Sustainable Development --Oxymoron --Fiction --Opportunities Dr. Jim Henry Chemical Engineering UTC Oxymoron Def– a term that is made up of contradictory elements
Sustainable development is seeking to meet the needs of the present without compromising those of future generations
Our needs Our Earth’s Situation --Energy --Food --Water
Global energy supply won't meet demand in 2050, Shell says. Energy companies won't meet the expected power demand from China and India, said officials from Royal Dutch Shell. The company released a white paper examining global energy supply and demand until The gap "will have to be bridged by some combination of extraordinary demand moderation and extraordinary production acceleration," Shell said. TODAY’s
= teraWatts = Watts = mega-megaWatts Note: no “Electricity” or “Hydrogen” or “Solar” “Fossil Fuels” = CO 2 sources
Material & Energy Balance 0.3 billion people in US 60 TW oil/person 7 billion people on Earth 15 TW oil/person 0.3 billion people in US 60 TW oil/person 7 billion people on Earth 60 TW oil/person 3 ½ times as much! 0.3 billion people in US 15 TW oil/person 3 ½ times less! 7 billion people on Earth 15 TW oil/person
ANALYSIS In Version 1.4 Scenario 1, the loops shaded in blue are dominant, as in Version 1.0. In Version 1.4 Scenario 2, the loops shaded in orange mitigate environmental deterioration. The loops shaded in yellow reinforce social/human development even more than in Version 1.0, and serve as balancing arbiter between the blue-shaded and orange-shaded loops.
MDG 1. End Poverty & Hunger MDG 2. Universal Education MDG 3. Promote Gender Equality MDG 4. Improve Child Health MDG 5. Improve Maternal Health MDG 6. Combat HIV/AIDS MDG 7. Environmental Sustainability MDG 8. Global Partnership for DevelopmentEnd Poverty & HungerUniversal EducationPromote Gender EqualityImprove Child HealthImprove Maternal HealthCombat HIV/AIDSEnvironmental SustainabilityGlobal Partnership for Development Millennium Development Goals
Our needs Our Earth’s Situation --Energy --Food --Water
Amartya SenAmartya Sen won his 1998 Nobel Prize in part for his work in demonstrating that hunger in modern times was not typically the product of a lack of food; rather, hunger usually arose from problems in food distribution networks or from governmental policies in the developing world1998Nobel Prize
: This is the past, so there is nothing we can do about it : This is the future we want to ensure in order to attain a healthy balance between humanity and the human habitat.
: This is the window of opportunity. Both social and ecological time constants are very long, the years from 2010 to 2100 is the time to accomplish the transitions from patriarchy to solidarity, consumerism to sustainability, and imperialism to decisions to the lowest practical level
We have to learn our way out of current social and environmental problems and learn to live sustainably. Education for sustainable development aims to help people to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge to make informed decisions for the benefit of themselves and others, now and in the future, and to act upon these decisions. We must seek to integrate the principles, values, and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning, in order to address the social, economic, cultural and environmental problems we face in the 21st century.“
Our needs Our Earth’s Situation --Energy --Food --Water
Our needs Our Earth’s Situation --Energy --Food --Water