Teachers & Number of Classes Data School Year
Definitions Number of Classes Data Elements PI-1202 Screens Examples of Class Schedules Resources: Questions and Answers
Teacher Class How to Count Classes ◦ Elementary ◦ Secondary
An individual who provides instruction to students in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, grades 1 through grade 12, or individuals who teach in an environment other than a classroom setting and who maintain daily student attendance records. Assignments reported with position 53 and assignments 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0970 do not submit number of classes.
A class is a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students (including cross-age groupings) for a given period of time. Instruction, provided by one or more teachers or other staff members, may be delivered in person or via a different medium. Classes that share space should be considered as separate classes if they function as separate units for more than 50 percent of the time.
count self-contained classrooms as one class-first graders would count as teaching one class. To avoid over representing subject area specialists and resource teachers (examples, art teacher, music teacher, etc.), subject area specialists and resource teachers should also be counted as teaching one class at the elementary level.
Each subject taught for which students are receiving credit toward graduation should be counted.
Middle school teachers in departmentalized setting should be counted like the secondary teachers. If middle school teachers are not in a departmentalized setting, they should be counted like the elementary teachers. Schools identified as middle, junior high, and high school on the PI-1280 Public School Update would have teachers reported as secondary.
Number of Classes, all teachers NCLB English* NCLB Mathematics* NCLB Science* NCLB Social Studies* NCLB World Languages* NCLB Arts* * grade 9-12 Special Education teachers
Required in for assignment records reported as position 53 with exception of area/assignments in 0001, 0002, 0003, and Numeric field, 2 digits Greater than 0 and less than 31 Will default Elementary-all-Subjects to 1, if submitted as zero. It can be overwritten.
This is for grades 09, 10, 11, and 12 Where position is 53 and assignments are 0800 through 0862 (exception is 0808, 0826, 0841, and 0860)- special education teacher assignments. This is a numeric field, 2 digits It cannot be greater than 10 for any given NCLB subject category.
NCLB English - English, language/arts, reading, speech, and journalism. NCLB Math - all related courses in the subject area, examples, algebra, calculus, geometry, etc. NCLB Science - all related courses in the subject area, examples, chemistry, physical sciences, physics, earth science, etc.
NCLB Social Studies - history, geography, economics, and civics and government (women’s studies, psychology, religious studies, etc. are not part of NCLB Social Studies classes). NCLB World Language - all foreign languages (examples, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, etc.) NCLB Arts - art, music, dance, and theater.
File Layout Screens Shots
ASSIGNMENT FILE Data Type Start PositionLength Fillerspaces11 Social Security Numbernumeric29 Working Numbernumeric114 Fillerspaces153 Position Codenumeric182 Assignment Codenumeric204 Hiring Numbernumeric 244 (percentage)numeric283 Number of Classes**numeric312 Bilingual Program alpha 331 Working Numbernumeric344 Long Term Sub alpha381 Sch Bd Approved Alt Educ Progalpha391 Contracted Assignmentalpha401 Contracted Agencyalpha411 Fillerspaces421 Grade Levelsalphanumeric43 44 School Yearnumeric874 NCLB English**Numeric912 NCLB Math**Numeric932 NCLB Science**Numeric952 NCLB Social Studies**Numeric972 NCLB World Language**Numeric992 NCLB Arts**Numeric1012 Filler to fixed lengthspaces10314 Contracted Agency Sitealphanumeric11750 Local Usealphanumeric167100
Number of Classes
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:10Math 9:00Reading 9:50Recess 10:05Lang ArtsSpellingLang ArtsSpellingLang Arts 10:55Phy EdMusicPhy EdMusicPhy Ed 11:45Lunch 12:15Science 1:05Recess 1:20ComputerArtComputerArtComputer 2:10 - 3:00 Social Studies
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:10Phy Ed-5APhy Ed-5BPhy Ed-5APhy Ed-5BPhy Ed-5A/5B 9:00Phy Ed-4APhy Ed-4BPhy Ed-4APhy Ed-4BPhy Ed-4A/4B 9:50Recess 10:05Phy Ed-KG 10:55Phy Ed-1APhy Ed-1BPhy Ed-1APhy Ed-1BPhy Ed-1A/1B 11:45Lunch 12:15Phy Ed-2APhy Ed-2BPhy Ed-2APhy Ed-2BPhy Ed-2A/2B 1:05Recess 1:20Phy Ed-3APhy Ed-3BPhy Ed-3A Phy Ed-3A/3B 2:10 - 3:00
Teacher A:Tri-Semester 1 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Algebra I 2 3Lunch 4Study Hall 5Prep Example of Secondary Teacher Schedule – 6 classes Teacher A:Tri-Semester 2 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Biology 2 3Lunch 4Prep 5Study Hall Teacher A:Tri-Semester 3 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Study Hall 2Geometry 3Lunch 4Calculus 5Prep
Teacher A: Semester 2 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Algebra I 2Geometry 3Pre-Algebra 4Prep 5Lunch 6Open 7Algebra II 8Study Hall Teacher A: Semester 1 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Algebra I 2Geometry 3Pre-Algebra 4Prep 5Lunch 6Calculus 7Algebra II 8Study Hall Example of Secondary Teacher Schedule – 5 classes
Teacher A: Semester 2 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Art I -AArt I -BArt I -AArt I -BArt I –A/B 2Ceramics 1 3PrepDrawing 1PrepDrawing 1Prep/Drawing 1 4General Art 5Lunch 6Open 7Still Life Drawings 8Study HallPainting IStudy HallPainting IPainting I/Study Hall Teacher A: Semester 1 PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1Art I -CArt I -DArt I -CArt I -DArt I –C/D 2Ceramics 1 3Painting IIOpenPainting IIOpenPainting II /Open 4Advanced Drawing 5Lunch 6Prep 7General Art 8Study Hall Example of Secondary Teacher Schedule – 10 classes
PeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 1English 2Geography 3English 4Geography 5Lunch 6Prep 7Study Hall Study hall 8Study Hall
Questions and Answers
Education Statistics Helpdesk: Barbara Buechner Ballweg Education Statistics Coordinator Data Management and Reporting Team Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction