BACKGROUND INFORMATION Generally nonviolent protestingGenerally nonviolent protesting India India Gold CoastGold Coast NationalismNationalism After WWII—believed they were strong enoughAfter WWII—believed they were strong enough
INDIAINDIA British motherland Gandhi—non-violent protesting Indian National Congress (1885) Muslim League (1906) Religious divide British motherland Gandhi—non-violent protesting Indian National Congress (1885) Muslim League (1906) Religious divide
GANDHIGANDHI Leader of Indian protestersLeader of Indian protesters 1942—Aressted1942—Aressted Released because of bad healthReleased because of bad health After WWII—called off Indian StuggleAfter WWII—called off Indian Stuggle British—indicatations of independenceBritish—indicatations of independence 100,000 politicans released100,000 politicans released 1948—Assinated by Nathuram Godse1948—Assinated by Nathuram Godse
INDIAN INDEPENDENCE quit india---- no fighting in WWII contraversial Gahndi Muslim League support british in WWII fail to secure votes Round Table Conferences X7LzTrLYU X7LzTrLYU
Indian Independence (Round Table Conferences) There was three There was three First: 1931 All Indian Federation All Indian Federation Second: 1931 Gahndi-Irwin Pact Gahndi-Irwin Pact Untouchables and Muslims Untouchables and Muslims not minorities not minorities no agreement---- Poona Pact no agreement---- Poona Pact Third: 1932 Third: 1932 The Labour Party and Indian Nationalist Party did not attend The Labour Party and Indian Nationalist Party did not attend Pakistani named Pakistani named
Indian Independence count. Indian Independence count. Louis Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Governor-General of India Governor-General of IndiaGovernor-General of IndiaGovernor-General of India Indian Independence Act 1947 India and Pakistan have independence India and Pakistan have independence Louis Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Governor-General of India Governor-General of IndiaGovernor-General of IndiaGovernor-General of India Indian Independence Act 1947 India and Pakistan have independence India and Pakistan have independence
Pakistan Movement Muslims wanted independednt state Pakistan PakistanMinority however had lots of culture however had lots of culture Muhammad Ali Jinnah Got independence in Indian Independence Act 1947
GOLD COAST Independence Movement– United Gold Coast Convention Economic prosperity during WWII Cocoa exports, railroads, roads Wanted say a say in prosperity Inspired by India Independence Movement– United Gold Coast Convention Economic prosperity during WWII Cocoa exports, railroads, roads Wanted say a say in prosperity Inspired by India
KWAME NKRUMAH Educated in AmericaEducated in America Inspired by their people and govInspired by their people and gov Linked Africans with industrial countries’ people in LondonLinked Africans with industrial countries’ people in London 1949-Gold Coast1949-Gold Coast Forms Convention People’s PartyForms Convention People’s Party Nkrumah gets power in self-rule electionsNkrumah gets power in self-rule elections IndependenceIndependence
GOLD COAST BECOMES GHANA 1957—Independence First to win it British gave it—leading them on Parliamentary Democracy Nkrumah—leader and a hero African colonies inspired more 1957—Independence First to win it British gave it—leading them on Parliamentary Democracy Nkrumah—leader and a hero African colonies inspired more
BurmaBurma aka Myanmar First separated from India Then negotiated independence Aung San-Attlee Agreement on 27 January 1947Attlee
Websites Picturess http world-countries-flags/india-flag.gif Video: