizens in state and local government 2. reestablish the system of checks and balances 3. provide low-interest loans to farmers 4. expand voting rights to Native Americans Reform Multiple Choice Questions 78
The Federal Reserve System helps to regulate 1. the annual federal budget 2. state sales tax rates 3. Social Security payments 4. the nation’s money supply Reform Multiple Choice Questions 79
: Unit 5 Topics A. War and Prosperity : B. The Great Depression 80
Please answer the question(s) on this page. The answers to the question(s) is/are on the next page. 81
Multiple Choice Questions The march of the “Bonus Army” and referring to shantytowns as “Hoovervilles” in the early 1930’s illustrate 1. growing discontent with Republican efforts to deal with the Great Depression 2. state projects that created jobs for the unemployed 3. federal attempts to restore confidence in the American economy 4. the president’s success in solving social problems 83
The changing image of women during the 1920’s was symbolized by the 1. passage of an equal pay act 2. drafting of women into the army 3. popularity of the flappers and their style of dress 4. appointment of several women to President Calvin Coolidge’s cabinet Multiple Choice Questions 84
Here is/are the answer(s). 85
Multiple Choice Questions The march of the “Bonus Army” and referring to shantytowns as “Hoovervilles” in the early 1930’s illustrate 1. growing discontent with Republican efforts to deal with the Great Depression 2. state projects that created jobs for the unemployed 3. federal attempts to restore confidence in the American economy 4. the president’s success in solving social problems 87
The changing image of women during the 1920’s was symbolized by the 1. passage of an equal pay act 2. drafting of women into the army 3. popularity of the flappers and their style of dress 4. appointment of several women to President Calvin Coolidge’s cabinet Multiple Choice Questions 88
Global Crisis: Unit 6 Topics A. Peace in Peril : B. Peace With Problems :
Unit 6 Multiple Choice Questions A main purpose of government-ordered rationing during World War 2 was to 1. increase foreign trade 2. limit the growth of industry 3. conserve raw materials for the war effort 4. encourage women to enter the workforce 90
The U.S. began a trade embargo against Cuba in the 1960’s to 1. encourage political change in Cuba 2. promote domestic industries in Cuba 3. motivate Cubans to immigrate to the U.S. 4. end the domination of the banana industry by Cuba Unit 6 Multiple Choice Questions 91
A goal of the Marshall Plan (1948) was to 1. rebuild Japan after World War 2 2. provide military aid to the Warsaw Pact 3. establish a Pan-American military alliance system 4. provide economic aid to European nations threatened by communism Unit 6 Multiple Choice Questions 92
Here is/are the answer(s). 93
Unit 6 Multiple Choice Questions A main purpose of government-ordered rationing during World War 2 was to 1. increase foreign trade 2. limit the growth of industry 3. conserve raw materials for the war effort 4. encourage women to enter the workforce 94
The U.S. began a trade embargo against Cuba in the 1960’s to 1. encourage political change in Cuba 2. promote domestic industries in Cuba 3. motivate Cubans to immigrate to the U.S. 4. end the domination of the banana industry by Cuba Unit 6 Multiple Choice Questions 95
A goal of the Marshall Plan (1948) was to 1. rebuild Japan after World War 2 2. provide military aid to the Warsaw Pact 3. establish a Pan-American military alliance system 4. provide economic aid to European nations threatened by communism Unit 6 Multiple Choice Questions 96
1950 – Present: Unit 7 Topics A. Toward a Postindustrial World: Living in a Global Age B. Containment and Consensus: C. Decade of Change: 1960’s D. The Limits of Power: Turmoil at Home and Abroad, E. The Trend Toward Conservatism, F. Approaching the Next Century
Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions A major goal of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program was to 1. control economic inflation 2. end poverty in the U.S. 3. repeal several New Deal social programs 4. return the responsibility for welfare programs to the states 98
In Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) and Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Supreme Court ruled that persons convicted of crimes had been 1. denied due process of law 2. denied a speedy and public trial 3. victimized by illegal search and seizure 4. sentenced to cruel and unusual punishment Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 99
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in an effort to correct: 1.racial and gender discrimination 2. limitations on freedom of speech 3. unfair immigration quotas 4. segregation in the armed forces Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 100
Here is/are the answer(s). 101
Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions A major goal of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program was to 1. control economic inflation 2. end poverty in the U.S. 3. repeal several New Deal social programs 4. return the responsibility for welfare programs to the states 102
In Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) and Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Supreme Court ruled that persons convicted of crimes had been 1. denied due process of law 2. denied a speedy and public trial 3. victimized by illegal search and seizure 4. sentenced to cruel and unusual punishment Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 103
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed in an effort to correct: 1.racial and gender discrimination 2. limitations on freedom of speech 3. unfair immigration quotas 4. segregation in the armed forces Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 104
Population increases that resulted from the baby boom of the 1950’s and 1960’s contributed to a 1. housing surplus 2. drop in immigration 3. reduction in government services 4. rise in the demand for consumer goods Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 105
Which statement best describes an impact of the Watergate scandal on American society? (1) The modern environmental movement began. (2) Public trust in government declined. (3) Voter turnout in elections increased. (4) An economic recession ended. Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 106
Population increases that resulted from the baby boom of the 1950’s and 1960’s contributed to a 1. housing surplus 2. drop in immigration 3. reduction in government services 4. rise in the demand for consumer goods Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 109
Which statement best describes an impact of the Watergate scandal on American society? (1) The modern environmental movement began. (2) Public trust in government declined. (3) Voter turnout in elections increased. (4) An economic recession ended. Unit 7 Multiple Choice Questions 110
Final Tips Have confidence you can do this Prepare using effective studying strategies: Get quizzed by someone Eat before the exam. Bring pens with you to the exam Have confidence you can do this Prepare using effective studying strategies: Get quizzed by someone Eat before the exam. Bring pens with you to the exam 111
Final Tips Relax and do the best you can Look at the essays first and brainstorm Do the questions you know first Check your work Relax and do the best you can Look at the essays first and brainstorm Do the questions you know first Check your work 112