Passive Resistance and Civil Disobedience (Salt March) Otto Von Bismarck (Blood and Iron) Adolf Hitler (Fascism and militarism) Water source for plants, animals, and humans. Fishing Trade Bellringer What are the benefits of living near a river, lake or ocean? What two men are known for uniting Germany? Gandhi advised against violence. What were his two nonviolent ways of change called?
Three Gorges Dam
Dams Dams are used to restrict water flow. Modern dams are used to provide water to citizens and irrigation projects. Also, many dams are hydroelectric plants, generating power.
Three Gorges Dam The Three Gorges dam was built in China along the Yangtze River. The Project was completed in 2009 and cost nearly $30 Billion. However, in order to make the dam, thousands of acres had to be flooded, displacing millions of Chinese.
Environmental issues Though the Dam generates huge amounts of power, the dam negatively impacts the environment, and could potentially cost millions of lives if it breaks. The Dam creates a barrier, preventing many species of fish from spawning. Populations will decrease, and natural predators, like the Baiji dolphin will be effected by a lack of food