Identity Management and DNS Services Tianyi XING
Project Goal Establish a DNSSEC server for letting each VM to be identified in the cloud system in a dynamic way.
Project Description (cont.) So far, VMs in mobicloud System has ip addresses and specific port number for remote access. But it is hard user to remember all the port number of VMs, and impossible for users to communicate with other Users via VMs in cloud with only knowing user ID.
Project Description (cont.) Tasks – Research on DNSSEC Protocol – Establish the DNSSEC service in our mobicloud Assign a domain name based on user’s ID. Automatically generate the ip(can be multiple) and domain name(should be unique) pair Automatically update any change from the user to make sure users are still able to access from outside Task allocation – Tianyi Xing 100%
Project Description (cont.) The project solves the following problems: – How public users to locate and access to the VM in our cloud private network with a secure and easier way. – Assign each VM a domain name based on user’s ID. Like for user terry, its VM domain name is probbaly, which provides a easier way for users to access to their VMs.
Technical Details Software – OpenDNSSEC – Linux OS (Debian 5.0, Mac Osx 10.5, OpenBSD 4.4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Solaris 10 and Ubuntu 10.04) – XenServer – XenCenter Hardware – Server for OpenDNSSEC – Dell Cloud Server (Several VMs) – Dell Switch
DNS Today Name servers are subject to many types of attacks – Denial of service – Buffer overruns Name servers are (relatively) easily spoofed – Security measures (e.g., access lists) and mechanisms (e.g., credibility) can make spoofing more difficult, but not impossible
DNSSEC DNSSEC, the DNS Security Extensions, augments the current DNS standard to add – Data origin authentication – Data integrity checking DNSSEC supports data origin authentication and data integrity checking through the use of digital signatures
DNS Digital Signatures In DNSSEC, each zone has its own public and private key The zone’s private key is used to sign each RRset in the zone – An RRset comprises all resource records with the same owner, class and type – The digital signature for the RRset is added to the zone in the form of a new record type, called a SIG record
DNS Digital Signatures The zone’s public key is stored in another new record type, called a KEY record – The zone’s KEY record is signed, too, by the zone’s parent – This allows a name server that knows the parent zone’s public key to discover the subzone’s public key and verify it
What verification proves Verifying the DNS data – proves that the records your name server looked up really came from the right zone For example, that the address of really came from the One True – proves the data hasn’t been modified since it was signed
Zone file KEY 0x ( AvqyXgKk/uguxkJF/hbRpYzxZFG3x8EfNX389l7GX6w7rlLy BJ14TqvrDvXr84XsShg+OFcUJafNr84U4ER2dg6NrlRAmZA1 jFfV0UpWDWcHBR2jJnvgV9zJB2ULMGJheDHeyztM1KGd2oGk Aensm74NlfUqKzy/3KZ9KnQmEpj/EEBr48vAsgAT9kMjN+V3 NgAwfoqgS0dwj5OiRJoIR4+cdRt+s32OUKsclAODFZTdtxRn XF3qYV0S8oewMbEwh3trXi1c7nDMQC3RmoY8RVGt5U6LMAQ KITDyHU3VmRJ36vn77QqSzbeUPz8zEnbpik8kHPykJZFkcyj JZoHT1xkJ1tk ) The KEY record’s fields are: – 0x4101, the flags field (use for confidentiality prohibited, zone key, valid for signing) – 3, the protocol octet (DNSSEC) – 3, the KEY algorithm number (DSA) – The public key itself
OpenDNSSEC features Scalable – Sing zones contains anything from a few records up to millions of records. – Signed zone can be migrated from one OpenDNSSEC to another. Flexible – Works with all different version of the Unix OS Secure – Stores sensitive cryptographic data in an HSM – Includes an auditing function that compares the incoming unsigned zone with the outgoing signed zone – Supports RSA/SHA1 and SHA2 signatures
Technical Details Network topology and requirements
Logical Design
Roadmap By mid-term – Establish a DNSSEC server within the mobicloud system – Configure the network to make sure DNSSEC server serve the right purpose in the mobicloud system By Final – Perfect its function Dynamically cooperate with the user ID and IP address Dynamically update the ip(ID) and domain pair – Documentation
Risk and Benefit Novel aspects of this project: – Dynamic DNSSEC for VM of mobile device – Secure DNS service in mobicloud framwork Risks/challenges: – How to cooperate with the user’s ID authentication. Potential applications & benefits: – Dynamic DNSSEC management application
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