Hoover Registration Information Presented by: Hoover High School Counselors
Hoover Counselors: Registration Contact Sirvart Mouradian 9th Grade Karla Ibarra 10 th Grade Rose Samore 11th Grade Rena Scharch 12th Grade
Collection Due dates Grade 8 Registration : March 5th at Roosevelt March 9th at Toll Last day to turn in all forms will be March 13 th Turn them into your Middle School Teacher/Counselor.
Registration Your Registration Packet Includes: Grade level registration form Unofficial transcript Student Connect password & instructions Remedial Summer Registration form (if applicable) Distinguished Scholar Academy form (if applicable) Enrichment Summer School Forms will be available in the Counseling Office at Hoover HS or online.
Registration Why do I have a White Form? Each grade is color-coded but students not on track for promotion received white forms. If you are “At risk of non-promotion” <70 credits grades 7/8, they you have a white form.
Registration Transcripts Your Counselor has written recommendations for classes you should take in 9 th grade. Class recommendations are based on your grades, test scores and teacher recommendations from middle school. It is important to continue to earn good grades this semester because 2 nd semester grades will be checked to verify that you are placed in the correct 9 th grade classes. Summer school has also been recommended for those who need it. If you failed a class you need SS.
Distinguished Scholars Academy Students who are invited to become scholars: Must have 3.3 GPA Must have proficient or advanced test scores. You must sign and return the pink half sheet if you want to become a scholar.
Distinguished Scholars Academy Is a program that gives you recognition for your strong academic ability. It provides opportunities to learn about college and careers. You have the opportunity to attend lunch presentations, college field-trips and hear from guest speakers. You have the opportunity to take AP Human Geography class in 9 th grade You can be a scholar and not take AP Human Geography, please indicate that on your registration form.
Need a minimum 220 credits (Indicates A-G University requirements) English = 4 years (40 credits) (B) Math = 2 years (20 credits) (C-3 years including Alg. 2AB) Algebra 1 Geometry (Algebra 2) Science = 2 years (20 credits) (D with a Lab) One year Life One year Physical Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Cont. Health (5 credits) World History = 1 year (10 credits) (A) U.S. History = 1 year (10 credits) (A) Government/Economic s (5 credits each) Visual/Performing Art = 1 year (10 credits) (F) Career Prep. (5 credits) Physical Education (20 credits)
Graduation Requirements Cont. General Electives (70 credits) Consider: Language Other than English (E-2 or 3 years) Take Extra Science, Foreign Language, English, Social Science course (G) Other graduation requirements : CAHSEE Must Pass English & Math (Diploma vs. Certificate of Completion with interventions)
Graduation Requirements vs. A-G Requirements
Registration A-G Requirements UC/ CSU College Entrance Requirements Must take 15 College Prep. Classes 11/15 MUST be completed before senior year College Prep. vs. Non College Prep Repeat “D”s in college prep courses only Ds = “Dangerous “& can only be made up in Enrichment Summer School ($$$)
UC Admissions Stats 2014 School#applicants(%admitted)Average GPASATACT UC Berkley44,56419% UCLA55,94916% UCSD52,12430% UCSB51,02937% UC Davis46,80838% UC Irvine52,27233% UC Santa Cruz34,57854% UC Riverside31,12757% UC Merced14,14166% *Data only includes CA residents
Registration How to Complete Your Registration Form Fill in ALL rows, check pre-requisites Look for Course Catalog BE CAREFUL with your choices Fill in ALL Alternatives Your parent/guardian signature is required. Print and attach the “Student Course Requests Verification sheet” once you have completed and submitted your online registration.
Circle your class choices.
How to Complete Online Registration Directions are available on the Hoover website- HooverHS.org & in your registration packet Website to login is: Student.gusd.net. You will need your ID # and Student Connect password (included in your registration packet).
Q Student Connection Registration
Link to Q STUDENT Connect: student.gusd.net (no www) Q Registration Step 1A: Log-in
Q Registration Step 1B: Log-in ID: is your 6 digit Student # Must log in with student password!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before clicking on requests, choose the new school year of the grade you will be in next year. Q Registration Step 2: “Switch Track” & “Requests” Hoover High School (T)) 09 10
Q Registration Step 3: “Add/Edit Requests” Hoover High School (T)) 10
Q Registration Step 4: “Add Selected Class”, and click SUBMIT Continue this process until you have selected both “A” or “1” and “B” or “2” classes.
Sophomore’s Course Requests
Q Registration Step 5: “Add Selected Course” Step 6: “Submit”
Course Verification Sheet Must be printed, signed and attached to Registration Packet
Q Registration Step 7: When done adding classes, click “Sign Out”
You must print your student course request verification sheet, get it signed by your parent and attach it to your registration packet. All forms must be in to the Hoover Counseling office on or before March 13, Important reminder:
Online Registration for incoming 9th graders will be open for ONLY 1 WEEK! Freshmen- March 5 th -March 13 th Roosevelt = March 5 th - March 13 th Toll = March 9th -March 13th You must make sure to complete the online registration by Friday March 13 th
Special Electives/Classes Music see Mr. Rhess Rm 3313 or him at (2 classes required) Advanced Art see Mrs. Stewart Rm or her at (portfolio recommended) Journalism/Publications see Mr. Crosby Rm or him at Yearbook see Mr. Mejia Rm or him at Native Spanish Speaker see Mr. Rojas Rm Native Armenian Speaker see Mrs. Asatryan Rm Sports see Mr. Van Patten Rm 2106 ASB see Mr. Melik-Stepanyan Rm 2113 (elections held 1 st semester)
Registration School Remedial Summer School If a green SS form is attached to your registration packet you must get it signed and returned with your packet! In session June 8- July 10 (5 weeks) Monday- Friday 7:45am-1pm June 8-June 23 th = 1 st semester June 24-July 10 th = 2 nd semester
Must be signed by you and your parent/guardian Circle your summer school class choice. Summer school schedules will be mailed home in May.
Registration School Enrichment Summer School (Fee $$) June 8 th - July 10 th Tuition 10 credits $500 / Reduced Lunch $400 Tuition 5 credits $250 / Reduced Lunch $200 Pick up the applications in the Hoover counseling office or download the application form online. Classes offered: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Ceramics, Chemistry, Health, Spanish 5-6,Trigonometry and more… Check online for the most up to date info: *Most classes are offered at CV or GHS*
Completed Registration Forms Hoover Counselors will pick up registration forms Turn them into your Middle School Counselor/Teacher Plan ahead, do not fill it out on the last day! If you have questions come to the March 10 th informational meeting at Hoover. See the Hoover counselors after school. Remember online registration window will close BEFORE the Counselors pick up your forms PLAN AHEAD!!!
Online Demonstration Link Video
Class of 2019 Family Informational Night Tuesday March 10 th 6:30pm – 7:30pm Hoover Auditorium You and your parents are invited to attend.
If you're not going to Summer School What will you do? --community service --get a job --visit colleges --read up on careers Don't let your summer slip by without having done something worthwhile!