NONPROFIT-COMMUNITY COLLEGE SURVEY RESULTS October 30, 2014 National Council for Workforce Education Conference
Session Overview Introduction Overview of Courses to Employment (C2E) Demonstration Project Overview of Aspen C2E Survey and Survey Respondents Why Partner? Trends from the Aspen C2E Survey Best Practices and Challenges Identified by Survey Respondents
About AspenWSI Research and Evaluation Projects to identify successful practices, understand labor market systems, and enhance outcomes in the field Leadership Development for practitioners at local workforce development initiatives Public Events to highlight issues affecting low and moderate income American workers
About You? What type of organization do you represent? Are you involved with a cbo-community college planning partnership in your work?
About Aspen’s C2E Initiative Learning demonstration involving six community college- nonprofit program collaborations ( ) Based on the premise that, with rare exception, neither colleges nor nonprofits have the resources needed to serve under-represented students effectively, especially over the long term Partnerships were selected competitively for research – from 89 applications Funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
What are C2E Strategies? Workforce development approaches that focus on non-traditional students, typically low-income, working adults and that Combine the strengths of community colleges and local workforce nonprofits Target a specific sector or career pathway Support workers in improving their workplace skills Support students in persisting on an education pathway Provide labor market navigation services
What are C2E Strategies? Student Needs Institutional Capacities and Characteristics Policy and Funding Environment Business Needs
Initial C2E Findings Partnerships are a promising and effective strategy for serving low-income adults in community college Most graduates obtained employment after training and earner higher wages post-training Many graduates continued to do well with education and employment experiences post training
Overview of the C2E Survey Project In October 2013 – AspenWSI fielded the survey focused on helping students obtain or improve their employment to understand How common are C2E objectives? Who do partnerships serve? What activities/strategies do partners use? What are the roles and responsibilities of partners? What resources support partnership strategies What are the challenges encountered in implementing partnerships? What innovative strategies support partnerships?
Survey Approach Two staged approach to match responses from nonprofit and community college partners 177 nonprofit organizations responded 88 community college responses The approach helped: Avoid duplicate responses Enabled partnerships to be the main unit of analysis Allowed for comparison between nonprofits and colleges The approach limited the response rate of colleges
Survey Response 177 nonprofit responses and 88 of their community college partners
Number of Partners Most nonprofits and colleges are partnering with multiple partners of the other type to help students obtain/improve their employment
Nonprofit Report of Length of Partnership Mix of new and older partnerships
WHY PARTNERS WORK TOGETHER The following is an analysis of the colleges and nonprofit responses on what the partnerships enable them to offer students and how it benefits each organization
C2E Partners Mesh Complementary Capabilities Shared Navigation, Financing College Training & Education CBO Support/ Job Placement Services
Benefits of Partnership (Reported by Colleges) Helping reach and more effectively serve underserved populations in the community Providing students with links to services not traditionally offered by colleges Assisting with engaging businesses and helping students find jobs
Students Served (the College Perspective) 40% of colleges said students served by the partnership were older than other students on campus 31% said students served by partnership are more likely to be financially eligible for Pell Grants 21% said students served by partnership are more ethnically diverse 18% said students served by partnership are more racially diverse
Stronger Student Supports / Links to Community Resources The majority of colleges (73%) noted nonprofits provision of support services “They (the nonprofit) provide significant intensive services that the college cannot provide every student.” “Students receive well rounded and high touch services from our partner which the college alone cannot provide in our current organization. Our partner also provides insight and awareness of other community resources and programs which colleges are not always aware of.” “Increased capacity and provision of wrap around services/case management.”
Better Able to Meet Business Needs and Help Students Find Jobs Almost half of colleges noted nonprofits role in engaging businesses and providing job placement supports “Access to the resources they (the nonprofit) have as a result of building strong partnerships with businesses.” “Linkage to more employers and community partners.” “(The nonprofit’s) has better inroads to employers” “The students are offered paid internship opportunities”
Benefits of Partnership (Reported by Nonprofits ) The majority of nonprofits noted colleges role in offering better training and career opportunities for students Provides broader career pathway options for individuals with the most barriers to the workforce.” Our clients receive industry-recognized credentials and gain employment.” “Partnering with the college provides our participants with additional educational resources, opportunities to increase their skills, and greater chances of finding substantial employment.”
Benefits of Partnership – (Reported by Colleges and Nonprofits) Both institutions reported: Improved ability to leverage different funding streams and generate more resources to support students’ educational and employment needs Improved outcomes for students/job seekers in both education and in employment
What are the 3 Largest Funding Sources Your Nonprofit/College Uses to Support the Work of the Partnership Nonprofit (N=162) Foundation (38.9%) Workforce Investment Act Funding (31.5%) State Government (25.3%) Other Department of Labor Funding (17.9%) Local Government (11.1%) Other Employer Contributions (9.3%) Other Federal Government (8.6%) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (7.4%) Earned Income (7.4%) Individual Donations (7.4%) Fee for Service from Business (6.2%) Social Innovation Fund (5.6%) United Way (4.9%) TANF/SNAP Funding (4.3%) Business Donations (3.1%) TAACCCT (2.5%) Other (14.8%) Community College (N=73) Workforce Investment Act Funding (38.4%) State Government (35.6%) Foundation (26%) TAACCCT Grant (19.2%) Other Federal Government (13.7%) Fee for Service from Business (12.3%) Other Department of Labor (8.2%) Local Government (8.2%) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (6.8%) Other Employer Contributions (6.8%) Other (26%)
Improved Student Outcomes (reported by nonprofits) 85% reported students completing a noncredit vocational program, credit certificate, or associates degree 72% reported that students typically obtained employment in a training related field 37% reported a wage increase or promotion as a result of the training
Top Challenges Identified by Nonprofits 58% said sustaining funding or resources 44% said recent government funding cuts 22% said collecting, managing and evaluating employment outcomes data 25% said overcoming different institutional cultures and work styles Identified by Colleges 53% said sustaining funding or resources 50% said recent government funding cuts 43% said collecting, managing and evaluating employment outcomes data 18% said overcoming different institutional cultures and work styles
Partnership Innovations/Best Practices Support Services and use of Navigators “Ensuring low income adults receive a range of services, including support services, from the time of entry through job retention.” “Industry navigator assists low income adults in identifying career paths and accessing resources.” Bridge Programs “The college readiness component is designed to help adults prepare for a successful transition into the nine month Biotechnology and Compliance certificate program at the college. The pre college component includes, math and science in addition to ongoing coaching and tutoring support.” Deeper Business engagement “Authentic employer engagement at the onset and through out the program.”