1 Latest developments of HR policies at EU level Massimo Serpieri Directorate C “ERA-Knowledge-based economy” DG Research -European Commission Rennes,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Latest developments of HR policies at EU level Massimo Serpieri Directorate C “ERA-Knowledge-based economy” DG Research -European Commission Rennes, 19 December 2008

2 This presentation will focus on: HR Strategies at EU and national level: the Partnership for Researchers The Charter & Code and its HR Strategy for Researchers “Careers of doctoral holders”

ERA Green Paper (public consultation): to set up a vision on a “fifth freedom of knowledge” with questions posed on six axes, including “A single labour market for researchers” ERA - Expert Group Researchers : Attraction & retention of researchers, mobility, social security, Charter & Code.

4 EC Communication on the Partnership for Researchers Framework for MS to direct their efforts at national level (National Action Plans), based on common, agreed objectives in 4 key areas: Open recruitment and portability of grants Meeting social security and supplementary pension needs of mobile researchers Attractive employment and working conditions Enhancing training, skills and experience of researchers

5 1. open recruitment and portability of grants Actions MS to ensure open, transparent and competition-based recruitment by giving institutions greater autonomy over hiring: MS and COM to ensure that all publicly funded positions are openly advertised online and improve practical support for mobile researchers: use Euraxess! MS and COM to allow portability of individual research grants by national funding agencies and Community programmes

6 2. Social security and suppl. pension rights Actions Ensure access to information – including Euraxess - on social security and supplementary pension entitlements Better utilise the existing legal framework and use derogations foreseen in current social security rules Include rules easing international mobility of researchers when concluding bi- and multi-lateral social security agreements with third countries Assess the need for a Recommendation on easing transfer of supplementary pension rights and to encourage pan- EU pension schemes targeted at researchers

7 3. employment and working conditions Actions Improve career opportunities for early-stage researchers by using « flexicurity principles », regular evaluation, wider autonomy and better training More flexibility in contractual and admin. arrangements and national legislation for senior and end-of-career researchers Ensure that all publicly funded researchers can receive adequate social security coverage Achieve adequate gender representation in selection and funding bodies, and adopt dual careers policies

8 Actions Develop and support consistent « national skills agendas » to ensure that researchers are equipped with the necessary skills to contribute fully to a knowledge-based economy Ensure better links between academia and industry by supporting the placement of researchers in industry during their training and promoting industry financing of PhDs and involvement in curriculum 4. training and skills development

9 curriculumcurriculum Euraxess Jobs

10 A ‘bill of rights and duties’ for all researchers working in the EU To recognise researchers as professionals

11 The Charter & Code implementation Successful results Around 100 signed declarations representing nearly 900 research organisations spread over 24 countries C&C recognised policy tool: national initiatives in line with the C&C, Working groups; etc. Difficulties Lack of awareness Fear of administrative burden Lack of institutional strategies, legal problems

12 The Charter & Code implementation: A new phase 1) : developing a HR Strategy for Researchers (former “C&C label”) to speed up the implementation of the C&C by undersigning organisations 2) 2007: Study in order to assess the communication and implementation effectiveness regarding the Charter and Code.

13 A HR Strategy for Researchers incorporating the Charter & Code A Charter & Code implementation mechanism that : - Is based on institutional self-assessment and respects the autonomy of the institutions - Is as light as possible, avoiding cumbersome procedures and recognizing the variety of situations across institutions - Is a transparent approach that provides easily accessible public information on the HR policies of undersigning institutions

14 A HR Strategy for Researchers A) The Research Institution publishes on its website a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers based on an internal analysis (actions required to implement the C&C), including active raising awareness about the C&C. B) The EC "recognises" that the undersigning R.I. has a Human Resources Strategy to put in practice the C&C principles. C) Periodically (2 y.) the R.I. conducts a self-assessment within the context of its internal Quality Assurance mechanisms. D) External evaluation: every 4 years, a short report shows the progress made towards the objectives of its HR Strategy.

15 HR Strategy The mechanism Below, an example of a possible standard template for the internal analysis and implementation of the HR Strategy

16 The Charter & Code Promoters 2) 2007: Study in order to assess the communication and implementation effectiveness regarding the C&C. “Due to little awareness among the research community and to scarce information and communication activities, the Charter and Code is not widely known.“ 2008: Charter and Code Promoters' Network - ‘Ad hoc' training activity on communication strategy - Expected to play an active role to contribute to raising awareness on the Charter & Code within their institution and, possibly, also at national/regional level.

17 “C areers of doctoral holders” The Career of Doctorate Holders (CDH) survey: New survey launched by Eurostat, OECD and UNESCO built on existing surveys currently fielded in 17 countries but not useable for international comparisons. Between 2005 and 2007: an Expert Group composed of about 40 countries prepared: - the methodological guideline, - the model questionnaire and - output indicators tables These 3 instruments have been approved by OECD, Eurostat and UNESCO

18 Careers of doctoral holders (2) CDH 2006 has been collected in 2007/2008 with 2006 as the reference year. DG RTD supported politically this project since 2004 mainly through the Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility but also through speeches at the OECD NESTI annual meeting or similar constituency in Eurostat. Eurostat has financially supported the participation of European countries to help with the starting costs associated with a new (or adapted) survey

19 Careers of doctoral holders (3) CDH conference 1/2 December: DG RTD sponsors the international conference on the careers and mobility of doctorate holders to strengthen the legitimacy of the project and to keep political momentum. The meeting will be key in securing political support and finance for a second data collection, CDH 2008, by presenting the data compiled for at least 30 countries for the first time (including China, India, the US, and Canada).

20 C areers of doctoral holders (3) The format of the conference is of two days: The first day brings together policy makers and analysts interested in the monitoring of employment, career outcomes and mobility of scientists and engineers holding a doctoral degree to discuss the results of the survey. The second day evaluates and reviews the methodology and technical components of the project with a view to release an improved version 120 delegates are expected from the 40 countries participating in the Expert Group on CDH

21 EU and national HR policies vs. Charter & Code High convergence between HR policies at national level (Partnership) AND HR strategy at institutional level (C&C) This requires a political dialogue and close co-operation between all players: authorities, stakeholders, and researchers CONCLUSION

22 Thank you for your attention