Seneca Valley Scheduling for 10 th grade school year Presented by the Guidance Department of the I.H.S.
Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Administration Mr. CumoPrincipal Mr. RasoVice Principal Mrs. BrooksDean of Students Mrs. ManganelloCyber School Principal
Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Guidance Counselors Mrs. KressStudents A-G Mr. Del PreteStudents H-O Ms. CalderStudents P-Z Ms. EdwardoGuidance Intern
Scheduling materials: The Program of Studies book is available online at (select Academics, then Program of Studies 9-12). Tenth grade registration form (blue) Scheduling presentation is available at (select IHS, then guidance).
Grade 9 in Review… Freshman orientation Freshman planning meetings Interest inventory ( Portfolio update ( Scheduling presentations
Completing the planning guide Write all classes taken in 9 th grade. Do not include study hall or lunch. Write credit value for each class. 0.5 credit for half year classes 1.0 credit for full year classes Add all credits taken and place total in the bottom space.
Seneca Valley Graduation Requirements English4.0 credits Speech0.5 credits Social Studies4.0 credits Math4.0 credits Science3.0 credits Physical Education2.0 credits Health0.5 credits Arts/Humanities2.0 credits Electives4.0 credits
Remember…. To graduate from Seneca Valley, you must earn 24 credits. To become a sophomore…4 credits To become a junior……..10 credits To become a senior……..16 credits
English 10 th Grade English 1 10 th Grade English 2 10 th Grade Honors English 1* 10 th Grade Honors English 2* Remember to have your present teacher sign your registration form! * requires an 83% or better in English 9, teacher recommendation and successful completion of summer assignments.
Math Geometry TE Geometry Algebra 2 TE Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 Precalculus/Trig. Honors Precalculus/Trig. The recommended math sequence is listed in the Program of Studies.
Science Principles of Chemistry 1 (.5 credit) Principles of Chemistry 2 (.5 credit) Chemistry (1.4 credits) Requires completion of Biology, 80% in Algebra 1, teacher recommendation and at least Algebra 2/TE in 10 th grade Honors Chemistry (1.4 credits) Requires 90% in Honors Biology, teacher recommendation and at least Algebra 2/TE in 10 th grade
Social Studies Eastern World History and Geography Western World History and Geography Honors Eastern World History and Geography Honors Western World History and Geography Students must have the recommendation of their English and social studies teachers to register for honors. Honors classes also require 90% in U.S. History 1 and 2.
Honors Courses for Sophomores Receive One-Half Additional Weight (Number of Honors Credits x 0.125) divided by number of years available for students to choose 10 th Grade Honors English 1 10 th Grade Honors English 2 Honors Western World History Honors Eastern World History Honors Algebra 2 Honors Precalc/Trigonometry Honors Chemistry Honors French 2 Honors French 3 Honors German 2 Honors German 3 Honors Latin 2 Honors Latin 3 Honors Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 CHS Courses for Sophomores/Receive Full Additional Weight (Number of Honors Credits x 0.25) divided by number of years available for students to choose CHS Accounting 1
Other required classes… Health Physical Education Physical Education 10 Personal Physical Fitness Advanced Physical Education Independent Study P.E. 10
The elective courses will help you discover areas of interest for future electives, hobbies, and careers. The Program of Studies shows the relation between the 16 national career clusters and Seneca Valley courses. See your counselor for further help in determining your future options. What electives should I take?
Study Halls On site tutoring with math and English faculty members Time to complete homework Make up missed assignments from absences Use of the library facility
Electives If you are taking Chemistry or Honors Chemistry, write “lab/study hall” in the bottom space for both semesters. If you are taking Principles of Chemistry 1 and 2 and want a study hall, write “study hall” in the bottom space. If you are taking Principles of Chemistry 1 and 2 and want no study halls, complete all spaces with courses.
Math/Reading Strategies You may be scheduled in a math and/or reading strategies course in place of a study hall or elective. This will be determined by your performance on the Fall and Spring NWEA.
World Language World language is often needed for college admission. Most colleges require 2-3 years on the high school transcript. Colleges vary on whether they will count the 8 th grade world language toward their entrance requirements. Honors level courses in World Language are available for 2 nd and 3 rd year students. Please consult your present teacher and the Program of Studies for prerequisites.
Elective Areas Business Technology English Family and Consumer Science JROTC Math—Computer Science Science Social Studies Technology Education
Performing Arts Electives Dance Music-Instrumental/Vocal Theatre Media Production Visual Arts
SV Cyber & Arts Academy Students may be enrolled full-time from home, part-time from home, or as a supplement to traditional classes. Students will receive a letter grade that will be included in the QPA calculation. The on-line cyber application must be completed for enrollment in a cyber course.
Engineering Certification Program (ECP) Students enroll in specific courses in one of four areas of coursework. Students complete engineering-related graduation project. Students earn certificate upon graduation. Enrollment application and further information is available online at shortcuts/ECP
Butler County Area Vocational Technical School * 3 elective credits each year of enrollment Air Conditioning/Heat/Elec.Cosmetology Auto BodyCulinary Arts Automotive TechnologyGraphic Arts Building ConstructionHealth Assistant CarpentryHeavy Equipment Repair Commercial ArtMachine Technology Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)Protective Services Computer Networking &Welding Telecommunications
If you are interested in vo-tech, complete a full schedule; then write the vo-tech course and number in the designated portion of your form. Vo-tech programs have limited enrollment. You must return the vo-tech application with your schedule. Applications are available in the guidance office. See your guidance counselor for more information on opportunities at the Butler County Area Vocational-Technical School. Reminders for the Vo-Tech Program
More reminders… Pay close attention to the descriptions in the Program of Studies (course numbers, prerequisites, length, grade level). The course listing contains a comprehensive list of all classes offered for the school year. Don’t forget to complete substitute courses on your form! Signatures needed: core academic areas, 2 nd and 3 rd year of a world language, some performing arts courses, parents
Schedule Changes Course request changes can be made through the end of this school year. Teachers may make recommendation changes based on student performance during the second semester of this school year. A three day add/drop period at the beginning of the next school year is allotted.
Parent Information Night Thursday, March 8, :00 p.m. I.H.S. Auditorium
Registration Pick-Up by English classes Tuesday, March 20 Yeck, Mihalik Wednesday, March 21 Osan, Russo, Yeck Thursday, March 22 Hazen, Watkins, Unger Room 109 Students will input schedule requests and submit completed forms.
What’s next? April: Course verifications are mailed. September 2012: Welcome to 10 th Gra de! August: Schedules are mailed.
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." --Collier
Thank you for attending this evening’s presentation ! For further information, call the I.H.S. guidance office at (724) extension 2065.