IWMP- Maharashtra Annual Action Plan New Delhi- Dt. 19th March 2014 V Giriraj Principal Secretary WC & EGS, Chairman VWDA, Maharashtra State, Pune
Presentation on Annual Action Plan for IWMP Maharashtra State
Geographical area Gross cropped area Net Cropped area (58%) Gross irrigated area (20%) Rainfed area (80%) DPAP area (173 Blocks) (62%) Agro climatic zones 9 GSDA Watersheds1531 (269-critical) 3
IWMP- MAHARASHTRA – (Batch-I to V) Sr. No Particulars Year of Appraisal Total Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) Batch IV ( ) Batch V ( ) 1.No. of Projects Geographical Area (Lac. Ha) Treatment Area Project Cost (Rs. Cr.) No of Districts No of Block No of Village No of GP No of MWs /25/2015 5
Summary of IWMP-Maharashtra State - (Feb. 2014) Sr. No Particulars Year of Appraisal Total Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) Batch IV ( ) Batch V ( ) 1.No. of Projects Project Area Project Cost (Rs. Cr.) Funds received (Rs. in Cr.) Central+ State Total Expenditure (Rs. in Cr. and %) (91%) (62%) (70%) (20%) (71%) 7.DPRs sanctioned Projects for cancellation Timeline of DPR--March 14May 14Dec 14
VASUNDHARA WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PUNE Information about IWMP AS ON (Financial Year wise) (Rs. in Cr.) SI. No. Name of Scheme Financial Year Opening Balance as on 1st April Central Share received State Share received Misc. receipt Total Availabilit y of fund Expendi -ture Closing Balance IWMP TOTAL
IWMP- Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during (Rs. in lakh) Sl. No. Batch I st Qtr. II nd Qtr. III rd Qtr. IV th Qtr. Total Unspent Balance as on (Apx.) Actual Requirement (7-8) Realistic Requirement for (70% of Column-7) Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) Batch-IV ( ) Batch-V ( ) Batch-VI ( ) TOTAL:
IWMP-Monthly proposed expenditure during Sr. No.Months Proposed Expenditure (Batch-I to VI) (Rs. in Lakh) 70 % of Proposed Expenditure (Batch-I to VI) (Rs. In Lakh) 1 April May June July August September October November December January February March Total
IWMP-Components wise Fund Requirement during Maharashtra State ( Rs. in lakh) Sr. No. Components (in %) Fund Released up to previous year ( ) Expenditure upto previous year( ) Apx. Unspent Balance as on ( ) (Apx.) Annual target for Actual Requirment of grant Ist QtrIInd QtrIIIrd QtrIVth QtrTOTAL DPR (1) EPA (4) Training & IEC (5) Admin. Cost (10) Watershed Work ( 56) Livelihood (9) Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) Monitoring (1) Evaluatiion (1) Consolidation (3) Total (100%)
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch-I (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rs. in Lac) Sr. No. Budget Component (in %) Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) – (Apx.) % Expenditure Fund required for year Remarks (Timelines) DPR (1) % 0 - 2EPA (4) % 0 - 3Training & IEC (5) % 1923 March Admin. Cost (10) % Watershed Work ( 56) % Livelihood (9) % Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) % Monitoring (1) % 695 9Evaluatiion (1) % Consolidation (3) Total (100%) %
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch-II (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rs. in Lac) Sr. No. Budget Component (in %) Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) (Apx.) % Expenditure Fund required for year Remarks (Timelines) DPR (1) % 0 - 2EPA (4) % 0 - 3Training & IEC (5) % 2118 March Admin. Cost (10) % Watershed Work ( 56) % Livelihood (9) % Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) % Monitoring (1) % 0 9Evaluatiion (1) % Consolidation (3) 0 00% 0 Total (100%) %
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch-III (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rs. in Lac) Sr. No. Budget Component (in %) Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) (Apx.) % Expenditure Fund required for year Remarks (Timelines) DPR (1) %0 March 15 2EPA (4) %0 3Training & IEC (5) %4471 4Admin. Cost (10) %5644 5Watershed Work ( 56) % Livelihood (9) % Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) %5685 8Monitoring (1) %747 9Evaluatiion (1) 45716%872 10Consolidation (3) 000%0 Total (100%) %
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch-IV (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rs. in Lac) Sr. No. Budget Component (in %) Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund required for year Remarks (Timelines) DPR (1) %0 March EPA (4) %0 3Training & IEC (5) %1669 4Admin. Cost (10) %1100 5Watershed Work ( 56) 01000%5120 6Livelihood (9) 000%683 7 Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) 000%683 8Monitoring (1) %0 9Evaluatiion (1) 37900%0 10Consolidation (3) 000%0 Total (100%) %
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch-V (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rs. in Lac) Sr. No. Budget Component (in %) Total funds received Total Expenditure ( ) % Expenditure Fund required for year Remarks (Timelines) 12 1DPR (1) March 2015 (Total projects Cost for batch-V is 665 Cr.) 2EPA (4) Training & IEC (5) Admin. Cost (10) Watershed Work ( 56) Livelihood (9) Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) Monitoring (1) Evaluatiion (1) Consolidation (3) Total (100%)
IWMP-Fund Requirement for year Batch-VI (Projects sanctioned in ) (Rs. in Lac) Sr. No.Budget Component (in %) Fund required for year Remarks (Timelines) DPR (1) 665 March 2015 (Proposed Project cost for batch-VI is 665 Cr.) 2EPA (4) Training & IEC (5) Admin. Cost (10) Watershed Work ( 56) Livelihood (9) 665 7Production Sys. & microenterprises (10) 665 8Monitoring (1) 133 9Evaluatiion (1) Consolidation (3) 0 Total (100%)
IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR (batch-VI) Area allocated for (Lac ha.) 5.18 No of Projects 120 No of Districts 33 Timeline for completing the initial capacity building Sept. 14 Timeline for completion of DPRs Dec 2014 Completion of EPW March 2015 Constitution of WCs Sept 2014 Training of WCs Sept 2014
Capacity Building
Sr. No.Capacity Building ParticularsCompliances 1 Capacity Building Plan for state (for all Levels of Stakeholders )prepared or not. Capacity Building for State plan has been Prepared for Whether CB plan approved by SLNA and date of approval by SLNA. CB Plan has been Approved in SLNA Meeting dt. 17/2/ Whether CB plan uploaded on SLNA website or not. CB Plan Uploaded on (linked with Yashada website) 4 Whether Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) Training Modules are Prepared for all Level (SRO,DRO,PTO)
S. No.Capacity Building ParticularsCompliances 1 Whether Modules of Training in local language have been approved by SLNA or not and date of approval. Training Modules are Prepared in Local Language by YASHADA approved by SLNA during Whether approved modules are uploaded on SLNA website or not. Modules are Uploaded on Yashada Website. 3 Whether Calendar of training for have been finalized or not? If finalized, whether it is uploaded on SLNA’s website or not. Training Calendar has been upload on SLNA Website 4 What is the total budget required for Capacity building during Lacs [CB IEC-1900] Capacity Building
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for No. Of persons proposed to be trained during Level of Stakehold er No. of training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure (In Lacs.) SLNA Level Refresher Training, project & finance Yashada, Pune District Level (DLRC) Agri. Eng., Livelihood, Social Mobilization, Agri. Management. SRO WDT Level (CLRC) Agri. Eng. Livelihood Social Mobilization, Agri. Management. DRO WC Level (Village) Preparatory Phase, Work Phase & Livelihood Skill Training PTO, NGO /Govt. Instt Total :
Monitoring and Evaluation
Status of Evaluation Of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Name Of State : Maharashtra Status of Evaluation Of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Name Of State : Maharashtra Sr. NoItems For Project Sanctioned in Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) Batch-III ( ) 1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating agencies Completed 2 Status of Evaluation Of Preparatory Phase (Completed/On-going/Not done) Completed 3 If Evaluation not done then timeline for completion. N.A.N.A April - May If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted / Not Submitted) Report & ATR of 72 projects. Report of 167 projects submitted. Report of 359 projects submitted N.A. 5 If not submitted, then time line for submission along with ATR ATR of 167 projects in April 2014 ATR of 359 projects in April 2014 N.A.
Status of Evaluation Of Works Phase of IWMP Name Of State : Maharashtra Status of Evaluation Of Works Phase of IWMP Name Of State : Maharashtra Sr. NoItems For Project Sanctioned in Batch-I ( ) Batch-II ( ) 1Status of empanelment of Evaluating AgenciesCompleted 2 Status of Evaluation Of Work s Phase (Completed/On-going/Not done) On-going 3 If Evaluation not done then timeline for completion. May - June 2014July – Aug If completed then status of submission of Evaluation Report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted / Not Submitted) N.A. 5 If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR N.A.
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation Name Of State : Maharashtra Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation Name Of State : Maharashtra Sr. No Items 1Date Of Advertisement31 st March Status of selection of agenciesCompleted 3If not done then timeline for completionN.A. 4 If completed then status of submission of Report along with ATR to DoLR (Submitted / Not Submitted) Approval of DoLR dated 9 th Sept If not submitted, then time line report submission along with ATR N.A.
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