Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services How will I get there? Transportation Resources in Massachusetts Presentation given to the Statewide Transition Conference September 20, 2014
1 MassMobility Through the MassMobility project, we: Support efforts across Massachusetts to increase mobility for people with disabilities, seniors, and others who need transportation Raise awareness about existing mobility options and transportation projects around the state Help groups working on community transportation initiatives serve more people and be more sustainable
2 Finding Transportation Resources Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) Find other local transportation providers Some regions have inventories and resource guides Berkshires, RideMatch, Boston MPO, North Shore travel counseling Councils on Aging
3 Finding Transportation Resources Transportation Inventories Veterans Transportation Healthcare Transportation Volunteer Driver Programs Public Transit in Massachusetts Travel Instruction Programs Driving and Carsharing Resources Carpool or Share a Ride
4 Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) RTAs operate fixed-route service in many areas of Massachusetts. RTAs also operate paratransit systems, which serve people with disabilities Look at for more info To get involved with transportation planning, go to initiatives/hst/get-involved-in-transportation-planning- processes-.html initiatives/hst/get-involved-in-transportation-planning- processes-.html
5 More Mobility Options Travel Instruction Ask around to see if there is a program in your area Check our website for a list of travel instruction programs across the state Volunteer Drivers Lower cost to full-scale van programs Most volunteer driver programs only serve seniors, but some serve people with disabilities or general residents as well
6 Transportation Coordination When transportation services coordinate with each other... riders find rides more easily human service agencies transport consumers more efficiently transportation providers see increases in ridership Examples: READYBUS Friendship Home Berkshire Vehicle Share Get involved with transportation initiatives in your area!
7 Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs) RCCs are starting in every part of the state Made up of community stakeholders Share transportation information Address transportation challenges in the region For more information about the RCCs, visit
8 MassMobility Resources Reports Volunteer Driver Programs Insurance Issues Vehicle Share Models Accessible Taxis Technical Assistance Support for new volunteer driver programs Travel Instruction Network Regional Coordinating Councils – data collection MassMobility provides information to help community organizations increase the reach of their transportation services
9 Stay in touch! MassMobility website: newsletter: Theadora Fisher Mobility Outreach Coordinator, MassMobility EOHHS Human Service Transportation Office