Melissa Harrigan
Podcasts Podcasts are mini-broadcasts that can be viewed on the internet or downloaded to MP3 players It’s the new way to watch TV or download your favorite clip from a website Instead of watching the news for an hour to see one story you can watch the podcast instead in about 5 minutes
Blogs Blogs are websites that can be started by anyone and can contain any information Some blogs may be used as online journals for teenagers to document events going on in their lives Other blogs may be used by companies to post important dates or meeting times Either way, Blogs are becoming a new way to communicate with the rest of the world.
Photo Galleries Photo galleries are online photo albums They allow news sites to post pictures from their top stories or photos that were featured in the newspaper This is just another way to make everything digital. Instead of having the printed photos to look at, everyone has access to the digital photos through a photo gallery.
White Papers These are authoritative reports. They are used as an informative tool to educate customers, or help people make decisions on issues dealing with a company. White papers are also used by the government to as a way to report or outline certain policies. “White Paper.” Wikipedia Online.
Online Review Online reviews are just an evaluation of new products that are entering the market These products can include new books, movies, electronics, etc. Online reviews are just one persons opinion of whether or not something is worth buying or using. With access to the internet these reviews are accessible all over the world from just one web site
Downloads Many websites nowadays have a portion of the site dedicated to downloads Here a user is able to gain access to software, video feeds, photos and other items, which they can transfer the files and data to their computer. Downloading a software file is becoming more popular because it is easier and more efficient than going to a store and buying it and installing it themselves
Yahoo is a way for people to send mail electronically Instead of waiting 2-3 days for the post office to deliver mail that is probably going to end up in the trash, an can be sent and received in a matter of seconds and no paper is wasted. It is a quick an efficient way to communicate with people especially within a company also reduces the chances of something getting lost because everything can be stored electronically.
Facebook This is the new online craze, that many college and even high school students are using This networking website allows old friends to stay in touch even after they graduate from college or high school. Like with any networking website there are those who misuse the site and stalk people and try to gain personal information about others