Photo by Alyson Bahr Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Kahoali’i Keahi
Plankton Tow Aiea High School students aboard the Honu Kai
Plankton Tow Video from Big Rapa
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Safety Sampling near/on/in water: KNOW YOUR ABILITY When in doubt, get out Be Mindful of ocean conditions Never attach the net to yourself Never wrap line around hands, arms, body, etc. Watch for rocks, coral, and other stuff in water Oceanographic research ship mantra: Anything you put over the side and actually want to get back – tie it to the boat!
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Where to sample: From shore (dock, bridge, etc.) In the water (wading, swimming) On the water (kayak, canoe, surfboard, SUP, boat)
Where to sample: From shore (dock, bridge, etc) Wear safety gear Watch for obstacles in water Let drift in current, walk and drag net, or vertical up-downs Be mindful of the net Be mindful of conditions Tie net to shore Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow
Where to sample: In the water (wading, swimming) Hazardous Do Not Attempt Location important (i.e. DO NOT sample Sandy’s) Get past shore break Watch for rocks, coral Net adds a LOT of drag Know your ability!!! Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Cory Lum for The New York Times
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Where to sample: On the water (kayak, canoe, surfboard, SUP, boat) Hazardous Do Not Attempt Always have net attached to boat Tow slow < 1 knot Lots of drag, could pull you in Watch for rocks, coral, propeller Always ask boat captain first!
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow What to bring: Net Line, long or short Sample bottle Rinse bottle Sample Jar Bucket Timer Bottle for seawater Remember the mantra?
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline Step 1: 1. Make a loop near the end of the line
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline Step 2: 2. Pull the end through the loop
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline Step 3: 3. Tuck the end under the main line
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline Step 4: 4. Pull the end back through the loop in the main line
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline Step 5: 5. Pull the end and main line in opposite directions to tighten
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Attaching line to net: The bowline Now retie so that the tow ring on the net is in the loop!
Attaching line to net:
Oceanographic Sampling: Plankton Tow Sampling procedures: 1.Double check that equipment is ready and safe to deploy 2.Carefully ease the net into the water, start the clock 3.Record any relevant information on a data sheet if you are planning analytical study 4.Walk, wade, swim, paddle, or throttle so that water is flowing through mouth of net 5.Tow for minutes, be mindful of conditions 6.Periodically check sample 7.When sampling complete, carefully prepare your sample for transport 8.Clean up Rinse net thoroughly with fresh water and allow to dry before storing
Next Step: Viewing Plankton Microscopy
Setting up the microscope:
Parts Included: Calibration slide Frosted Stage plate Dust Cover, light filter, C-wrench Eyecups
Cables Included: Power: USB
Where to hold when picking up:
Setting up the microscope: Check the packing list to make sure that everything is included Carefully remove all of the plastic coverings Attach the camera cable to the vertical pole (Only goes one way!) Turn to page 21 and 22 and familiarize yourself with the parts of the microscope
Setting up the microscope: Check the packing list to make sure that everything is included Carefully remove all of the plastic coverings Attach the camera cable to the vertical pole (Only goes one way!) Turn to page 21 and 22 and familiarize yourself with the parts of the microscope Plug in and focus the microscope (p. 23)
Setting up the microscope and computer: Install Motic Images Plus Software DO NOT USE MOTIC CD! Restart computer Move help files to help folder Connect microscope and computer via USB cable Wait until driver installs Open Motic images plus and try to get image on screen (p. 24)
Setting up the microscope and computer: If you plan to record video, install the Xvid codec If you plan to use the measurement feature, calibrate the microscope (25) Else view plankton and try to identify If you need to connect to wireless: Username: Password:
Lesson Ideas: Identify and draw at least 6 different organisms (try now) Create your own plankton guide Conduct plankton studies: (science fair projects) Are plankton same different times of day? Does plankton community change after event (rain, big wind, spill, etc)? Add math to study Calculate the volume of water sampled during a tow V = open area of net x distance towed distance towed = speed x time
Lesson Ideas: Install Motic software on multiple computers and have students work with saved images Use measurement tool to make scale drawings or models of plankton Have a picture of the week zoom in on object and have student make hypothesizes based on observations. Have students bring in objects to look at and share (as long as related to lessons). Creature features
End of the Workshop, but not the end of training: Share the resources with other teachers at school Follow up webinars for additional training can schedule for department meetings Technical support Hawaii plankton network? Be one of our STARS
End of the Workshop, but not the end of training: Evaluation – Help us improve for the next workshop & expect a follow up evaluation sometime next year