Spirit of Nationalism NationalismvSectionalism
What is Nationalism? After War of 1812 –People think of themselves as Americans –Writers and Painters used American themes –Rebuilt Washington, DC Defeated pirates in Mediterranean New England industry grows
American System Three part system for America – Henry Clay 1.Strong Banking System –Second Bank of the US – 1816 –Bonus Bill – Protective Tariff –Tariff of % to 25% 3.Transportation System –Move raw materials and manufactures goods Madison’s Issue with Bonus Bill –Unconstitutional – Not for Intrastate commerce
Era of Good Feelings Monroe continues the Virginia Dynasty –Elected – 1816 –End of Federalists –One party rule – Republicans Good Will Tour - Welcomed everywhere Sectionalism replaces Nationalism –Issues - Tariff, Internal Improvements, Slavery, Sale of Public Lands
Sectionalism Panic of 1819 – End of Good Feelings Growing Pains in the West –Desire for Expansion –Defeat of Indians, Immigration, Fresh Land for South –9 new states by 1819 ( free and slave) –Cumberland Road - Canals Land Act of 1820 –80 $1.25 an acre Speculation in western lands grows –Wildcat banks v. Bank of the US
The Marshall Court Marbury v Madison McCulloch v. Maryland Cohens v. Virginia Gibbons v. Ogden Fletcher v. Peck Dartmouth v. Woodward Federalism lives with Marshall on the Supreme Court
American Expansion Who controls areas of the continent? Where do you see future conflict?
Growth of the United States Rush-Bagot – 1817 –Share the Great Lakes –No fortifications or military use
Growth of the United States Treaty of 1818 –Newfoundland fisheries –49 0 Lake of the Woods west to Rocky Mts. –Joint 10 yr. Occupation of Oregon
Territorial Gains
Growth of the United States Adams-Onis Treaty- 1819(Florida Purchase) –Andrew Jackson’s military actions inside of Spanish Florida –Spain Ceded Florida & claims to Oregon –US cedes claims to Texas –Western boundary of Louisiana Territory –Boundary – Oregon and Spanish Holdings
Statements on Missouri The Missouri question …like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror… Jefferson I take it for granted that the present question is a mere preamble – a title page to a great tragic volume..J. Adams
Issue over Missouri 1819 – Missouri applies for statehood Northwest Ordinance banned slavery north of Ohio River –Missouri not covered by ordinance and some object to it being a slave state Issues –11 free and 11 slave states, representative balance in the Senate –Tallmadge Amendment to ban slavery - failed –South feared any attempt to control slavery
Missouri Compromise Henry Clay authors the bill Missouri – slave state Maine – free state No slavery north of ’ Applies to Louisiana Territory Equality in Senate How long will balance be maintained
Monroe Doctrine Europeans wanted to help Spain reclaim colonies Russia expanding along West coast Canning proposal – –Smokescreen?? Adams realizes real purpose of British Doctrine issued: –Non colonization and Non intervention Russo-American Treaty
Study for test John Adams through James Monroe Chapter 10,11, 12