INTRODUCTION Inspection requirements Secondary School Information and Data Disc (SSID) Other school information
INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS The Red Book Self-Evaluation Secondary School Information and Data Disc (SSID)
SSID Produced in consultation with serving principals Uses data from school census returns Can be edited by school Uses other data from C2k, eg Nova T
SSID Statistical Information Examination Analysis Curriculum Other Documents
STATISTICAL INFORMATION Enrolment trends Year group PTR Examination analysis summaries Publish
Check Sheet – DE Data School Name: DE School Number: Age Range: School Type: Type of Inspection: Reporting Inspector: Week Commencing: ENROLMENT TRENDS School Year2001/022002/032003/042004/052005/06 Year 8 Intake Total Enrolment SCHOOL CHANGES School Year2001/022002/032003/042004/052005/06 Year 8 Intake Total Enrolment
5.6 Leavers Destinations2004/05 LEAVERS DESTINATIONS Year 12NI%Year 13/14NI% Total Number of Leavers00 Another SchoolN/A EmploymentN/A Full-time Further EducationN/A Full-time Higher EducationN/A Full-time TrainingN/A Seeking Employment/UnemployedN/A Unknown/Long Term Sick/PregnantN/A
5.7 (a) The number of pupils in each year group who obtained Grades A, B, C & D or who did not participate in the Transfer Procedure INTAKE PROFILE Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12 BGTBGTBGTBGTBGT A00000 B00000 C00000 D00000 XO0000
5.7 (b) The number of pupils in each year group who are at least at SEN Stage 1 INTAKE PROFILE Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12 BGTBGTBGTBGTBGT % of Year 8-12 pupils at least at SEN Stage (c) The total number of pupils who were/are entitled to Free School Meals in 2005/ /07
EXAMINATION RESULTS SUMMARY GCSE % of Year 12 taking GCSE in at least 5 subjects % of Year 12 obtaining Grades C or above in at least 5 subjects % of Year 12 obtaining Grades E or above in at least 5 subjects GCE A2 level or equivalent % of Year 14 obtaining Grades C or above in at least 3 A2 levels % of Year 14 obtaining Grades E or above in at least 2 A2 levels
EXAMINATION RESULTS Table 1 showing GCSE subject results, over the three years ending in June 2006, in comparison with the respective Northern Ireland (NI) averages
EXAMINATION RESULTS SUMMARY Table 2 showing the spread of the NI subject averages which have been used in the determination of Table 1. GCSE 9 100%-96%95%-86%85%-76%75%-66%65%-0% GCSE A*-C Art & Design, Biology, Drama, English, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Studies/ Computing, Design & Technology, Economics, English Literature, French, Geography, Home Economics, Latin, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Religious Studies, Double Award Science 1 st Subject, Spanish, Sport/PE Studies German, Geology GCE A Level A-C Art & DesignDrama, English Literature, French, Geography, German, History, History of Art & Design, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Music, Politics, Religious Studies, Spanish Biology, Chemistry, Design and Technology, Economics, Home Economics, Latin, Physics Computer Studies/ Computing, Geology
Benchmarking Use of Bath Data Set
Follow-up Inspections
WHAT NEXT? AS levels Value added GCSE English and mathematics Vocational Subjects
CONCLUSION ETI data requirements Self-evaluation Judgements based on ‘hard’ as well as ‘soft’ evidence C2k co-operation