Your Geography Teachers Are: Mrs Diamond Mrs Scott Mrs Bell Mr Kerr
Geography As A Subject: ‘A’ Level: (Years 13 & 14) Key Stage 4/ GCSE: (Years 11 & 12) Key Stage 3: (Years 8, 9 & 10) Geography is offered at these stages:
St Pius X Geographers Futures Teaching Environmental Studies / Eco technology Quantity Surveying Leisure and Tourism Urban Planning and Property Development Architecture Construction Engineering Accountancy
Geography is the study of the world around us Global Warming Tsunamis Hurricanes Energy Demands Floods What is Geography?
What links all these people? Year 8 Geography Topics: 1.Induction – Northern Ireland 2. Map Skills and GIS 3.Weather and Climate- water as a precious resource (Micro-climate study) 4. Rocks and Renewable Energy - Science 5.Nature at work – Indian Ocean Tsunami 6. Settlement Collaboration & fieldwork St Mary’s Grammar School
YEAR 8 FIELDWORK Magherafelt Sustainable Settlement Study
St Pius X Host Collaborative Settlement Workshop
MICRO-CLIMATE PHOTO MAP – ST PIUS X COLLEGE We investigate the micro-climate of our school. How does aspect etc affect temperature and wind?