Small seminar on networking technology centres CITET PORTAL International Centre for Environmental Technologies of Tunis by Small seminar on networking technology centres CITET PORTAL International Centre for Environmental Technologies of Tunis by Amel Makhlouf Regional Coordinator, CITET UNFCC Secretariat offices Bonn, March 2007
International Centre for Environmental Technologies of Tunis
CITET Portal A fully Trilingual:French-english-arabic Environmental Portal worldwide documentary sources with search tools. A collaborative working space suitable for all environmental actors… Solutions to environmental problems… An uninterrupted flow of information … A personalized alert source...
News « News », every hour of the day, on major national and international happenings and events and news linked to the environment. Watch « Watch » provides data on the latest innovations in the area of environmental technology and regulations. The section provides a search function through various specialized data bases and directories.
CITET Portal The Portal provides client access over 20,000 documents and metadata stored either in hard copies or in digital format at the CITET’s Centre of Documentation and Information (CDI) multimedia and multilingual library. « New acquisitions » features the latest acquisitions of CDI, databases, monographs (books, studies, reports,…), magazines, CD-ROMs and videos… Federated search « Search » allows an optimal and personalized use of the entire documentary resources. The search can also be carried out on unabridged versions of texts, based on a multi- alphabetical meta-engine (Latin, Arabic). The search services can be extended to a personalized Selective Dissemination of Information, constantly updating the user with his/her choice of selected new information.
CITET Portal Dossiers « Dossiers » offers metadata on a range of selected strategic topics. « Dossiers » offers metadata on a range of selected strategic topics. Documentary dossiers assemble under the same title a vast range of multi-supports and multi- formats documents (bibliographies, full text, electronic, statistics, magazines, reports, studies, articles, photos, videos, audio items, Internet,…). Documentary dossiers assemble under the same title a vast range of multi-supports and multi- formats documents (bibliographies, full text, electronic, statistics, magazines, reports, studies, articles, photos, videos, audio items, Internet,…). Photo library « Photos » enables authorized users to access more than 4,000 photos.
CITET « CITET » section introduces missions and projects implemented by CITET as well as products and services provided by the Centre : International cooperation. Technical assistance (diagnosis and setting up of environmental management systems). Laboratory analyses. Training. Transfer of technology. Documentation and information
Client space This is a personalized space devoted to collaborative work with the partners and Communities of Practices (COPs) of CITET’s environmental network. Environmental actors : - Research units - Administration -Enterprises -NGOs -Universities -Others Partners : - Regional bodies - Regional bodies - Bilateral cooperation - UN bodies
- Library of Congress - European Union DB - United Nations DB - Library of Congress - European Union DB - United Nations DB CITET - Network of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development News Collaborative work Internal resources External Resources Products and Services of CITET Focal Products of regional networks (METAP, Pool d’entreprises, CARPP, Delta) Environmental portal : a collaborative work space Publicat ion of CITET Pho tos Regulatio ns Magazines CD- Roms Monographs Searchers Information search Ecological Watch
Portal open to international norms and standards Management of service habilitation (LDAP, SSO) A module that controls the profiles of dissemination and access rights From which site (intranet, extranet, internet) With what right Federated search (Z3950, SRU/SRW) A module that secures a multi-criteria search about the various types of internal contents (Bibliographical base, Digital documentary base; Institutional site) External (Z3950, SRU/SRW, …) Contents management (XML, UNIMARC, DublinCore)
For further information contact The Environmental Portal has been supported by the World Bank (METAP) and the German Technical Cooperation GTZ REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA – Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development Tunis International Centre for Environmental Technologies - CITET METAP-EIA Centre Boulevard du Leader Yasser Arafat (Ex de l’Environnement) – 1080 – Tunis * Fax : * *
- Library of Congress - European Union DB - United Nations DB - Library of Congress - European Union DB - United Nations DB Partners : - Regional bodies - Regional bodies - Bilateral cooperation - UN bodies CITET - Network of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development News Collaborative work Internal resources External Resources externes Products and Services of CITET Focal Products of regional networks (METAP, Pool d’entreprises, CARPP, Delta) Environmental portal : a collaborative work space Publication of CITET Photos Regulations Magazines CD-Roms Monographs Searchers Information search Ecological Watch