Institute of Living Systems.  Neuroscience Center  Laboratory of Stem Cells Research and Regenerative Medicine  Laboratory of Experimental Oncology.


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Presentation transcript:

Institute of Living Systems

 Neuroscience Center  Laboratory of Stem Cells Research and Regenerative Medicine  Laboratory of Experimental Oncology  Laboratory of Radiation Biology  Laboratory of Electrophysiology and Modeling of the Heart  Laboratory of Plant Electrophysiology  Laboratory of Biological and Medical Chemistry  Center of Radiophysical Methods in Biomedicine  Center of Mathematical Simulation  SPF-vivarium Institute of Living Systems

Institute of Living Systems Neuroscience Center 1.Molecular Neurobiology 2.Cellular neurotechnologies 3.Extrasynaptic regulation 4.Extracellular matrix of the brain 5.Neuroanimats: technologies of neurohybrid systems 6.Mathematical modeling: virtual neural networks 7.Cellular electrophysiology 8.Cognitive neurotechnologies 9.Neuron-glial networks Laboratories: Mission: Science. Understanding mechanisms and principles of brain functions: from molecular to cognitive levels. The development of neuromorphic intelligence Technologies. Optical and electrophysiological monitoring, computer simulations and virtual neural networks, neurointerfaces and neurally controlled robots

 Extracellular matrix – extracellular molecular network accompanying synapses and modulating synaptic transmission and plasticity Perineuronal net in normal conditions and for schizophrenia Schizophrenia Nprmal Institute of Living Systems Neuroscience Center Megagrant «Extracellular matrix as a determinant of intercellular communication and a target for therapeutic interventions» Leading scientist: Prof. Alexander Dityatev (Italian Institute of Technologies, Genova, Italy)  Molecular neurobiology  Cellular electrophysiology

 “Brain in a chip” – living cells on multielectrode arrays. The development of neuroanimats Institute of Living Systems Neuroscience Center Rat or mouse brain (cortex or hippocampus) Dissociated cells Multielectrode probe  Growing virtual neurons and neuronal nets in computer simulation

Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Stem cells research and regenerative medicine  Tumor – mesenchimal stem cells interaction investigation by fluorescence bioimaging  Investigation of functional activity of Induced pluripotent stem cells in whole body Tumor model RFP labelled mesenchimal Stem cells Stem cells inside the tumor

 Development of cells culture system for Bioreactor “Artificial liver”, development Scafolds.  Cell surgery with femtosecond laser system Lung metastasis with GFP stem cells RFP stem cells inside the tumor Confocal microscopy (Carl Zeiss, Germany) Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Stem cells research and regenerative medicine

Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Experimental oncology  Fundamental studies of carcinogenesis and molecular mechanisms of cancer response to treatment.  Development of biocompartible contrasting agents for optical methods of cancer diagnostics. Photosensitizers uptake by cancer cells Fluorescence whole-body imaging of small animal tumor models Visualization of heart muscle vasculature using quantum dots Cancer cells expressing red fluorescent protein

Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Experimental oncology  Molecular diagnostics of cancer based on targeted delivery of contrasts. Individualization of treatment Day 6Day 10Day 17 scFv-antibodies Barnase Barstar Quantum dot Quantum dots-based complexes for targeted labeling of cancer cells  Novel optical methods for screening of antineoplastic drugs  Development of new generation drugs for chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy of cancer Intravital monitoring of tumor growth by fluorescence imaging method

 Study of tumor oxygen state and oxygen- modifying agents for radiation therapy  Study of mechanisms of radiation-induced damage of normal tissues, methods of prophylaxis and treatment  Study of biological effectiveness of hadron therapy (proton and boron-capture therapy) using particle beams from alternative sources) Hypoxic tumor Oxygenated tumor Diffuse optical spectroscopy Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Radiation biology

Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Electrophysiology and Modeling of the Heart Arrhythmology  Investigation of mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias  Creation of new methods of defibrillation Computational Cardiology  Creation of software of cardiologist "Virtual Heart“: 3D high-realistic model of main parts of human heart and software for modeling heart activity (both healthy and diseases cases)

 Investigation of mechanisms electric signals in plants  Functional role of electrical signals in plants  Mathematical simulation of electrogenesis  Study of the effects of physical factors - ionizing radiation and electromagnetic radiation - on higher plants  Development of diagnostic methods of the functional state of higher plants Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Plant Electrophysiology

 Synthesis of tubulin-binding anticancer molecules acting on colchicine-site  Elaboration of liposomal drug-delivery systems  Construction of fluorescent markers Institute of Living Systems Laboratory of Biological and Medical Chemistry

Institute of Living Systems Center of Radiophysical Methods in Biomedicine Laboratories: «Acoustic methods of diagnostics and treatment monitoring» «Microwaves spectroscopy and radiometry» «Laser methods of living systems research» «Biophotonics» Development of methods and equipment for diagnostics of biological objects structure and functions, and precision control of biosystems behavior Mission:

Institute of Living Systems Center of Mathematical Simulation Laboratories: «Mathematical problems of biology» «Complex biostructures» «Biomedical imaging»  Nonlinear dynamics of living systems and bioinformatics  Research of fractal structures and structural phase transitions in biological and ecological systems  3D stereo-visualization, 3D reconstruction, geometric simulation in biomedicine