Friday 16 th March 2007 Geography
Programme Introduction 10.00Activity 1: Exploring the Learning Experience 11.00Coffee 11.30Activity 2: Exploring the Learning Experience: Debrief 12.00Activity 3: beginning to consider approaches to planning Lunch 13.30Activity 4: Planning a Learning experience 14.30Reflection and Next Steps
Aim: To build on prior learning in relation to the Revised Curriculum within the context of an Area of Learning Learning Intentions: To explore the learning experiences that characterise the Revised Curriculum To consider approaches to planning for implementation
Leading Learning 1November 2005 Leading Learning 2April/May 2006 Suggested Whole School Development DayAugust 2006 Development Team Day 1October 2006 Suggested Staff Development DayHalloween Development Team Day 2November/December 2006 Suggested Whole School Development DayDecember 2006/January 2007 Learning Areas Day 1 Out-centre based training day Jan/Feb/Mar 2007
Curriculum Aim The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. Curriculum Objectives To develop the young person as an individual To develop the young person as a contributor to society To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy & environment personal understanding mutual understanding personal health moral character spiritual awareness citizenship cultural understanding media awareness ethical awareness employability economic awareness education for sustainable development KeyElements
Key Elements Environment and Society Learning Area - Geography Strand
Curriculum Aim The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. Curriculum Objectives To develop the young person as an individual To develop the young person as a contributor to society To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy & environment personal understanding mutual understanding personal health moral character spiritual awareness citizenship cultural understanding media awareness ethical awareness employability economic awareness education for sustainable development KeyElements Personal Development Local & Global Citizenship Employability Home Economics Learning for Life and Work FORTHROUGH TheArts English (And Irish In Irish medium schools) with Media Education Environment & Society Mathematics with Financial Capability Modern Languages Physical Education Science & Technology Religious Education Areas of Learning ACROSS Attitudes and Dispositions Personal responsibilityconcern for others commitment-determination – resourcefulness openness to new ideas Self-belief-optimism-pragmatism curiosity community spirit flexibility tolerance integrity-moral courage respect Promoting/Encouraging Learning Experiences Investigating & problem-solving linked to other curriculum areas relevant & enjoyable media rich skills integrated active & hands on offers choice Challenging & engaging supportive environment culturally diverse positive reinforcement varied to suit learning style on-going reflection enquiry based INFUSING Cross-Curricular Skills Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Communication Using Mathematics Using ICT Managing Information Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Being Creative Working with Others Self Management Assessment for Learning Clear learning intentions shared with pupils Taking risks for learning Shared/negotiated success criteria Peer and self assessment Individualtargetsetting Building a more open relationship between learner and teacher Celebrate success against agreed success criteria Advice on what to improve and how to improve it Peer and self evaluation of learning
Assessment Update Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT are the 3 cross-curricular skills Year 8Revised Curriculum statutory Annual Pupil Profile statutory Report on: Learning Areas and LLW Cross-curricular skills Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Revised Curriculum statutory Annual Pupil Profile statutory Assess and report on: Learning Areas and LLW Cross-curricular skills Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Year 9 Year 10
Activity 1 Living Map exercise “Life on the North Coast”
Learning Intentions We are learning to … Use and interpret OS 1: map Make decisions based on evidence Justify opinions and conclusions
Life on the North Coast Each of the people on the sheet can be found on the map. Work in pairs and use the details written about them to decide where you think they are. For each one give 4-figure grid reference and be prepared to explain your choice to the rest of the class.
Activity 1b Where would you locate: Café Bird Watching Lookout Shopping Centre
Cafe Bird Watching Lookout Shopping Centre Match statement with location State your reasons Draw/record clues from the map
Great! You have identified a number of clues from the map which back up your opinion. Remember to check if you have identified all the clues. Good! You have found one clue to back up your opinion. Remember to check if there are better clues or more clues. Hard luck! You have tried to support your opinion. Remember to check the key for clues to back up your opinion
Activity 2 – Affective Response What did it feel like to be a learner in this lesson?
Activity 2 cont’d 1.How effective was the lesson in meeting the Learning Intentions? Why? In what ways? 2. What opportunities for skills development did the lesson provide? 3. How did the specific methodologies used in the taught lesson contribute to meeting the learning Intentions and skills development?
& Being Creative Managing Information Working with Others Self Management Thinking, Problem Solving Decision Making
Activity 3 Group Discussion: Look at the unit of work in its entirety. Consider where reference is made to the following: Key Elements Geographical Knowledge, Understanding, Skills. Thinking Skills and Personal capabilities
Key questions What is/should be the Knowledge in Geography? What do our pupils really need?
Key messages What’s New? What’s Different? Flexibility Relevance Integrated Value based Action orientated Future focused
Activity 4 Planning a Learning Experience In school groups review and discuss a unit you currently teach in year 8, considering the Minimum Entitlement (A4) for Geography and the main features of the Revised Curriculum (Big Picture) What changes would you make? Share the re-drafts with all groups.
Reflection and Next Steps Where are we now? How will we begin to take this forward? How can we share good practice within our dept? How can we benefit from good practice in other areas of the curriculum?
Aspire – schools /departments clarify their vision in relation to their chosen starting point Audit – schools /departments review their provision in relation to what they currently do. Action – schools/departments develop action plans in relation to their starting point. Adapt – schools /departments review their year 8 provision against the new requirements. 4 A’s cycle of implementation!