Sustainable development cannot be achieved. What is your initial reaction to that statement?
Year 8 overarching theme: Sustainable Development
Lesson objectives 1. To revise the key concepts related to the year 8 exam question 2. To consider exam preparation techniques 3. To begin to understand what is required to meet your target grade in geography
Year 8 exam question… Sustainable development cannot be achieved. Discuss this statement
What is sustainable development? 30 seconds to write the perfect definition
Sustainable Development Brundtland Commission: Sustainable development is to enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising the quality of life of future generations.
Limited Resources If everyone had the same standard of living as people in North America or Europe, we would need the resources of three planet earths.
Three Dimensions Social Sustainable development is the balancing of social, economic and environmental dimensions. EnvironmentalEconomic PeoplePlanetProfits
Being Sustainable Most issues are combinations of social, environmental and economic. If you create a solution that considers all three, then you are being sustainable and have achieved a win-win-win. $ Social Economic Environmental Sustainable development
Recap of year 8…. What topics have we covered this year that cover sustainable development? 1 minute to discuss with a partner
1. To revise the key concepts related to the exam question Loop game…..
Going back to exam question…. Sustainable development cannot be achieved. Discuss this statement How could we prepare for thi How could we prepare for this question? Learning objective 2…. To consider exam preparation techniques
Exam preparation technique….Mind mapping
Why is this an effective revision tool? Many of us have learned to outline subjects in our studies, as follows : i.First item ii.Second item i.sub item ii.sub item i.sub sub item ii.sub sub item This is a very linear approach, but not the way our minds work. Instead, our minds work rather like ideas or concepts are linked together to form webs of knowledge in our mind. Mind Maps use both the power of your visual memory, and the way we learn and remember facts, to provide, for many of us, a very effective revision tool.
Creating your mind Maps All (level 5)Most (level 6)Some (level 7 and 8) Include case study information (place names and figures etc) in red Ways in which each scheme is sustainable in blue Ways in which each scheme is not sustainable in green consider a range of viewpoints in purple Catagorise impacts as social/ economic and environmental in orange Make links between the information in yellow Consideration of how this will link to your conclusion in brown
Your mind map
Level descriptors Level 6: I recognise how conflicting demands on the environment (i.e. the Amazon) arise. I appreciate the values and attitudes, including my own, of different approaches to environmental change. I can describe and compare sustainable and other approaches to managing environments. I present my findings in a coherent way and use appropriate methods and vocabulary to reach conclusions that are consistent with the evidence. Level 7: I can recognise that human actions, including my own, may have unintended environmental consequences and that this can lead to conflict. I can appreciate that the environment and the places where people live can be affected by actions and events in other places. I use accurate vocabulary and begin to reach substantiated conclusions.
To summarise the lesson….. Learning objectives 1. To revise the key concepts related to the year 8 exam question 2. To consider exam preparation techniques 3. To begin to understand what is required to meet your target grade in geography Learning objectives 1. To revise the key concepts related to the year 8 exam question 2. To consider exam preparation techniques 3. To begin to understand what is required to meet your target grade in geography Sustainable development cannot be achieved. What are 3 key points covered today that you will use in your exam next Monday?