Year 2 General Information WELCOME BACK! I hope you had a lovely half term break and you are ready for a very busy half term. This half term we will be looking at how humans change and grow, healthy eating and environmental changes. If you have any questions, please come and let us know. Miss Conway and Mrs Pickles PE lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school. Reading folders need to be in school every day. Homework Homework and spellings will be sent home on Monday and needs to be returned on Thursday. Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is open every morning from 8:00 until 8:45. Year 2 Curriculum Information Changing and Growing Helpful Home Activities Help your child improve their reading by spending ten minutes reading and talking about books together each night. Spelling is very important, so making sure your child is practicing their spelling each week will help them in their writing. Support your child’s understanding of number by practicing multiplication tables. Work on knowing these from memory and being able to apply them to a range of questions. To gather information on Island living comparing this to living in a city will help develop understanding in their geography topic this term.
Literacy In our literacy lesson’s the children will be looking at stories written by Julia Donaldson and making a character study on this particular author. In our non-fiction unit the children will be looking at explanations. This topic is taught through the use of information books which will also link with our geography and science topics this term. Finally the children will build up their knowledge of poems and the ways of recognising key features. Numeracy Developing our ability in interpreting data, this is done through reading different forms of information and being able to represent this data into graphs. The children will also develop their knowledge of fractions. The children will be able to recognise fractions in shapes, they will also develop skills in solving word problems using this knowledge. Through measure the children will be able to build on previous knowledge and apply this knowledge in solving problems. ICT Through this term we will be using ICT across different subjects. Children will develop skills in researching information on the computers, making bar charts, recording themselves in PE and also creating a presentation on our science topic. French In French this half term we will be learning the names of 10 different fruits. The children will learn how to say what fruit they like and dislike. Through this the children will also get to taste different types of fruit. Design and Technology In design and technology the children will be looking at ‘Winding up”. Through this topic they will learn how winding up mechanisms work, and also have the opportunity to design and make their own wind up mechanism. Science Healthy Humans is our science topic this term. The children will discover how important it is to keep our body healthy and different way in which we can do that. Focus will also be placed on exercise and how oxygen travels through the body. This will also link with our PE sessions this term. Social and Emotional During circle times and PSHE lessons we will be looking at ‘Relationships’. Through this topic children will develop understanding of different types of relationships we can make, and their feeling regarding the different relationships they have. Physical Education Rounder will be the focus during this term. The children will learn basic game playing skills, as well as learning how to catch, throw and strike different size balls. Through this topic children will also develop skills in team work and building up confidence in their athletic ability. Religious Education Reconciliation will continue for the first few weeks of this term. The children will then discuss the universal church. In this topic the children will discover the precious gift that God has given us (world, each other) and how we have to work together in making sure we take care of the gifts he has given us. Changing and Growing Geography Changing – city and Island living is our geography topic this term. The children will look how Island living is different from city living, through this they will be able to make a comparison. Physical and human features will be discussed throughout the topic.