“The problem of mono-cities in the Russian High North: the case of Severomorsk” Mikhail Rykhtik, Lobachevskiy State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
Severomorsk - the capital of the Northern Fleet city Severomorsk Roslyakovo Safonov Severomorsk -3 Schukozero
Legal Basis The first specialized legal act - Federal Law N FZ "On the Closed City" on July 14, But among the special position of other territorial entities of the Russian Federation
The features of the Closed city 1) Presence of local governments; 2) Location within the closed formation of the industrial enterprise on development, manufacture, storage and disposal of weapons of mass destruction, recycling and other radioactive materials, military or other object for which a special regime of safe operation and protection of state secrets; 3) Special conditions of residence of citizens; 4) Special decision of the President of the Russian Federation.
Closed city - Severomorsk Closed City - territorial entity having local government within which there are industrial enterprises to develop, manufacture, storage and disposal of weapons of mass destruction, recycling and other radioactive. Materials, military and other objects for which there exist a special regime of safe operation and protection of state secrets, including special living conditions of citizens (Art. 1 of the RF Law "On the Closed City)
Federal subordination: Closed city - it is run by the federal authorities on questions: of establishing administrative authority; the boundaries of the education and land allocated to enterprises and (or) objects; of determining the powers of the state. constituent entities of the Russian Federation in respect of the said training; of providing a special regime of safe functioning of enterprises and (or) objects, include special accommodations citizens, the protection of public order and fire safety.
Federal laws, laws and other normative legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation, and also normative legal acts of local governments apply to the closed city, with the specifications established by the RF Law "On the Closed City." The rights of citizens living or working in the closed city, can not be restricted except in accordance with laws of the Russian Federation.
The Closed city identity: In addition to the group of powers to address issues of local importance (LSG Law)... Specificity of the Closed entails granting local authorities the power to a particular group: coordination enterprises (objects), guard units, the police, civil defense with the threat of emergency situations; development schemes alert and evacuation in the event of an accident or when the threat; participate in determining the access mode (together with management (facilities); the monitoring of health, environmental and other state territory; permission for entry and exit from the Closed city.
The Closed city identity: The modern version of the Law "On the Closed" - the general principles of social support of citizens living in these territories, "General social compensation includes an increased level of budgetary security of the population, social protection, benefits in pay, national insurance and employment security" First, it provided compensation for additional costs and (or) loss budgets of the closed city related to a special security regime of functioning Second - payments to the local budget, the activities of enterprises, by activity which formed the Closed city.
BASIC FEATURES OF THE SEVEROMORSK BUDGET in in Tax revenues thousand. Rub. Non-tax revenues thousand. Rubles. Gratuitous receipts thous. Rub. Income per 1 pers rubles. Spending per 1 person rubles. Population of Severomorsk 67,663 people. Budget revenue thous. Rub. Expenditure of Budget thousand. Rub. Housing and communal services thousand. Rubles. Culture and Cinematography thousand. Rub. Social policy thousand. Rub. National economy thousand. Rub. Education thous. Rub. BUDGET Other expenses thousand. Rub.
Structure of budget revenues of Severomorsk in 2014
The structure of the budget expenditures of Severomorsk in 2014
Main features of the budget of Severomorsk in 2014 and the planned period 2015 and 2016
SPECIFICS OF SEVEROMORSK Location: privacy and security Physical protection of the territory Restrictions on investment and the exchange of information Budgeting - federal transfers The economic base - Naval Base Limited social and engineering infrastructure Specific demographic and human resources potential of the territory
SPECIFICS OF SEVEROMORSK Identity crisis - probably not The mobility of the border (Teriberka until 2005, Roslyakovo (?)) Since 2006, in the closed city of Severomorsk there has been an increase in the birth rate (number of births in 2009 increased by 3.3% compared with 2008). Employment. Economy CATF is not suited for large-scale, especially sudden, external investments
Changes The role of military force / review of nuclear doctrines. MO - as a "city-forming enterprise." (Monitoring of layoffs during the global economic crisis, held by order of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation of № 683, shows that the labor market Closed City reform of the armed forces has a greater impact than the negative trends in the global economy ) The Office - the role of informal power Increasing competition for access to social benefits ("Superchitatel)"
Internal factors Strengths: Fiscal capacity MO - stable employer Financing is stabile Low unemployment Good pre-school and secondary education
Internal factors Weaknesses: Dependence on FB Limitation of rights A graduate student prefers to leave The complexity of the job change The scope is limited to recreation and leisure activities Distribution (several settlements)
External opportunities -Arctic -Defense spending grow / military education -The increasing complexity of the geopolitical picture -Nuclear weapon External threats -The ratio of state to the Closed city -Black Sea Fleet of the Navy
-Unalternative - Navy base of SF -Reduced mono specialization (controversial? Roslyakovo) -Comprehensive and continuous interaction with the Ministry of Defense -Actively lobbying at all levels
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